[Dept. of Transportation Building, 7201 Corporate Center Drive, Hanover, Maryland] In 1970, the Department of Transportation was established by the General Assembly, (Chapter 526, Acts of 1970). At that time, the State agencies responsible for the planning, construction, and maintenance of highways, bridges, and tunnels, as well as airports, the Port of Baltimore, and public transportation, or mass transit, were consolidated under one department, which began operation on July 1, 1971 (Code Transportation Article, secs. 2-101 through 2-111).

Harry R. Hughes Department of Transportation Building, 7201 Corporate Center Drive, Hanover, Maryland, May 2009. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.


Harry R. Hughes Department of Transportation Building
7201 Corporate Center Drive, Hanover, MD 21076 - 0548

Appointed by the Governor with Senate advice and consent, the Secretary of Transportation heads the Department of Transportation.

The Secretary of Transportation serves on the Governor's Executive Council; the Commerce Subcabinet; the Governor's Subcabinet on Climate; the Governor's Subcabinet on Infrastructure; the Governor's Subcabinet for International Affairs; the Maryland Subcabinet for Public-Private Partnerships; and the Sustainable Growth Subcabinet. Moreover, the Secretary chairs the Maryland Aviation Commission, the Maryland Port Commission, the Maryland Transportation Authority, the Executive Committee of the Transportation Enhancements Program, the Maryland Zero Emissions Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Council, and co-chairs the Executive Committee for Dredged Material Management Plans.

As a member, the Secretary of Transportation serves on the Interagency Committee on Aging Services; the Asbestos Oversight Committee; the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board; the Capital Debt Affordability Committee; the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Reconstruction Advisory Group: the Climate, Energy and Environmental Policy Committee of the Metropolitan Council of Governments; the Commission on Climate Change; the Coast Smart Council; the Critical Area Commission for the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays; the Maryland Cybersecurity Coordinating Council; the Commission on State Debt; the Interagency Disabilities Board; the Maryland Economic Development Corporation; the Commission on Environmental Justice and Sustainable Communities; the Government Efficiency Commission; the Maryland Green Building Council; the Maryland Green Purchasing Committee; the State Coordinating Committee for Health and Human Services Transportation; the Maryland Commission on Health Equity; the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority; the Maryland Advisory Council on Historic Preservation; the Historic St. Mary's City Fort to 400 Commission; the Interagency Council on Homelessness; the Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee; the Statewide Interoperability Radio Control Board; the Invasive Plants Advisory Committee; the Maryland Military Installation Council; the Council on Open Data; the Patuxent River Commission; the Pricing and Selection Committee for Blind Industries and Services of Maryland and the Employment Works Program; the Principals' Staff Committee to the Chesapeake Executive Council; the Procurement Improvement Council; the Board of Visitors, R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, University of Maryland Medical System; the Interdepartmental Advisory Committee on Small, Minority, and Women Business Affairs; the Interagency Committee on Specialized Transportation; the Maryland Commission on Transportation Revenue and Infrastructure Needs; the Board of Directors, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority; the Washington Suburban Transit Commission; and the West North Avenue Development Authority.

Formerly under the Office of Secretary, one deputy secretary had headed Operations, while an other deputy secretary had been responsible for Policy, Planning, and Enterprise Services. In a reorganization of September 2023, the Secretary of Transportation now is aided by the Deputy Secretary, and five Assistant Secretaries, who oversee: Administration; Planning, Project Development and Delivery; Public Affairs and Strategy; Transportation Equity and Engagement; and Transportation Investments.

Under direction of the Secretary, the Department of Transportation oversees five administrations: Aviation, State Highway, Motor Vehicle, Port, and Transit. The other component of Maryland's transportation system is the Maryland Transportation Authority. Although chaired by the Secretary, it is not overseen by the Department.

Four offices report directly to the Secretary: Audits; Finance; General Counsel; and Public Affairs.

Advising the Secretary on transportation matters are the Board of Airport Zoning Appeals; the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Reconstruction Advisory Group: the Citizens Committee for the Enhancement of Communities Surrounding Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport; the State Freight Advisory Committee; the Minority Business Enterprise Advisory Committee; the Maryland Transportation Commission; and the Advisory Committee on Transportation Goals, Benchmarks, and Indicators (Code Transportation Article, secs. 2-101 through 2-103).


In August 2013, Administration began as Administration and Operations. Formerly, it was responsible for Administration and four offices: Finance; Human Resources; Procurement; and Transportation Technology Services. Administration and Operations restructured as Operations in February 2015, and as Administration in September 2023.

Administration oversees five offices: Audits and Rail Safety; EEO and People Management; Performance; Safety, Security, and Facilities; and Transportation and Technology Services.

Emergency management had been the responsibility of the Office of Administrative Services in 1995. This function transferred to the Office of Emergency Services in 2002. Renamed the Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management in 2007 and then as the Office of Homeland Security, Emergency Management and Rail Safety in 2012, it received its present name by Dec. 2024.

Under Administration, the Office of Safety, Security, and Facilities oversees Fleet, Facilities, and Administrative Services and the Homeland Security Program for the Department of Transportation.

Under Administration, the Office of Transportation Technology Services develops, coordinates, and implements information technology services for the Department. The Office provides centralized computing and network infrastructure services. Its data center with a mainframe computer has applications for the Titling and Registration Information System and Drivers Licensing Processing System of the Motor Vehicle Administration; the Marine Terminal System of the Maryland Port Administration; as well as the Financial Management Information System and the payroll system of the Department.

Certain server-based applications are run by the Office. These include the Maryland International Registration Plan, which processes registrations of interstate commercial vehicles and associated fees. In addition, the Office joins with a contractor to operate a wide area network (WAN) connecting computer users from transportation business units of the Department with headquarters, and certain State networks with external vendor networks associated with the work of the Department's transportation business units.


[Dept. of Transportation Building, 7201 Corporate Center Drive, Hanover, Maryland] Planning, Project Development and Delivery originated within the Department of Transportation as Planning and Project Management. It reformed as Policy, Planning, and Enterprise Services in February 2015, and reorganized under its current name in September 2023.

Five offices are overseen by Planning, Project Development and Delivery: Bicycle and Pedestrian Access; Climate Change Resilience and Adaptation; Environment; Planning and Capital Programming; and Real Estate and Economic Development.

Harry R. Hughes Department of Transportation Building, 7201 Corporate Center Drive, Hanover, Maryland, May 2009. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.


The Chief of Planning, Programming & Project Delivery started as the Office of Planning, and became the Office of Planning and Capital Programming in October 2007. It adopted its current name by October 2024.

For the Department of Transportation, the Chief of Planning, Programming & Project Delivery is responsible for planning, including capital planning, regional planning, and related programs, such as air quality attainment, bicycle and pedestrian access, community enhancements, and transit-oriented development. It also oversees the Consolidated Transportation Program, which functions as a draft six-year transportation budget. Annually, the Program lists and describes in detail those capital transportation projects proposed for construction or development and evaluation for the next six years.

Further, the Chief of Planning, Programming & Project Delivery partners with Maryland's six designated metropolitan planning orgainzations, which are the regional agencies responsible for transportation planning. They include the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board; the Cumberland Area Metropolitan Planning Organization; the Hagerstown-Eastern Panhandle Metropolitan Planning Organization; the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board; the Salisbury-Wicomico Metropolitan Planning Organization; and the Wilmington Area Planning Council. The Office also works with Maryland's seven regional planning councils: the Baltimore Metropolitan Council; the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments; the Mid-Shore Regional Council; the Tri-County Council for the Lower Eastern Shore of Maryland; the Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland; the Tri-County Council for Western Maryland; and the Upper Shore Regional Council.

From April 2019 to September 2023, the Office directed three divisions: Asset Management and Capital Planning; Innovative Technologies and Regional Planning; and Transportation Planning. In September 2023, the Office was made part of Planning, Project Development, and Delivery.

Under the Chief of Real Estate and Transit-Oriented Development is the Office of Real Estate and Economic Development.


Within the Office of Secretary, Public Affairs and Strategy organized in September 2023.

Under the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs and Strategy are two offices: Public Affairs, and Strategy.


Within the Office of Secretary, Transportation Equity and Engagement formed in May 2023.

Under Transportation Equity and Engagement are three offices: Diversity and Equity; Policy and Regulations; and Small and Minority Business Enterprise.

Under Administration, the Office of Policy and Regulations started as Policy Analysis and Planning, and assumed its present name by May 2023, when it transferred to Transportation Equity and Engagement.

The Office of Minority Business Enterprise certifies businesses for participation in the State's Minority Business Enterprise Program and the federal Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program. Designated by the Board of Public Works, the Office is the only State agency to make such certifications.

Established in 1978, the Minority Business Enterprise Program encourages minority-owned businesses to participate in the State procurement process (Chapter 575, Acts of 1978). At least 25% of contracts awarded by State agencies are reserved for businesses certified by the Office. To be eligible, a business must be at least 51% -owned and -controlled by one or more socially and economically disadvantaged persons who may be African-American, Hispanic-American, Asian-American, Native American, female, or disabled. Further, a business must meet eligibility requirements for personal net worth.

The Office maintains the MBE Internet Directory, a listing of businesses certified by the Office. In addition, the Office coordinates and administers the Department's Minority Business Enterprise Program and the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program.


In September 2023, Transportation Investments organized within the Office of Secretary.

Under Transportation Investments are three offices: Finance, Procurement, and Public-Private Partnerships.

The Office of Procurement started under Operations as the Office of Procurement and Project Quality Assurance. It reformed under its present name in September 2023, when it transferred to Transportation Investments.

For the Department of Transportation, the Office procures nearly two billion dollars worth of goods and services, ranging from license plate stickers to multi-million dollar container cranes for the Maryland Port Administration.

Under Transportation Investments.


Established in 1994, the Maryland Aviation Commission oversees the Maryland Aviation Administration (Chapter 457, Acts of 1994).

[photo, Terminal Building entrance, BWI-Thurgood Marshall Airport, Maryland] Ten members constitute the Commission. Eight are named to three-year terms by the Governor with Senate advice and consent. The Secretary of Transportation serves as the Chair, and the Secretary of Business and Economic Development is an ex officio, nonvoting member (Code Transportation Article, secs. 5-201 through 5-201.2).

The Commission establishes policies for Baltimore/Washington International (BWI) Thurgood Marshall Airport, and approves policies and regulations for the operation of Martin State Airport and for major capital projects of the Administration.

Terminal Building entrance, BWI-Thurgood Marshall Airport, Maryland, September 2008. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.


BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport, P. O. Box 8766, Terminal Building, 3rd floor, BWI Airport, MD 21240 - 8766

Martin State Airport, P. O. Box 1, 701 Wilson Point Road, Baltimore, MD 21220 - 0001

The Maryland Aviation Administration originated in 1929 when the State Aviation Commission was established (Chapter 318, Acts of 1929). The State Aviation Administration replaced the Commission and became a unit of the Department of Transportation in 1971 (Chapter 526, Acts of 1970). The Administration was renamed in 1989 as the Maryland Aviation Administration (Chapter 108, Acts of 1989).

Under direction of the Maryland Aviation Commission since 1994, the Maryland Aviation Administration develops and operates airports and fosters and regulates aeronautical activity within the State.

Baltimore-Washington International (BWI) Thurgood Marshall Airport, the State's major air carrier facility, is operated by the Administration. The Airport started as Friendship International Airport, which began operation in 1950. From Baltimore City, the State was authorized to purchase Friendship International Airport in 1972 (Chapter 180, Acts of 1972). The Airport was renamed Baltimore/Washington International (BWI) Airport in 1973 and became Baltimore/Washington International (BWI) Thurgood Marshall Airport on October 1, 2005 (Chapter 442, Acts of 2005).

The Maryland Aviation Administration also supervises the operation of the Martin State Airport in Baltimore County. Martin was purchased by the State in 1975.

For safety, the Administration inspects and licenses commercial airports, air schools, and air school instructors. It fosters safety in aviation through educational seminars for pilots and mechanics, and through its publications, including a combined Maryland airports directory and aeronautical chart.

To airport sponsors and owners, the Administration provides technical and financial assistance in the preparation of master plans and in improvements to facilities. Standardized runway markings are applied and maintained at airports throughout the State. In cooperation with other agencies, the Administration has prepared a Maryland Aviation System Plan (Code Transportation Article, secs. 5-101 through 5-1205).

The Administration's Executive Director is appointed by the Secretary of Transportation with the Governor's approval and Maryland Aviation Commission advice.

Formerly under the Administration were four main units: Business Management and Administration; Facilities Development and Engineering; Operations and Maintenance; and Technology, Human Resources, Safety, and Training. In October 2015, the Aviation Administration reorganized into six divisions: Administration and Performance Management; Business Development and Management; BWI Airport Operations; Marketing and Air Service Development; Martin State Airport Operations; and Planning and Engineering. The Administration also oversees the Office of Regional Aviation Assistance.

Under the Maryland Aviation Administration, the Division of Administration and Performance Management began as Technology and Community Affairs and became Technology, Human Resources, Safety, and Training in 2010. At that time, it was responsible for four offices: Business Relations; Human Resources; Safety, Training, and Risk Management; and Technology. In an October 2015 reorganization, it assumed its present name.

The Division oversees five offices: Administrative Services; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; Human Resources; Organizational Development; and Safety and Risk Management.

Under the Maryland Aviation Administration, the Division of Business Development and Management started in April 2002 as Development and Administration. It reorganized in July 2003 as Business Management and Administration, and adopted its current name in October 2015.

The Division functions through five offices: Capital Programs, Commercial Management, Finance, Ground Transportation, and Procurement and Materials Management.

The Division of BWI Airport Operations and Maintenance originated in April 2002 as Airport Operations, became Operations and Security in July 2003, and Operations, Public Safety, and Security in August 2005. In January 2008, it combined with Maintenance, Utilities, and Terminal Service to form Operations and Maintenance. In October 2015, it reorganized into two separate divisions: BWI Airport Operations, and Martin State Airport Operations. The Division of BWI Airport Operations later reformed as the Division of BWI Airport Operations and Maintenance.

Baltimore-Washington International (BWI) Thurgood Marshall Airport is overseen by the Division of BWI Airport Operations and Maintenance (Code Transportation Article, secs. 5-404 through 5-415). The Division also supervises five offices: BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport Operations; Fire and Rescue; Maintenance and Utilities; Security; and Terminal and Landside Operations. The Division also serves as liaison to the Maryland Transportation Authority Police detachment assigned to BWI and the Director of the federal Transportation Security Administration.

Formerly overseen by Operations and Maintenance, Martin State Airport Operations was made into a separate division in October 2015.

In January 2010, within the Maryland Aviation Administration, the Division of Planning and Engineering started as Facilities Development and Engineering, which oversaw five offices: Capital Programs; Design and Construction; Noise and Land Use Compatibility; Planning and Environmental Services; and Procurement. Later, Facilities Development and Engineering became Development and Environmental Services, and reverted to its original name in July 2010. In October 2015, it was restructured as the Division of Planning and Engineering with oversight of four offices: Design and Construction, Environmental Services, Planning, and Real Estate and Noise Abatement.

Since reorganization in April 2019, the Division is responsible for four offices: Architecture, Engineering and Construction, Environmental Compliance and Sustainability; and Planning and Environmental Services.


707 North Calvert St., Baltimore, MD 21202

[photo, Governor Thomas Johnson Bridge, Solomons, Maryland] Although Maryland's first road law was enacted by the General Assembly in 1666, the construction and maintenance of roads originally were responsibilities of the counties. The State did not take action to improve Maryland roads until 1898, when the General Assembly ordered the State Geological and Economic Survey to examine and report on the condition of Maryland roads. State aid for road building then first was authorized by the General Assembly in 1904 and supervised by the Highway Division of the Survey Commission (Chapter 225, Acts of 1904). Authorized in 1906, the first State road was called the Public Highway (known as State Road no. 1) (Chapter 132, Acts of 1906). Constructed by the Survey Commission's Highway Division, it linked Baltimore and Washington, DC.

Governor Thomas Johnson Bridge, Solomons, Maryland, April 2019. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

In 1908, the State Roads Commission was assigned the work of the Highway Division (Chapter 141, Acts of 1908). When the Department of Transportation was created in 1971, the Commission's original work was assigned to the State Highway Administration, which now plans, constructs, improves, and maintains State roads and bridges (Chapter 526, Acts of 1970; Code Transportation Article, secs. 8-101 through 8-812).

Heading the Administration, the State Highway Administrator is appointed by the Secretary of Transportation with the Governor's aproval.

Under the State Highway Administration are three main offices: Administration, Operations, and Project Development. The Administration is aided by the State Highway Access Valuation Board, and the State Roads Commission.

In 1994, the Office of Policy and Research started as the Office of Highway Policy Assessment. It was renamed the Office of Highway Policy and Technology Utilization in July 1998, and received its present name in March 1999.

The Office seeks to ensure that Maryland derives optimal benefits from the federal highway program. Representing the State on technical issues and policy, the Office works with the Federal Highway Administration, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, and kindred groups. The Office also works with other units to analyze issues, develop policy, and recommend State and federal highway legislation.


Administration formerly was Audits, Information Technology, and Administration and adopted its present name in 2014.

Under Administration are five offices: Administration; Audits; Equal Opportunity; Information Technology; and Procurement and Contract Management.


707 North Calvert St., Room 404, Baltimore, MD 21202

In 1908, Operations began with the creation of the State Roads Commission. Commision duties were assumed by the State Highway Administration through the Office of Chief Engineer in 1971. The Office reorganized as Operations in August 2000.

Under the State Highway Administration, Operations is responsible for the engineering of highways and bridges under the jurisdiction of the State Highway Administration. The Chief Engineer provides guidance to the District Engineers and monitors the whole program.

Under Operations are the District Engineers and seven offices: Asset Management; Construction; Homeland Security and Occupational Safety; Maintenance; Materials and Technology; Traffic and Safety; and Transportation Mobility and Operations. The Chief Engineer is responsible for the Coordinated Highways Action Response Team.

District Engineers work to provide the traveling public with safe roads. Within their geographic areas, District Engineers administer and implement programs and policies of the State Highway Administration and Department of Transportation. They oversee bridge and road construction and maintenance; develop and manage district budgets; and recommend improvements for traffic.

The State Highway Administration has divided the State into seven engineering districts. District Engineers represent the State Highway Administration in all public matters at the district level. They also make recommendations to and coordinate their work with representatives of the Federal Highway Administration, the Department of Transportation, other State agencies, local government, and the public.

The Office of Construction works to expedite highway construction and reconstruction projects. The Office processes contracts, pays contractors, inspects construction projects, and establishes policies and procedures for projects in the State highway system.

The Office of Maintenance advises the State Highway Administrator about highway maintenance and equipment needs, facilities management, emergency response, and manpower and resource allocation. The Office also purchases, installs, and repairs wireless communications devices used in the State highway system. Technicians service devices such as travelers advisory radio, closed circuit television, overhead speed detectors, weather information systems, and two-way radios (Code Transportation Article, secs. 8-601 through 8-655).

The Office of Materials and Technology evaluates and tests materials used in the State highway infrastructure. Services also are provided to counties and municipalities, and other State agencies.

Hot asphalt mix, concrete, and metals are monitored through four regional laboratories: Central Regional Laboratory, Brooklandville (Baltimore County); Southern Regional Laboratory, Greenbelt (Prince George's County); Eastern Regional Laboratory, Easton (Talbot County); and Western Regional Laboratory, Hancock (Washington County).

In 1991, the Office of Traffic and Safety formed.

Under the State Highway Administration, the Office of Traffic and Safety operates and maintains some 3,000 electrical traffic control devices statewide, and provides maintenance assistance to the State Highway Districts for highway signs, particularly large or overhead installations. It also develops, coordinates, and manages the statewide inspection and weighing of commercial vehicles; manages the Maryland Automated Accident Reporting System, and provides data analysis and technical support for the Activities Report of the Maryland Motor Carrier Program. In addition, the Office analyzes and disseminates highway safety statistics, and plans, designs, and engineers solutions to traffic problems.

For commercial motor vehicles, the Office has multiple responsibilities. It issues permits for vehicles that exceed legal size and weight limits; formulates and monitors the State's annual Commercial Vehicle Safety Plan; and publishes the Maryland Trucker's Handbook and Maryland Trucker's Map.



Under the State Highway Administration, Project Development originated in August 2000 as Planning and Engineering, and reformed as Planning, Engineering, Real Estate, and Environment in July 2008. It reorganized in January 2023 as Project Management and later as Project Development.

This division oversees five offices: Environmental Design; Highway Development; Planning and Preliminary Engineering; Real Estate; and Structures.

Created in 1985, the Office of Planning and Preliminary Engineering directs and manages systems planning and project planning for the State Highway Administration, and develops the Administration's six-year Capital Program.

The Office of Real Estate dates from 1930, when the Right-of-Way Department was created under the State Roads Commission. By 1970, it was made part of the State Highway Administration, and in 1997, the Office was placed under the Office of Chief Engineer. In August 2000, it moved to Planning and Engineering (now Project Development).

For the construction of State Highway Administration projects in the Consolidated Transportation Program, the Office of Real Estate directs statewide acquisition of land and relocation of people and businesses. If the amicable purchase of land is not possible, the Office requests authorization from the State Roads Commission to condemn property. The Office also leases properties of the State Highway Administration, sells excess land parcels, and licenses billboards and other outdoor advertising along State highways (Code Transportation Article, secs. 8-301 through 8-339).



6601 Ritchie Highway, NE, Glen Burnie, MD 21062
[photo, Motor Vehicle Administration, 6601 Ritchie Highway, NE, Glen Burnie, Maryland] Duties of the Motor Vehicle Administration began in 1910 when the General Assembly formed the Office of the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles (Chapter 207, Acts of 1910). The Commissioner was authorized to issue drivers' licenses and, from 1914 to 1935, employed Motorcycle Deputies to enforce traffic laws throughout the State. The Office became the Department of Motor Vehicles in 1943 (Chapter 1007, Acts of 1943). In 1971, the Department was renamed the Motor Vehicle Administration and placed in the Department of Transportation (Chapter 526, Acts of 1970; (Code Transportation Article, secs. 12-101 through 12-414).

Motor Vehicle Administration, 6601 Ritchie Highway, NE, Glen Burnie, Maryland, October 2002. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

[photo, Oversized replica of yellow crash-test dummy with safety belt, Motor Vehicle Administration, 6601 Ritchie Highway, NE, Glen Burnie, Maryland] The Administration issues motor vehicle certificates of title and registration, and drivers' licenses (Code Transportation Article, secs. 13-101 through 13-955; 16-101 through 16-905).

Businesses and occupations relating to motor vehicles are licensed by the Administration. These include motor vehicle dealers and salesmen; driving instructors and those who operate drivers' schools; title service agents; automotive dismantlers, recyclers, and scrap processors; and, for certain purposes, motor vehicle manufacturers, distributors, and those who run factory branches (Code Transportation Article, secs. 15-101 through 15-807).

Oversized replica of yellow crash-test dummy with safety belt, Motor Vehicle Administration, 6601 Ritchie Highway, NE, Glen Burnie, Maryland, September 2014. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

The Administration's main functions are carried out by four main divisions: Central Operations and Safety Programs; Customer Engagement; Field Operations; and Support Services (Code Transportation Article, secs. 12-101 through 12-209).

Units reporting directly to the Motor Vehicle Administrator include Audit, External Affairs, Financial Services, the Maryland Highway Safety Office, Information Technology, and Investigations.

Within the Motor Vehicle Administration, Information Technology began as the Information Systems Center in 1992. Renamed the Information Resources Division in October 1997, it reformed as the Office of Information Resources in January 1998. The Office then became Information Resources in April 2008, and received its present name in March 2010.

Information Technology ensures that the Administration's IT systems are aligned with its goals and objectives. It develops, maintains, and supports the software systems used at the Department of Transportation, and plays a pivotal role in enabling efficient and secure operations. Specifically, Information Technology manages databases that store crucial driver and vehicle data, develops user-friendly online and kiosk platforms for transactions, implements robust security measures to protect sensitive information, and automates workflows for faster processing. This office also ensures seamless communication across departments; exchanges information between MVA and external business partners and federal, State, and local government agencies; maintains compliance with regulations; and ensures availability of the systems for critical Information exchange with law enforcement.

The office is aided by the Connected and Automated Vehicle Working Group.

6601 Ritchie Highway, NE, Room 102, Glen Burnie, MD 21062

Under the Motor Vehicle Administration, Investigations was created as the Division of Investigative Services and became Investigative and Security Services in July 1997. Formerly under Field Operations, it was placed under Special Operations in 1997. In April 2004, it became an independent unit under the Motor Vehicle Administrator. In April 2008, it further reorganized as Investigation and Internal Affairs and again as Investigations in March 2010.

Violations of the Maryland Vehicle Law, including fraudulent drivers' licenses and vehicle ownership documents, are investigated by this unit. Following complaints of alcohol or drug abuse, or physical or mental impairment, individuals applying to reinstate driving privileges are investigated by the unit. Investigations enforces provisions of the Maryland Vehicle Law concerned with compulsory insurance, titling, and registration. Upon request, it also provides support to local law enforcement agencies.

The Telecommunications Center of Investigations provides motor vehicle information to law enforcement agencies daily from 8:00 a.m. until midnight. The Center is linked to the National Crime Information Center, and the Maryland Interagency Law Enforcement System.


Within the Motor Vehicle Administration, Central Operations and Safety Programs originated as Driver and Vehicle Policies and Programs, and adopted its present name in March 2012.

This division oversees two offices: Driver Programs, and Vehicle Programs. Also under the division are Driver Safety; and Project Management. The Division is aided by the Medical Advisory Board.

The Office of Driver Programs started as Driver Education and Licensing, and assumed its current name in 2006.

Under the Office are three units: Administrative Adjudication; Driver Services; and Driver Wellness and Safety.

Established in 2006, the Office of Vehicle Programs oversees Business Licensing and Compliance; Insurance Compliance; and the Vehicle Division.


The Contact Center first organized as the Customer Service Center under Field Operations, and then transferred to Customer Engagement in 2023. By Oct. 2024, it was renamed Contact Center.



Field Operations first organized in 1969 when the Division of Field Services was created to decentralize public services within the Motor Vehicle Administration through a series of branch offices. That became Field Operations, then Regional Operations in 1997, Office of Operations in 2004, Operations in April 2008, and assumed its present name in April 2017.

Field Operations oversees the District and County offices of the Motor Vehicle Administration. It also is responsible for Customer Relations, Customer Service Center, and Vehicle Safety and Compliance.


In April 2017, Support Services formed under the Motor Vehicle Administration to oversee Civil Rights and Fair Practices; Departmental Services; Facilities Management and Engineering; Human Resources; Organizational Development; Planning and Capital Programs; Procurement and Contracts; and Risk Management. In 2023, the division reorganized to direct Civil Rights and Fair Practices and six main units: Departmental Services; Facilities and Risk Management; Human Resources and Organizational Development; Planning and Capital Programs; Procurement and Contracts; and Project Management.


The Maryland Port Commission was authorized by the General Assembly in 1988 (Chapter 541, Acts of 1988).
[photo, World Trade Center Baltimore, 401 East Pratt St., Baltimore, Maryland] The Commission oversees the Maryland Port Administration. By devising flexible procedures, particularly for personnel and procurement, the Commission works to give the Port of Baltimore the competitive edge in maritime trade.

The Commission has seven voting members. Six are appointed to three-year terms by the Governor with Senate advice and consent. The Secretary of Transportation serves as the Chair (Code Transportation Article, secs. 6-201 through 6-602). Since 2007, the Secretary of Business and Economic Development (now Commerce) has been a nonvoting member (Chapter 515, Acts of 2007).

World Trade Center Baltimore,401 East Pratt St., Baltimore, Maryland, February 2008. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

[photo, Baltimore Seagirt Terminal (aerial view), Baltimore, Maryland]


World Trade Center Baltimore, 401 East Pratt St., Baltimore, MD 21202 - 3041

The Maryland Port Administration began as the Maryland Port Authority authorized by the General Assembly in 1956 (Chapter 2, Acts of Special Session of 1956). Reformed by the General Assembly in 1971, the Authority was renamed the Maryland Port Administration. The Administration was made part of the Department of Transportation in 1971 (Chapter 526, Acts of 1970).

Baltimore Seagirt Terminal (aerial view), Baltimore, Maryland, February 2013. Photo courtesy of Maryland Port Administration.

A transportation business unit of the Department, the Maryland Port Administration operates State-owned port facilities and promotes the economic well-being of Maryland's ports. The Adminstration manages the State's investment in port facilities, develops trade by promoting maritime business, and coordinates the delivery of services, such as dredging and navigational aids, to the maritime community.

In Maryland, the Administration seeks to promote and increase waterborne commerce, particularly at the Helen Delich Bentley Port of Baltimore. It works to improve and expand Port facilities.

The Administration improves facilities and strengthens the workings of the private operator. If private facilities are inadequate, the Adminstration may construct and, if necessary, operate supplementary public facilities (Code Transportation Article, secs. 6-101 through 6-602). In 1979, operation of the Port of Cambridge was placed under the control of the Administration (Chapter 280, Acts of 1979).

The World Trade Center Baltimore is owned and operated by the Administration.

Work of the Maryland Port Administration is carried out by two divisions: Administration and Environment, and Operations. The Administration also operates field offices in New York, Pittsburgh, and Chicago, and is represented in Europe, Latin America, and the Far East.


Within the Maryland Port Administration, Administration and Environment oversees Finance; Maritime Commercial Management; and Marketing.

Finance was first the Administration and Business Management Department. In 1993, the Department was renamed Administration. Fiscal responsibilities of this office started as the Finance Department which reorganized in 1993 as Financial Services. It merged in 1996 with Administration to form Administration and Finance, and reformed as Finance in 1999.

For the Maryland Port Administration, Finance directs financial affairs and management information systems, including accounting, budget, information services, and procurement.

Maritime Commercial Management began in 1977 as the World Trade Center - Baltimore. It became World Trade Center Marketing and Leasing in 1995, and reorganized as Property Management in 1999. It assumed its present name in April 2005. This office manages the World Trade Center Baltimore. To other countries, it also markets the Port of Baltimore, Baltimore City, and the State of Maryland through the World Trade Center Association, which has over 200 members in 54 nations.

Through a network of regional and international offices, Marketing promotes the movement of waterborne commerce through Maryland's marine terminals, thereby creating revenues and employment and improving the State's economy.


Operations started as the Operations Department. In 1993, it reformed as Operational Services and received its present name in 1997.
[AIDAluna cruise ship, Cruise Maryland Terminal, Baltimore, Maryland] Operations works to provide safe and efficient marine terminals for handling waterborne commerce.

Public marine terminals are located at Seagirt, Dundalk, North Locust Point, South Locust Point, and Fairfield/Masonville.

At South Locust Point, the Cruise Maryland Terminal opened in 2006, with cruise destinations in Bermuda, the Bahamas, the Caribbean, Canada, and New England.

AIDAluna cruise ship, Cruise Maryland Terminal, Baltimore, Maryland, October 2019. Photo by Sarah A. Hanks.


[photo, William Donald Schaefer Tower, 6 St. Paul St., Baltimore, Maryland] William Donald Schaefer Tower, 2nd floor
6 St. Paul St., Baltimore, MD 21202 - 1614

In 1961, the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) formed first as the Metropolitan Transit Authority (Chapter 670, Acts of 1961). As part of the Department of Transportation, the Mass Transit Administration was created in 1971 (Chapter 526, Acts of 1970). It was renamed the Maryland Transit Administration in October 2001 (Chapter 730, Acts of 2001).

William Donald Schaefer Tower, 6 St. Paul St., Baltimore, Maryland, July 2003. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

Operating and maintaining the public bus, subway and rail systems, the Maryland Transit Administration is responsible for public transportation in Maryland. Local and commuter bus lines, the Baltimore Metro subway system, the Central Light Rail Line, and the Maryland Commuter (MARC) Rail Passenger Service are developed, constructed, operated, and maintained by the Administration.

The Administration provides transportation to the Baltimore metropolitan area, including Anne Arundel County, Baltimore City, and Baltimore County. Commuter bus service also links Howard and Harford Counties to Baltimore City, and southern Maryland to Washington, DC. In addition, the Administration gives technical and financial assistance to develop or improve locally operated transit systems in urban and rural areas throughout the State (Code Transportation Article, secs. 7-101 through 7-1005).

For disabled persons unable to use any fixed-route transit service, the Administration operates Mobility, a specialized door-to-door service.

To streamline services, the Administration introduced CharmCard in September 2010. A rechargeable smart fare card, CharmCard can be used to pay fares on local buses, metro subway, and light rail services operated by the Administration. It also can be used for fares on all systems that accept the Washington Metro's SmarTrip card.

Formerly the work of the Administration had been carried out by three main components: Engineering, Support Services, and Statewide Service Development; Service Oversight, Core Services, and Information Technology; and Transit Development and Delivery. However, in December 2013, the Administration reorganized, with three deputy administrators overseeing Administration; Operations; and Planning, Program, and Engineering. Further reorganization in December 2015 consolidated functions under two deputy administrators, one for Operations, and one for Planning, Program, and Engineering.

Reporting directly to the Maryland Transit Administrator are the Maryland Transit Administration Police, Transit Development and Delivery, and offices for: Administration; Counsel; Finance; Innovation; and Safety, Quality Assurance, and Risk Management.

Four offices report to the Chief of Staff: Audits; Communications and Marketing; Customer Experience; and Governmental Affairs.

Abolished in December 2015, Administration was revived in April 2017 to oversee offices for fair practices; human resources; labor and employee relations; and operations compliance and investigations.

In 1986, Finance was established as the Finance Division, which reorganized in 1993 as the Office of Finance. In March 2015, it reformed under Administration as the Office of Finance and Treasury. In December 2015, when Administration was abolished, its finance function was assigned to Finance and Performance Management. In April 2017, Finance and Performance Management was renamed Finance, and Performance Management transferred to Innovation.

Finance oversees the Administration's capital and operating budgets, analysis, management, accounting, and transit insurance. It also is responsible for the Treasury.

Under the Maryland Transit Administration, Transit Development and Delivery was created in February 2011.

Transit Development and Delivery provides support for major ongoing transit initiatives, such as the Purple Line. For these projects, it directs engineering, environmental planning, scheduling, cost estimating and controls, and construction management.


In 1972, the Maryland Transit Administration Police was authorized as the Mass Transit Administration Police. In October 2001, the current name for the agency was authorized by the General Assembly (Chapter 730, Acts of 2001). In 2004, the Police moved from Transit Operations to Office of Administrator; in March 2007, to Operations; and in December 2009, back to the Office of Administrator.

Within the transit system, the Police ensures a safe and orderly environment.


Planning, Program, and Engineering began as Engineering, Support Services, and Statewide Service Development and restructured under its present name in December 2013. It oversees the Office of Engineering and the Office of Performance Management.



In 2011, Operations began as Service Oversight, Core Services, and Personnel Services. It restructured as Service Oversight, Core Services, and Information Technology in January 2011, and reorganized as Operations in December 2013. In April 2017, it was renamed Transit Operations.

Transit Operations runs a multi-modal transit system that includes local and commuter buses, light rail, metro subway, MARC train service, and paratransit (mobility operations). Further, it oversees the Operations Control Center; Customer Service; Operations Support; and Operations Training.

Three Deputy Chief Operating Officers oversee units under Transit Operations. Both are aided by the Office of Customer Relations.

Under Transit Operations, the first Deputy Chief Operations Officer oversees the core operations of Bus Operations: Bus Maintenance; Bus Transportation; Field Supervision; and the Office of Service Development.

[photo, Cromwell Light Rail Station, 7378 Baltimore & Annapolis Blvd., Glen Burnie (Anne Arundel County), Maryland] CONTRACTED SERVICES
Under Transit Operations, the second Deputy Chief Operating Officer is responsible for Contracted Service: Commuter Bus; Mobility Operations; and Maryland Rail Commuter (MARC) Train. Formerly these units were overseen by Core Support, which formed in December 2013.

Cromwell Light Rail Station, 7378 Baltimore & Annapolis Blvd., Glen Burnie (Anne Arundel County), Maryland, October 2018. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

[photo, Cromwell Light Rail Station, 7378 Baltimore & Annapolis Blvd., Glen Burnie (Anne Arundel County), Maryland] RAIL OPERATIONS

Cromwell Light Rail Station, 7378 Baltimore & Annapolis Blvd., Glen Burnie (Anne Arundel County), Maryland, October 2018. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.


2310 Broening Highway, Suite 150, Baltimore, MD 21224

The Maryland Transportation Authority was created by the General Assembly in 1971 by the same legislation which established the Department of Transportation (Chapter 526, Acts of 1970). At that time, authority for the Susquehanna River Bridge (Thomas J. Hatem Memorial Bridge), Potomac River Bridge (Governor Harry W. Nice Memorial Bridge), Chesapeake Bay Bridge, Baltimore Harbor Tunnel, and the John F. Kennedy Memorial Highway transferred to the Authority from the State Roads Commission. The Authority is not funded by the State, nor is it a unit of the Department.

For the State's toll roads, bridges, and tunnels, the Maryland Transportation Authority governs and sets policy (Code Transportation Article, secs. 4-201 through 4-404)

The role of the Maryland Transportation Authority in the State's integrated transportation system is based on legislation passed by the General Assembly in 1937 (Chapter 356, Acts of 1937). To quickly build the bridges and tunnels necessary in a state with extensive water area, the Legislature empowered the State Roads Commission to construct, operate, and maintain bridges and tunnels by issuing revenue bonds. No State funds were to be used, the credit of the State was not pledged, and the facilities were to be operated on revenues from tolls.

The Maryland Transportation Authority now owns, operates, and maintains the State's eight toll facilities. These include three toll bridges, the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel, the Fort McHenry Tunnel, the John F. Kennedy Memorial Highway, and the Intercounty Connector. In Prince George's and Montgomery counties, the first segment of the Intercounty Connector (Maryland Route 200), opened to traffic on February 23, 2011. The second segment opened to traffic on November 22, 2011, and the final section was completed November 9, 2014. All toll facilities were constructed with proceeds from the sale of revenue bonds and from toll revenues. They are operated and maintained through tolls charged to users.

Engineering and finance operations of the Authority center at the former Francis Scott Key Bridge, Baltimore's outer harbor crossing, which was struck by a cargo ship and collapsed on March 26, 2024.

The Authority consists of the Secretary of Transportation, who serves as Chair, and eight members appointed to three-year terms by the Governor with Senate advice and consent (Code Transportation Article, secs. 4-101 through 4-407).

In April 2004, the Authority reorganized into three main functions: Business Services; Facility Development; and Operations and Public Safety. In December 2008, the Authority again restructured, with the Executive Secretary overseeing six divisions: Administration; Capital Planning; Engineering and Construction Management; Finance; Procurement and Statutory Compliance; and Strategic Development. The Deputy Executive Secretary was responsible for Operations and Public Safety.

Further reorganization in 2009 transferred the six divisions formerly overseen by the Executive Secretary to the Deputy Executive Secretary, while the Division of Operations and the Maryland Transportation Authority Police began reporting directly to the Executive Secretary. In December 2009, the Deputy Executive Secretary again became responsible for the Division of Operations.

In June 2014, the Executive Secretary and Deputy Executive Secretary were retitled as the Executive Director and Deputy Executive Director. In January 2018, the position of Deputy Executive Director was abolished.

In March 2005, the Division of Engineering and Construction Management formed to provide oversight of Authority projects either planned or under construction. Today, these projects include improvements to the John F. Kennedy Memorial Highway (I-95); repairs to the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and the Thomas J. Hatem Memorial Bridge; and reconstruction of the Francis Scott Key Bridge.


[photo, Fort McHenry Tunnel East Ventilation Building, Maryland Transportation Authority, 2301 South Clinton St., Baltimore, Maryland] In 1995, the Division of Operations began as Operations. It reorganized as Division of Facilities in October 1998, and under its present name in April 2004.

The Division oversees all bridges, tunnels, and turnpikes under the jurisdiction of the Maryland Transportation Authority, as well as the E-Z Pass System. Oversight involves administrative functions, and services to users. Formerly, bridges, tunnels, and turnpikes each had been administered separately.

Fort McHenry Tunnel East Ventilation Building, Maryland Transportation Authority, 2301 South Clinton St., Baltimore, Maryland, July 2016. Photo by Sarah A. Hanks.

The Division operates through three components: E-Z Pass Operations; Facility Operations; and Support Operations.

[photo, Key Bridge over Patapsco River, Baltimore, Maryland]

Francis Scott Key Bridge over Patapsco River, Baltimore, Maryland, September 2012. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

[photo, Governor Harry W. Nice Memorial Bridge over Potomac River, view from Virginia]

Governor Harry W. Nice Memorial Bridge over Potomac River, view from Virginia, October 2010. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

4330 Broening Highway, Baltimore, MD 21222

As part of the Maryland Transportation Authority, the Maryland Transportation Authority Police originated as the Toll Facilities Police, established in 1971, when the Department of Transportation was created (Chapter 526, Acts of 1970). The Police received its present name from the General Assembly in 1993 (Chapter 626, Acts of 1993).

The Maryland Transportation Authority Police enforces laws and control traffic at turnpike, toll bridge and tunnel facilities; the Baltimore-Washington International (BWI) Thurgood Marshall Airport; and properties under the jurisdiction of the Maryland Port Administration (Code Transportation Article, secs. 4-208, 4-208.1).

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