The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799, with a Full Index, and the Constitution of This State, as Adopted by the Convention, with the Several Alterations by Acts of Assembly: and an Appendix Containing the Land Laws; with the resolutions Considered Proper to be Published.
Volume III
Title Page
Declaration of Rights
Alterations to the Constitution
Declaration of Rights, as revised
Constitution, as revised
Session Laws, November 3, 1800 - December 19, 1800
Session Laws, November 2, 1801 - December 31, 1801
Session Laws, November 1, 1802 - January 11, 1803
Session Laws, November 7, 1803 - January 7, 1804
Session Laws, November 5, 1804 - January 20, 1805
Session Laws, November 4, 1805 - January 28, 1806
Session Laws, November 3, 1806 - January 5, 1807
Volume IV
Title Page
Session Laws, November 2, 1807 - January 20, 1808
Session Laws, November 7, 1808 - December 25, 1808
Session Laws, June 5, 1809 - June 10, 1809
Session Laws, November 6, 1809 - January 8, 1810
Session Laws, November 5, 1810 - December 25, 1810
Session Laws, November 4, 1811 - January 7, 1812
Session Laws, June 15, 1812 - June 18, 1812
Session Laws, November 2, 1812 - January 2, 1813
Volume V
Title Page
Session Laws, May 17, 1813 - May 30, 1813
Session Laws, December 6, 1813 - January 31, 1814
Session Laws, December 5, 1814 - February 3, 1815
Session Laws, December 4, 1815 - January 30, 1816
Session Laws, December 2, 1816 - February 5, 1817
Session Laws, December 1, 1817 - February 16, 1818
Volume VI
Title Page
Session Laws, December 7, 1818 - February 19, 1819
Index to Volumes III - VI
Index to to the Titles of Private Acts and Repealed Public Acts
Additions and Corrections
Volume VII-Appendix
Title Page
Titles and Sessions of All Acts from 1637 to 1692, Land Laws to 1720
Resolutions Passed Since the Revolution
Chancery Laws
Index to the Land Laws, Private Parochial and Town Laws
Index to the Public Resolutions
Index to the Chancery Laws
The one-hundred and ninety-second volume of the Archives of Maryland series was originally published in 1820. The Archives of Maryland edition was published in 2000 by the Maryland State Archives.
This title was published in five volumes numbered volumes three through seven. It is a continuation of
William Kilty's two volume
compilation that included the laws from 1692 to 1799.
Volume 192 Source Documents
William Kilty, Thomas Harris, John N. Watkins (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,
with a Full Index, and the Constitution of This State, as Adopted by the Convention, with the Several
Alterations by Acts of Assembly: and an Appendix Containing the Land Laws; with the resolutions Considered
Proper to be Published. 5 volumes (III - VII). (Annapolis: J. Green, 1820)
GENERAL ASSEMBLY (Laws), MdHR 821681-821685, 2/2/6/7 - 2/2/6/8
First Page