CHAP. 228.
Judge advocate
may be appointed. |
68. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the officer appointing
any court
martial under this act, may, if he deem it necessary, appoint a judge
advocate to such court, who shall have and exercise the powers
and duties incident to such appointment. |
Fines, how to be
recovered. |
69. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all fines imposed
by this act, or
arising from any of its provisions, or from the by-laws of any company,
made in pursuance of the same, shall be recovered in the name
of the state, in the like manner, and before the same persons, as
small debts are by law recovered, and when collected shall be paid
over to the persons by this act authorised to receive the same, and
the copy of the sentence of any court martial imposing fines, certified
by the president of such court, shall be conclusive evidence
that the fines therein stated, have been incurred. |
Cavalry subject to
the penalties of
this act. |
70. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the several provisions
of this act
for enforcing attendance at parades, obedience to orders, or requisitions
of the civil authority, and reports to be made of men and
arms, and the restraining improper or disorderly conduct in officers
or others, the preservation of arms belonging to the state, the enforcing
of penalties under company by-laws, and collection of fines,
shall prevail and be enforced in the cavalry attached to the third
brigade, in the like manner as with other militia thereof; but the
fines incurred by company officers and privates, shall be applied,
under the direction of the commanding officers, to the uses of the
company to which they belong, and when collected, shall be paid
over to such person as the commanding officers of the company
shall appoint; and all other fines shall, when collected, be paid over
to the paymaster of the regiment, and applied to regimental purposes,
under the direction of the commanding officer thereof. |
First Marine Artillery.
Proviso. |
71. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the artillery
company in the city
of Baltimore, called The First Marine Artillery of the Union, commanded
by Captain George Stiles, and composed of masters and
mates of vessels, sea faring people, not liable to militia duty, shall
be and hereby is confirmed and continued as an independent company,
to be attached to the third brigade, with power to pass and
enforce by-laws and regulations for enforcing discipline and the attendance
of its members, the election of officers, times and places
of meeting for training, the purchase, repair, and safe keeping of
arms, guns, ammunition and equipments, and the collection of fines;
Provided, that no persons but the masters and mates of vessels,
belonging to the city of Baltimore, or persons not liable to militia
duty, shall be members of the said company, and that the said company
shall not be liable to militia duty, except when it shall be
called into actual service by the president of the United States,
the officer commanding the third division, or the officer commanding
the third brigade of the militia of this state, in the cases where by
the constitution and laws of the United States, or of this state, the
said president or officers shall be respectively authorised to call out
for actual service the militia composing the said third brigade. |
Company consist of
any number. |
72. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said company
shall consist
of any number of persons of the descriptions mentioned in the preceding
section, or any of them; and that the governor and council
shall from time to time commission the usual officers for the said
company, as vacancies may occur; provided that no such commission
shall be granted to any person not previously recommended by
the said company. |