CHAP. 128. |
on a suitable building for the use of the library company of Baltimore,
and that the said managers, or such person or persons as
a majority of them shall authorise, may sell the tickets in such lottery
or lotteries in the city of Baltimore, or in any part of this
state, free from any tax thereon. |
Vacancies, how to
be supplied. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any one or more
of the persons
above named as managers to conduct the said lotteries shall die,
resign or refuse to act, the directors of the library company of Baltimore,
for the time being, may appoint one or more managers to
fill the vacancy thereby occasioned, and the person or persons so
appointed shall have the same powers and authority to act under
this law as those who are named herein. |
Managers to give
bond. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That before the managers
herein before
named, or to be appointed as aforesaid, shall proceed to act under
this law, they shall execute a bond to the state of Maryland, in the
penal sum of sixty thousand dollars, with condition that they will
well and truly conduct the drawing of said lottery or lotteries, and
pay all prizes that shall be drawn therein at the expiration of sixty
days after the conclusion of the drawing of such lottery or lotteries,
to the persons holding the tickets entitled to such prizes, if the same
shall be demanded within six months after the conclusion of such
drawing; and that they will pay over the amount raised by such
lottery or lotteries, after deducting all expenses and commissions as
aforesaid, to the directors of the library company of Baltimore,
for the time being, to be by them applied as aforesaid; which bond
shall be deposited in the office of the clerk of Baltimore county, and
suits may be brought and prosecuted thereon, or upon any office
copy thereof, at the instance and for the use of any person or persons
interested, in the same manner as suits are brought and prosecuted
on other bonds given to the state. |
Passed Feb. 2, 1815. |
An Act for the relief of Robert Teeling of Worcester County.
TH. No. 4, fol. 385. A Private Act. |
Passed Feb. 2, 1815.
* Dec. 1815, ch. 103. |
An Act Supplementary to an act (a), entitled, An act to lay
out and
open two Roads in Queen-Anne's County. Lib.
TH. No. 4, fol.
385. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS doubts have arisen of the propriety of allowing
damages to those persons who have signed the petition for the
road, running from Doctor Whittington's farm to the head of Chester;
therefore, |
Sum to be levied
and paid over. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the justices of the levy court of Queen-Anne's county be and they
are hereby authorised and empowered, to levy such sum or sums
of money on the assessable property of said county, as the commissioners
may adjudge sufficient to indemnify those persons who
have or may suffer by passing the road through their lands, except
such of them as have declared in writing, or otherwise, they wish
no compensation, and when so levied the said sum or sums of money
shall be collected and paid over to the person or persons entitled to
receive the same, in the same manner as other county charges are
collected and paid. |