and directed to sell and dispose of the right of this state to subscribe
to a certain number of bank shares in certain banks of this
state, mentioned in the said resolution: And whereas the treasurer,
in obedience to the said resolution, did sell to a certain Thomas
Fairfax the right which belonged tot he state to subscribe to a
number of the bank shares of the Union Bank of Maryland, in
consideration whereof be paid into the treasury the sum of four
thousand dollars, and thereupon tendered to the said bank the price
of the said shares, and offered to subscribe for the same, notwithstanding
which the said bank denied to the said Fairfax the right
to subscribe for the said shares; in consequence of which a resolution
has passed the house of delegates at this session, directing
the treasurer of the western shore to refund to the said Fairfax
the said sum of four thousand dollars, with interest thereon from
the time it was received: And whereas the said bank has been
guilty of a violation of the respect which it owes to the general
assembly of Maryland, and to the laws and resolutions passed by
its authority; therefore,
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be requested
to direct
the attorney-general to prosecute any remedy which the state may
have against the said bank to secure itself from loss in the aforesaid
transaction. |
1818. |
No. 38.
RESOLVED, That the treasurers of the eastern and
western shore,
be and they are hereby directed, to proceed in the collection of the
debts due to the state from individuals, banks and counties, of their
respective shores, as provided by law, and to cause suits to be
brought for the same, whenever it may be necessary and thought
available to do so, and to report annually to the legislature the progress
of such suits, and the situation of all such suits. |
Passed Feb. 19, 1819.
Relative to collection
of public
debts. |
No. 41.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore
pay quarterly,
each and every year, unto Joseph Cresap, a sum of money
equal to the half pay of a lieutenant, during his life, as a further
compensation for his services during the revolutionary war. |
Passed Feb. 19, 1819.
In favour of Jos.
Cresap. |
No. 44.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore
pay to the
order of the governor any sum of money not exceeding the sum
of two thousand dollars, for the purpose of repairing the government
house, to be expended under his direction. |
Passed Feb. 19, 1819.
For repairing the
government house. |
No. 45.
RESOLVED, That Colonel Thomas Ennalls and Henry
Hicks, of
Denwood, of Dorchester county, be and they are appointed commissioners,
and are hereby authorised and directed, to enquire
whether there be now living any of the Indians to whose use were
reserved certain portions of the Choptank Indian lands, or to
whom were granted annuities, and to report their proceedings to
the next general assembly. |
Passed Feb. 19, 1819.
Relative to Choptank
Indians. |
No. 46.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be and they
are hereby
authorised and requested, to procure the Digests of the Laws of
those states and territories of the United States which have not
been procured, and to pay for the same out of any unappropriated
money in the treasury. |
Passed Feb. 19, 1819.
Relative to procuring
digest of
laws of several
states. |