DEC. 1813.
CHAP. 176.
Passed Jan. 31, 1814.
* Nov. 1812, ch. 34. |
A Supplement to the act*, entitled, An act for extending Green-Street
in the
City of Baltimore. Lib. TH. No. 4, fol. 222. |
Street may be extended
—Damages. |
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
the mayor and city council of the city of Baltimore shall have power
to extend Green-street to Great York-street, in the manner directed
in the act to which this is a supplement; and the mayor of
said city shall have power to appoint five commissioners, who shall
value the damages, and levy the contributions as directed in said
act to be done, by twelve freeholders to be summoned by the sheriff;
and said mayor and city council shall have power to collect said contribution,
and shall pay those who shall be entitled to damages,
and on payment of such damages, said street shall be opened as
directed by said act. |
Passed Jan. 31, 1814. |
An Act to authorise and empower the Levy Court of Talbot County
assess and levy a sum of money for the purposes therein
Lib. TH. No. 4, fol. 223.
See 1785, ch. 15; and 1806, ch. 34. |
Levy authorised
for repair of poor's
house. |
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
the justices of the levy court of Talbot county, be and they are
hereby authorised and empowered, to assess and levy on the assessable
property of the said county, at their next levy, (provided
they think requisite,) a sum of money not exceeding one thousand
dollars, for the purpose of enlarging and repairing the poor's-house
of the county aforesaid; which money, when so levied and
collected, shall be paid to the order of the trustees of the poor of the
aforesaid county, for the purpose contemplated by this act. |
Passed Jan. 31, 1814.
† 1791, ch. 67. |
A Further Additional Supplement to the act †, entitled, An
act for
regulating the mode of Staying Executions, and repealing
the Acts
of Assembly therein mentioned, and for other
purposes. Lib. TH.
No. 4, fol. 223.
This act repealed by 1814, ch. 84. |
Passed Jan. 31, 1814. |
An Act authorising William Clare, late Collector of Calvert County,
to complete
his Collection. Lib. TH. No. 4, fol. 224. |
Passed Jan. 31, 1814. |
An Act for the relief of Isaac Baker, of Calvert County. Lib.
No. 4, fol. 225. |
Levy authorised
for his support. |
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
the justices of the levy court of Calvert county, be and they are
hereby empowered and directed, at their levy court annually, to
assess and levy a sum of money not exceeding thirty dollars, on the
assessable property of said county, for the support and maintenance
of Isaac Baker, to be collected as other county charges are, and
paid to the said Issac Baker, or his order. |
Passed Jan. 31, 1814. |
An Act authorising Benjamin Leach, late Collector of Calvert County,
to complete
his Collections. Lib. TH. No. 4, fol. 225. |