An Act (a) to prohibit Members of Congress, or persons in
office under the United
States, from being eligible as Ministers of the
Legislature or Council, or holding
offices in this State. lib. JG No. 1, fol.
(a) 1791, ch. 80.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That no member of
congress, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the United
shall be capable of having a seat in the general assembly, or being an
of the senate, or holding any office of trust or profit under this state;
and if
any member of the general assembly, elector of the senate, or person holding
an office of trust or profit under this state, shall take his seat in congress,
accept of an office of trust or profit under the United States, or being
to congress, or appointed to an office of trust or profit under the United
not make his resignation of his seat in congress, or of his office, as
the case
may be, within thirty days after notice of his election or appointment
to office
as aforesaid, his seat in the legislature of this state, or as elector
of the senate,
or of his office held under this state as aforesaid, shall be void; provided,
no person who is now, or may be at the time when this act becomes part
the constitution, a member both of congress and the legislature of this
or who now holds, or may hold at the time when this act becomes a part
of the
constitution, an office as aforesaid, both under this state and the United
States, shall be affected by this act, if, within fifteen days after
the same shall
become part of the constitution, he shall resign his seat in congress,
or his
office held under the United States; and if this act shall be confirmed
by the
general assembly, after the next election of delegates, in the first session
such new election, according to the constitution and form of government,
in such case this alteration and amendment of the constitution and form
of government
shall constitute and be valid as part thereof, an every thing therein
contained repugnant to or inconsistent with this alteration and amendment
shall be repealed and abolished.
An Act (b) to confirm an act to prohibit Members of Congress,
or persons in office
under the United States, from being eligible
as Members of the Legislature or
Council, or holding offices in this State. Lib.
JG No. 1, fol. 588.
(b) November, 1792, ch. 22.
BE IT ENACTED, be the General Assembly of Maryland,
That an act passed
at November session, seventeen hundred and ninety-one, entitled, An act
prohibit members of congress, or persons in office under the United States,
from being eligible as members of the legislature or council, or holding
in this state, shall be and is hereby confirmed.
An Act (c) to alter such parts of the Constitution and Form
of Government which
prevent persons conscientiously scrupulous of taking
an oath from being Members
of the Legislature, Electors of the Senate, or to hold
offices of profit or
trust. Lib. JG. No. 2, fol. 218.
(c) 1794, ch. 49.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General
Assembly of Maryland, That every person,
being a member of either of the religious sects or societies called Quakers,
Menonists, Tunkers or Nicolites, or New Quakers, and who shall be conscientiously
scrupulous of taking an oath on any occasion, being otherwise qualified
and duly elected a senator, delegate, or elector of the senate, or being