2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly,
the official acts of any magistrate, who, at the time he acted as such,
held an office under the government of the United States, shall have
the same effect and operation as if such magistrate had not been an
officer under the general government. |
CHAP. 117.
Official acts of
certain magistrates
to have effect.
An Act for the benefit of the Corporation of the Roman Catholic
and for other purposes. Lib. TH. No. 1, fol. 181.
See 1808, ch. 37. |
Passed Jan. 28, 1806. |
WHEREAS by an act of the general assembly of Maryland,
passed at November session, seventeen hundred and ninety-two,
* entitled, An act for securing certain estates and property for
the support and uses of ministers of the Roman Catholic religion,
it was, among other things, enacted, that every legal proprietor or
possessor of any property held under the confidential trust in the
said act specified, should have power and authority to execute an
instrument of writing, declaring the purposes for which the said
property was holden: And whereas it was also by the said act enacted,
that it should be lawful for certain ministers of the Roman
Catholic religion in the said act specified, to convene at a place to
be by them agreed on, within the time limited by the said law,
and then and there adopt such regulations for the management of
their estates and temporalities as should seem fit and adviseable to
a majority of the said ministers, so convened, and that the said
ministers, or a majority of them, so met, should then and there
choose, from their own body, certain persons, not less than three
or more than five, who should assume the style, name and title, by
which they were to be designated and known, and certify the same
under their hands and seals, within the time limited by the said
act, to the clerk of the general court for the western shore, who
was thereby directed to record the same in the records of the laws
of the state: And whereas the aforesaid ministers of the Roman
catholic religion have, agreeably to the authority delegated by the
said recited act, convened and assumed to themselves the style,
name and title, of The Corporation of the Roman Catholic Clergymen,
and certified the same, under their hands and seals, to the
clerk of the general court for the western shore, and the same hath
been recorded among the records of the laws of the state: And
whereas the reverend James Walton, Robert Molyneux and John
Ashton, by several instruments in writing, sealed with their seals,
each bearing date on the third day of October, seventeen hundred
and ninety-three, and recorded among the records of the late general
court for the western shore, in Liber J. G. No. 3, folios 285,
286, 287, 288, and 289, by which said several instruments of writing
it was, agreeably to the provisions of the said recited act, declared,
that all and every the property in the said instruments of
writing specified, had been and was held, by the respective persons
executing the same, under a confidential or implied trust, for the
use, benefit and maintenance, of the ministers of the Roman Catholic
church, now exercising their ministerial functions within the
United States of America, agreeably to the rules and discipline of
their church, and who were formerly members of the religious society
heretofore known by the name of The Society of Jesus: And |
* Ch. 55. |