and deputy commissaries bonds, be and the same are
hereby repealed. |
CHAP. 216. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That nothing herein
contained shall
have any effect or operation, in any suit or action now depending
in any court of law or equity in this state. |
Not to have effect
in any suit now depending. |
A Further Additional Supplement to the act(a), entitled,
An act for
amending and reducing into system the Laws and Regulations
concerning last Wills and Testaments, the duties of
Executors and
Administrators, and the Rights of Orphans, and
other Representatives
of deceased Persons.
(a) 1798, ch. 101. See 1802, ch. 101, and the acts there referred
to. |
Passed Feb. 19, 1819. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
in all cases in which the executors or administrators of any deceased
person have received, or shall hereafter receive, any sum or
sums of money for interest on money due and owing for property
sold by them by order of the orphans court of any county in this
state, that such money shall be considered as assets belonging to
the estate of such deceased, and shall be accounted for by them, in
the same manner as other assets are directed to be accounted for
by the original act to which this is a further additional supplement. |
Interest on money
due for property
sold by executors
or administrators
to be considered as
assets. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in all cases in
which the executors
or administrators of any deceased person have received, or shall
hereafter receive, any sum or sums of money, for the hire or use
of any slaves or servants belonging to the estate of such deceased
during the time in which the said executor or administrator may
be entitled, by law, to the possession of such shares or servants,
that such money shall be considered as assets belonging to the
estate of such deceased, and as such shall be accounted for, and a
due allowance shall be made to such executor or administrator for
all expenses incurred by him or her in the support and maintenance
of the negroes belonging to such estate; Provided, that nothing
this act contained shall apply to or affect executors or administrators
who may have completed and settled the administration on the
estates of their testators or intestates before the passage of this
act. |
Money received
for hire of slaves
belonging to estate
of deceased, &c. to
be considered as
Proviso. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That any person interested
in the estate
of any security of an executor or administrator, shall have
the same right and privilege to call upon such executor or administrator,
for counter security, in the same manner as a security to
an executor or administrator now can, and the same proceedings
shall be thereon had as if the application had been made by
a security to an executor or administrator, according to the provisions
of the original act to which this is a further additional
supplement. |
Person interested
in estate of security,
&c. to have
right to call for
counter security. |
4. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That hereafter
it shall be lawful
for the register of wills of the several counties in this state, to
grant or issue letters of administration, during the recess of the
orphans court of the several counties. |
Register to grant
letters of administration
during recess
of court. |
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all letters of
which have been heretofore granted by the register of wills in the
recess of the orphans courts of the several counties in this state, |
Letters heretofore
granted by register
in recess of
court, confirmed. |