JUNE 1812.
CHAP. 3. |
for transacting the business of the company, and to allow such compensation
for their services respectively, as shall be reasonable; no
director shall be entitled to any emolument, unless the same shall
have been allowed by the stockholders at a general meeting; the
stockholders shall make such compensation to the president for his
extraordinary attendance at the bank, as shall appear to them reasonable. |
_____ |
Passed June 18. |
An Act authorising an appropriation for the Penitentiary of this
Lib. TH. No. 3, fol. 338. |
Eight thousand
dollars appropriated.
* Ch. 177. |
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
the inspectors of the penitentiary of this state, or any seven of them,
be and they are hereby authorised, from time to time, to draw orders
on the treasurer of the western shore for any sums of money,
not exceeding in the whole eight thousand dollars, which orders the
said treasurer is hereby required to pay out of any unappropriated
money in the treasury, to be applied by the said inspectors, or a
majority of them, towards the purchase of tools, raw materials and
provisions, or other necessary articles, for the use and benefit of
the said penitentiary, in such manner as they shall direct and determine;
and shall be accounted for in such manner as is prescribed
by the act passed at November session eighteen hundred and
eleven*, entitled, An act authorising appropriations for the penitentiary
of this state. |
_____ |
Passed June 18. |
An Act to authorise the Governor in certain cases to arm the Militia
of this State. Lib. TH. No. 3, fol. 339. |
Governor empowered
to arm militia
at his discretion. |
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
governor of this state be and he is hereby authorised, at his discretion,
to arm such portions of the militia of this state, who from
their particular situation may be most exposed to invasion or insurrection,
any law to the contrary notwithstanding. |
_____ |
Passed June 18.
† 1811, ch. 152. |
A Supplement to the act †, entitled, An Act for the relief
of Joseph
Ennalls, of Dorchester County. Lib. TH. No.
3, fol. 339. A
Private Act.
Authorising him to collect until the
1st of January 1813, all balances due him
as sheriff and collector. |
_____ |
Passed June 18.
‡ 1795, ch. 22. |
A Further Supplement to an act ‡, entitled, An act to alter
the public
Road leading from Miles River Ferry, through the Lands
of Jacob
Lockerman, of Talbot County. Lib. TH. No.
3, fol. 340. |
Commissioners appointed
to build a
ferry-house. |
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
William G. Tilghman, Edward R. Gibson, Robert Tilghman, Bennett
Bracco and Andrew Skinner, be and they are hereby appointed
commissioners to build a ferry-house on the ground already condemned
at the ferry aforesaid, or if the said commissioners, or a
majority of them, should be of opinion that a better site can be
located for the public use, they are hereby authorised to condemn
a piece of land in lieu thereof, not exceeding half an acre, convenient |