Under the Department of Community Services are Animal Services, Cecil Transit, and several divisions: Aging and Disability Services; Community Partnerships; Community Wellness; and Housing and Community Development.

The Aging and Disability Services Division is the local area agency designated by Cecil County to administer State and federal funds for local senior citizen programs. These programs cover advocacy services, health education, housing, information and referral, in-home services, and nutrition (Code Human Services Article, secs. 10-201 through 10-214).

Grants of federal and State funds for local programs to serve the elderly are provided by the federal Older Americans Act (Title III), the federal Food and Agriculture Act (sec. 700), and State general funds. The Department also receives local funds, private donations, and contributions from program participants.

The Division is assisted by the Commission on Aging.

Animal care and control services were performed by the County until 2000, when the Board of County Commissioners contracted with the Cecil County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Inc., to perform these duties. From January 1, 2013 to June 30, 2016, A Buddy For Life, Inc., had been designated as the animal control agency for the County. On July 1, 2016, Animal Services returned to County control.

Responsibilities of Animal Services include animal adoption and licensing, and the licensing of kennels, catteries, and pet shops. Animal Services hires officers to respond to claims of animal abuse, and dangerous or at-large domesticated animals, and other violations of State and local animal ordinances. Officers also conduct inspections of licensed animal establishments to ensure humane treatment and quality standards (County Code, secs. 142-1 through 142-40, 209-1 through 209-5).

Cecil Transit formed as Senior Services and Community Transit, and later reorganized as Cecil Transit.

Cecil Transit is Cecil County's locally operated public transportation provider. Services included fixed route, demand response, veteran's bus pass program, taxi reimbursement program, and transportation solutions for specialized populations. Fixed route services include three deviated fixed routes connecting the municipalities of Elkton, North East, Perryville, and Newark, DE, with connections to DART and Harford LINK services. The Demand Response program offers origin-to-destination trips within Cecil County, including Senior Center transportation, and limited out-of-county transportation to medical appointments with volunteer drivers. The Transportation Reimbursement Program is available to those who qualify based on age, disability, and income, and allows participants to be reimbursed for transportation expenses associated with taxi services.

Grants of federal and State funds for local programs to serve the elderly are provided by the federal Older Americans Act (Title III), the federal Food and Agriculture Act (sec. 700), and State general funds. The Department also receives local funds, private donations, and contributions from program participants.


The Office of Housing and Community Development supports affordable housing, economic opportunity, and housing free from discrimination.

Programs under the Office include: Domestic Violence Counseling, Family Unification, First-Time Home Buyers, Housing Choice Voucher, and Thrive: Family Self-Sufficiency.


When the Department of Social Services started as the Department of Public Welfare in 1939, the Welfare Board was the local administrative agency for public assistance (Chapter 99, Acts of 1939). The Department of Public Welfare assumed welfare responsibilities from the Welfare Board in 1967, and was renamed the Department of Social Services in 1968 (Chapter 148, Acts of 1967; Chapter 702, Acts of 1968).

Social service and public assistance programs in Cecil County are the responsibility of the Department of Social Services. These include the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly the food stamp program), and Temporary Cash Assistance, as well as services for adoption, foster care, and child protection. To implement programs and provide support services to children and families in their communities, the Department also works with local organizations to offer education and training, transitional housing, and drug and alcohol rehabilitation. The Director of the Department administers these programs subject to the supervision, direction, and control of the Social Services Administration, and the Family Investment Administration.

With the approval of the Secretary of Human Services and the advice of the Cecil County Social Services Board, the County Executive appoints the Director with County Council consent (Code Human Services Article, secs. 3-101 through 3-303; County Charter, sec. 412).

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