2007 Laws of Maryland
(Senate Bill 6)
AN ACT concerning
Human Services
FOR the purpose of adding a new article to the Annotated Code of Maryland, to be
designated and known as the "Human Services Article", to revise, restate, and
recodify the laws of the State relating to the Department of Human Resources
and its component parts, including the Maryland Commission for Women, the
Commission on Indian Affairs, the Commission on Responsible Fatherhood, the
Social Services Administration, the Family Investment Administration, and the
Community Services Administration; revising, restating, and recodifying certain
provisions relating to local departments of social services, local directors, and
local boards; revising, restating, and recodifying certain provisions relating to
public assistance, including the Family Investment Program, the Public
Assistance to Adults Program, burial assistance, and food stamps; revising,
restating, and recodifying certain provisions relating to community services,
including the Energy Assistance Program, transitional services programs, adult
services, and the Citizenship Promotion Program; revising, restating, and
recodifying certain provisions relating to the Department of Disabilities, the
Maryland Commission on Disabilities, the Interagency Disabilities Board, the
State Disabilities Plan, the Personal Assistance Services Advisory Committee,
Blind Industries and Services of Maryland, disability programs and services,
and individuals with disabilities; revising, restating, and recodifying certain
provisions relating to children, youth, and families, including the Advisory
Council to the Children's Cabinet, local management boards, the State
Coordinating Council for Children, local coordinating councils, the Children's
Cabinet Fund, at-risk youth prevention and diversion programs, residential
child care programs, and the Residential Child Care Capital Grant Program;
revising, restating, and recodifying certain provisions relating to the
Department of Juvenile Services and its facilities, programs, and services, the
Interstate Compact on Juveniles, and the Juvenile Services Facilities Capital
Program; revising, restating, and recodifying certain provisions relating to the
Department of Aging, the Commission on Aging, the Interagency Committee on
Aging Services, programs and services for seniors, continuing care, and senior
citizen activities centers; revising, restating, and recodifying certain provisions
relating to the Maryland Legal Services Corporation; revising, restating, and
recodifying certain provisions relating to confidentiality of certain information
and sharing of certain information by certain agencies; repealing certain
obsolete provisions; defining certain terms; providing for the construction and
application of this Act; providing for the continuity of certain units and the
terms of certain officials; providing for the continuity of the status of certain
transactions, employees, rights, duties, titles, interests, licenses, registrations,
certifications, and permits; providing for the effective date of certain provisions
of this Act; providing for the termination of certain provisions of this Act; and
generally relating to the laws of the State relating to human services.
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