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Session Laws, 1999
Volume 796, Page 2433   View pdf image
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(2) Is either of the body-on-chassis type construction or integral type
construction; and

(3) Has a gross vehicle weight of more than [10,000] 15,000 pounds and
provides a minimum of 13 inches of seating space per passenger.

(b) "Type I school vehicle" does not include any bus operated by a common
carrier under the jurisdiction of a State, regional, or federal regulatory agency or
operated by the agency itself.


"Type II school vehicle" means a school vehicle that:

(1) Is designed and constructed to carry passengers;

(2) Is either of the body-on-chassis type construction or integral type
construction; and

(3) Has a gross vehicle weight of [10,000] 15,000 pounds or less and
provides a minimum of 13 inches of seating space per passenger.

SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take effect
October 1, 1999.

Approved May 13, 1999.

(Senate Bill 464)

AN ACT concerning

Child Welfare - Citizen Review Panels and Child Fatality Review Teams

FOR the purpose of authorizing certain confidential reports and records concerning
child abuse and neglect to be disclosed to the State Council on Child Abuse and
Neglect, the State Citizens Review Board for Children, or their designees, or a
child fatality review team under certain circumstances; renaming the State
Citizen Board of Review of Foster Care for Children to be the State Citizens
Review Board for Children; expanding the duties of the State Citizens Review
Board for Children to include training local citizens review panels and
examining the policies and procedures of State and local agencies and certain
specific cases to evaluate the extent to which State and local agencies are
effectively discharging their child protection responsibilities; authorizing the
State Board to add certain members for the purpose of performing certain
duties; authorizing the State Board to designate certain local teams or panels to
conduct reviews of specific cases; requiring the State Board to develop certain
protocols governing local citizens review panels;
requiring the State Board to
prepare and make available a certain annual report; requiring the State
Citizens Review Board for Children, local citizens review panels, the State


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Session Laws, 1999
Volume 796, Page 2433   View pdf image
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