[photo, State House, Annapolis, Maryland]
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    State House, Annapolis, Maryland, April 2005. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

    To each annual session of the General Assembly, the Governor must submit a budget of government for the following fiscal year. The Constitution of Maryland requires that the budget of State government be balanced: total estimated revenues must equal or exceed total appropriations. The budget also must reflect any estimated revenue surplus or deficit at the end of the preceding year (Constitution, Art. III, sec. 52).

    For State government, the Department of Budget and Management is responsible for budget development, supervision of budget execution, and efficiency in State government. The largest sources of revenue for State government come from State income taxes, the State sales tax, and State Lottery income.

    Every March, September, and December, the Board of Revenue Estimates submits fiscal recommendations with an itemized statement of estimated revenues to the Governor for submission to the General Assembly. The Board is within the Office of the Comptroller of Maryland, whose responsibilities include the collection of State revenues.

    Each December, the General Assembly's Spending Affordability Committee recommends to the Governor and Legislative Policy Committee the fiscal goals for the next legislative session.




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