Chronology: The Annapolis State House



  • Proceedings of the House of Delegates, 1876 Session.
    • 24 March - Senate bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money for the repair and improvement of the State House" passed and sent to Senate.  (1147-1150) 
    • 29 March - Bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to pay for paving the bed of the street bounding on the State House Circle, and for repairing and improving the pavement around the same," passed and sent to Senate.  (1362-1363) 
    • 31 March - Secretary of Senate delivers unfavorable report of bill dated 29 March which is adopted by the House.  (1459) 
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  • Proceedings of the House of Delegates, 1878 Session.
    • 8 January - Architect in charge of the State House improvements instructed to procure at once what are commonly known as window-board ventilators, costing not more than six dollars per window.  Also, "architect in charge of the improvements of this building be directed to provide at once wardrobe accomodation for the overcoats and hats of members and officers of this House."  (28) 
    • 9 January - The engineer in charge of the heating arrangements be directed to regulate and keep down the fire in the furnaces, so as to preserve the health of the Members of the House.  (38)  Also, Committee appointed to examine into the improvements on the State House, furniture, &c., with the power to send for persona and papers.  (47) 
    • 22 January  - "Ordered that the national flag be hoisted from the dome of the Capitol each day during the sitting of the Legislature."  (134) 
    • 30 January - "Ordered that the carpenter of this House be directed to make such alterations in the post office of this House as may be necessary for the convenience of the postmaster."  (232) 
    • 5 February - "Ordered that the Speaker of this House be authorized to employ some suitable person to reeve the halyards on the State House, in order that the National flag may be hoisted during the daily Sessions of the Legislature."  (293) 
    • 19 February - "Ordered that the Speaker of this House be, and hereby authorized to have the National flag displayed from the State House at all times when this House is in session, and on Washington's birthday."  (495) 
    • 21 February - "Ordered that the Chairman of the Committee on Claims pay to the order of the Speaker, twenty-five dollars, for reeving the halyards on the dome." (515)  Also, Order adopted to ask Mr. Marshall, Architect, for a detailed statement of State House repairs.  (516)  Speaker ordered to purchase a U.S. flag to be hoisted over the State House during Sessions for less than fifty dollars.  (518-519) 
  • Laws of Maryland, 1878 Session.
    • Chapter 406 - An Act making appropriations for the support of the State government for the fisical year ending on the thirteenth day of September, 1879.  Includes appropriations for repairing the State House.  (626-633)
    • Chapter 444 - An act to pay specified sums to various contractors for work done and materials furnished in the improvement anf repairs of the State House.  (705-706)
  • Report of Select Committee to Investigate the Repairs upon the State House
    • Report of Select Committee
    • List of bills unpaid, p. 6
    • Additional Report of the Minority Committee, p. 11
    • Testimony of Witnesses
      • George A. Frederick, Architect, p. 15
      • Joseph M. Marshall, resident Superintendent of the State House Improvements, p. 23
      • James A. Vansant, excavating and hauling, p. 33
      • J.W. Kalmey, painting, p. 34
      • George G. Watkins, plastering, p. 35
    • Testimony of The Board of Public Works, p. 37
      • Governor John Carroll, p. 38
    • Testimony of Witnesses
      • Wm. E. Banks, lumber, p. 43
      • Thomas Jenkins, furniture, p. 45
      • Thomas Hayward, heating, p. 47
      • John Renwick, furniture, p. 49
      • Mr. Knipp, furniture, p. 49
      • John L. Lawton, doors, mouldings, brackets, p. 51
      • John C. Knipp, furniture, p. 55
      • Wendell Bollman, floor-beams, castings, and rods of roof, p. 56
      • George W. Starr, ornamental plastering, p. 57
      • Jacob Green, lime, plaster, hair, p. 57
      • James McAllister, cement, lime, hair, and calcinated plaster, p. 58
      • George J. Dufur, wire work, p. 59
      • Ambrose M. Emory, paint, window glass, p. 59
      • Plummer M. Ijams, hardware, p. 60
      • Lewis Loewenstein, slate
      • Joseph Harig, tinning, spouting and roofing, p. 62
      • A.D. Emmart, frescoing and  graining of woodwork, p. 63
      • Robert J. Hayes, carpets and maps, p. 64
      • R.J. Davidson, plumber & gas-fitter, p. 68
      • Robert C. Cornelius, gas fixtures, p. 68
      • Robert DeWitt Child, water coolers, p. 69
      • Daniel Caulk, carpenter, p. 72
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  • Board of Public Works Minutes (MSA S 33-1, 12,683-2)
    • 04 March 1879 - The Board determined to employ a master mechanic to examine the condition of the dome and to report to the Board what repairs will be necessary and cost. (316)

    • 27 March 1879 -The Board had the report of William Marshall, (Superintendent of Johns Hopkins Hospital) who had been requested to examine the dome.  Specifications given to Joseph Marshall of Annapolis to estimate cost and report to the Board on April 13. (317)

    • 04 April 1879 - The contract for repairs to dome awarded to Joseph Marshall. (318)

    • 20 April 1879 - The Board approved Marshall's draft for $2,00 on account of his contract for repairs to dome. (318)

    • 02 June 1879 - The Board requests that presence of George Frederick in Annapolis on the 5th to examine the dome. (319)

    • 19 June 1879 - The Board accepted that  proposal of Mr. J.B. Poisal of Baltimore to put lightning rods on State House (319)

    • 01 July 1879 - The Board approved payment of $50 to William Marshall for examining the condition of dome. (320)

    • 10 July 1879 - Includes the report of George Frederick's examination of repairs to the dome.  As well "The Boards there passed and ordered the be paid the bill of Mer. Geo. A. Frederick, Supervising Architect of the State House; of one and a half percent amounting to the sum of $179.77.  The board there ordered the bill of Mer. J. B. Poisal of $200 for lightning rods on State House to be paid." (320-2)

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  • Proceedings of the Senate, 1880 Session.
    • 19 January - Committee on Public Buildings instructed to employ a competent engineer or expert, to make a survey of the State House grounds, and plans thereon for their improvement, with an estimate of the probably cost of the same; as also the cost of paving the carriage way and side walks around the State House Circle, and be authorized to report by bill to otherwise.  (49) 
    • 30 January - Secretary of the Senate directed and authorized to place such screens in front of the Registers in the Senate, as will protect the Senators near them from the excessive heat.  (115) 
  • 1 Jan 1880 - Invoice from the State House to Bartlett, Robbins, & Co., "founders and manufacturers of  Stoves Parlor Grates, Ranges, Ornamental and Architectural Iron Work, & c." for bricklaying, etc. (MSA S 42-7, 12,687-7)
  • 1881
    • Proceedings of the Senate, 1882 Session.
      • 16 March - Senate bill entitled an "Act to provide for the improvement of the State-House Grounds, and paving the Circle around the same," passed and sent to the House.  (664) 
    • Notes by Dr. E.C. Papenfuse, State Archivist: "The grounds received no major attention until 1882 when the General Assembly authorized the appropriation of $15,000 to improve the landscaping and pave State Circle.

    •     The Board of Public Works advertised for proposals and received two plans, one submitted by George Gray, which survives, and another which is supposed to be the work of Frank B. Mayer, which has not been found. The evidence that Mayer submitted a plan which was adopted is fragmentary.  Although efforts to locate a submission among Mayer's papers have not yet been successful, a close reading of the documents relating to the work undertaken indicate the design proposed by Mayer was in fact executed.  The successful bidder, Joseph M. Marshall, offers to construct either of the two plans in his bid of June 29, 1882.  Marshall's contract refers to plans adopted by the Board of Public Works for the grounds and for the porch.  The design for the porch was executed by Mayer.  A bid for the construction of the porch submitted by C.C. Woolley refers to Mayer's plan for the work.  Marshall's bid for the porch is not extant but since he underbid Woolley by a substantial amount, almost $2,500, he was awarded the contract for porch as well as the grounds on July 20, 1882.
          The other evidence to suppose that the plans adopted were Mayers's rather than those of George Gray may be deduced from his correspondence with the Board of Public Works.  Gray ran into difficulties with the Board, as potential vendors sometimes do, by indicating his bid was not sufficient to accomplish the work required.  Gray's proposal of June 28, 1882 offers to execute the work for $14,900, fractionally less than Marshall's bid of $14,978.  A close reading of his proposal reveals his bid was not responsive to the scope of the work required.  The Board may have thought so too.  Gray wrote the Board on July 17, to convey "a few remarks... that I fear I omitted to make clear when I had the honor of seeing you on Thursday last."  Perhaps his appearance before the Board was requested to clarify his proposal.  The upshot of Gray's letter is that he cannot undertake the work proposed for $15,000.  He goes on to suggest that his plan, while more expensive, was superior.  He closes by asking for the Board's "kind consideration".  However the Board apparently reviewed all the bids and concluded without difficulty to award the work to Marshall.
          It is not difficult to understand why the Board of Public Works was not interested in a contract which would exceed the available appropriation in light of the recent past. In 1876 the Board initiated repairs to the State House which surpassed the appropriation of $32,000 to the tune of almost $80,000.  A committee appointed by  the General Assembly conducted a lengthy investigation of the matter and was able to conclude that most of the work performed was unavoidable."
    • Information about construction of the south entrance of the State House.  Memorandum from Carol Borchert and Mimi Calver to Laura Trieschmann, 18 July 1997.

    • 16 February 1882 - Correspondence between Executive Dept. and J. Crawford Neilson regarding ventilating apparatus in the State House.  (MSA S 42-18, 12,687-17)
    • Undated Letter from George Gray to The Board of Public Works regarding proposal to make improvements to State House Grounds (MSA S 42-18, 12,687-17)
    • Board of Public Works Minutes (MSA S 33-1, 12,683-2)
      • 25 May 1882 - "Governor Hamilton was requested to advertise for plans for improving the State House grounds to be submitted by the 26th of June." (382)

      • 05 July 1882 - The plans and specifications for improving State House grounds were submitted, but action postponed to July 13 and bills were paid to "Samuel Brooks Jr., for materials furnished and work done upon Coat of Arms State House Rotunda ($135). Thomas Wier for modelling Coat of Arms as per design ($75.00).  Frank B. Mayer, for working one large drawing of Coat of Arms, and superintending the re-modelling of same. ($50.00)" . (389-390)

      • 13 July 1882 - The proposals were examined but no contract was awarded. Secretary directed to obtain from Messrs. Woolley and Marshall estimates for construction of portico to State House according to design submitted by Frank Mayer. (390)

      • 20 July, 1882 - The Board adopted "the plans and specifications for the improvement of the State House Grounds & Circle, of Joseph M. Marshall, subject to such alterations as amy be agreed upon between him and the board at the bid named by him ($14,978) also his proposal to build porch to front of State House for $2,556.487 as per plan submitted." (391)

      • 12 October 1882  - Records that Bill of Baltimore Gazette Publishing Co. for advertising to State House grounds & circle $5.20 (403)

      • 14 December 1882 - The Board "moved that the Bill of Joseph M. Marshall for improvement of State House grounds and circle amounting to $3034.48 be approved less one hundred dollars.  Gov. Hamilton voting in the negative. (408)

      • 22 December 1882 - "Bill of Joseph M. Marshall for laying water pipes around State House was laid over and requested an itemized bill." (409)
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    • Board of Public Works Minutes (MSA S 33-1, 12,683-2)
      • 1 February 1883 - The Bill of Joseph M. Marshall for laying water pipes around State House grounds was approved $637.40 (was the entire amount appropriated for repairs to the State House) (412)

      • 24 May 1883 - Endorsement made on bill of Joseph Marshall for State House grounds and circle improvements "Approved for $100 this sum being the balance of the appropriation for the improvements to the State House grounds and circle after deducting previous payments made to Mr. Marshall and on account of advertisements and being settlement in full with said Marshall on within acct." (421)

    • Proceedings of the House of Delegates, 1884 Session.
      • 16 January - Ordered that National flag be hoisted every day while the Legislature is in session.  Also, Committee on Public Buildings is authorized and directed to inquire and report plans for removing the heating apparatus from the basement of the State House to that of the Record Office.  Also ordered that said committee report what, if any, apparatus is needed for the protection of the State House and other public buildings from the danger of fire.  (84) 
      • 13 March - Senate bill entitled an "Act to provide for the removal of the boilers of the heating apparatus from the State House to the Records Office building is referred to the Committee on Public Buildings.  (884) 
      • 29 March - House considers Senate bill and proposes two amendments to the bill.  Enacted: The Board of Public Works is authorized to contract for the construction of a proper ventilating apparatus for the two halls of the General Assembly, in the State House, for less than $2,500 and that no furnace or steam-boiler shall be placed in any portion of the State House.  The Comptroller is authorized to issue said sum for the contract.  Bill passes and is sent to Senate.  (1414-1415)
    • Proceedings of the Senate, 1884 Session.
      • 11 March - Leave granted to Mr. Lane to introduce a bill entitled an "Act to provide for the removal of the boilers of the heating apparatus from the State House to the Record Office."  Read and referred to the Committee on Public Buildings.  (573) 
      • 13 March  - Senate bill entitled an "Act to provide for the removal of the boilers of the heating apparatus in from the State House to the Record Office," passed and sent to the House.  (609-610) 
      • 25 March - Senate bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to pay for necessary repairs in the State House," is considered.  Amendment to strike out $550 and insert $700 is adopted.  Bill ordered engrossed for a third reading.  (813-814) 
      • 26 March - House bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money for the purpose of refitting and refurnishing the State Library," passed and returned to the House.  (870) 
      • 27 March - House bill entitled an "Act to pay John E. McCusker a sum of money for work done and materials furnished, for use of the Senate and House of Delegates during the Session of 1884," with the adopted amendment: strike out $994 and insert $724.45, is read for the second time.  (888) 
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    • Proceedings of the House of Delegates, 1886 Session.
      • 4 February - Bill to pay George A. Frederick commissions as architect of State House improvements, referred to Committee on Ways and Means.  (162) 
      • 25 February - Message sent from House to Senate re: Joint Committee meeting to inquire into the expediency of removing the water-closets to the cellar of the State House.  (347-348) 
      • 3 March - Joint Committee on Public Buildings recommends that the removal of the water-closets to the cellar should be done without delay.  (426) 
      • 16 March - Bill entitled an "Act to provide for the enlargement of the Maryland State House, and making an appropriation therefor (sic)," is amended and adopted.  Bill includes provisions to spend $50,000 to cover the cost of loans and specifications for, and construction of the enlargement or annex, including plumbing, shelving, painting, and thorough equipment for use, except heating apparatus and furniture.  (689-690)  Bill passed and sent to Senate on  23 March. (847) 
      • 3 April - Senate passes House bill with new amendment re: appointment of a qualified architect.  (1354-1355) 
    • Proceedings of the Senate, 1886 Session.
      • 12 March  - Senate bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to pay Charles N. Magne for extra work done on ventilating apparatus in the State House," passed and sent to the House of Delegates.  (379) 
      • 23 March - House bill entitled an "Act to provide for the enlargement of the Maryland State House, and making an appropriation therefor," read and referred to the Committee on Finance.  (502) 
      • 31 March - House bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of $3,220 for certain repairs at the State House and Governor's Mansion, and the further sum of $4,000 for repairs at the State Normal School Building, in the City of Baltimore,: read and referred to the Committee on Finance.  (685-686) 
      • 1 April - House bill entitled an "Act to provide for the enlargement of the Maryland State House, and making an appropriation therefor," read for the second time with amendments proposed.  Mr. Jackson submitted proposed amendment to section 2 of the bill, directing the Library Committee to contract with and employ a good practical

      • and experienced architect to prepare plans and drawings for the annex, and to award the contract for the annex to the lowest bidder.  Bill amended and read for the second time.  (691-692) 
      • 3 April  - House bill entitled an "Act to provide for the enlargement of the Maryland State House, and making an appropriation therefor," passed and returned to the House of Delegates.  (837) 
      • 5 April - Senate bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to pay Charles N. Magne for extra work done on ventilating apparatus in the State House," returned from the House endorsed "Read the third time and rejected."  (901) 
    Click here for larger image of Old Senate Chamber c. 1886
    Photograph of Old Senate Chamber
    MSA SC 1556-116
    Click here for larger image of State House c. 1886
    Photograph of Government House and the back of the State House from Church Circle
    Copy by Mame Warren
    MSA SC 985-050
    • Board of Public Works Minutes.  (MSA S 33-2)
      • 27 May 1886 - Board accepts proposal of Edgar Hutton, of Annapolis, to paint the State House and Governor's Mansion for $1650.  (59)
      • 2 June 1886 - Board orders the meeting of the Building Committee of addition to the State House for June 23, under the Act of 1886.  (61)
      • 29 July 1886 - Board awards Southern Electric of Baltimore contract for furnishing the State House with 600 feet of Akron White Anchor Hose.  (67)
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    • Proceedings of the House of Delegates, 1888 Session.
      • 12 January - Correspondence between the House and Senate re: proposed appointment of a Joint Committee to make necessary arrangements with the Contractor for the building of the annex to the Library, for the furnishing and occupancy of the Committee rooms, in said annex for the use of the Legislature. Committee appointed.  (43-45) 
      • 18 January - Report of Joint Committee appointed re: annex,  with reference to furnishing and occupancy of Committee rooms on the annex. (74-75) 
      • 24 January  - Committee reports that there are certain appliances in connection with the ventilation of the House, which may be made efficient, by proper attention. Committee assured by House Engineer that temperature will be more uniform in the future, and a sufficient amount of fresh air furnished to members of the House.  (129) 
      • 6 March - Joint Resolution authorizing the Commissioner of the Land Office to use and occupy the west room on the second floor of the annex to the State House as a museum passed and sent to the Senate.  (683) 
    • Proceedings of the Senate, 1888 Session.
      • 17 January - Senate bill entitled an "Act to pay George A. Frederick commissions as Architect of State House Improvements," read and referred to the Committee on Finance.  (64) 
      • 13 February - Committee on Public Buildings ordered to examine into the amount of money required to furnish the Annex to the Library, and put in order the grounds adjacent thereto.  (238) 
      • 14 February - President ordered to appoint a practical engineer to take charge of heating the annex during the remainder of the Session of the Legislature.  (253) 
      • 15 February - Committee appointed to purchase furniture and gas fixtures in the rooms assigned to the Senate, is authorized to have said rooms carpeted, and matting put on the corridors, and also, to provide a sufficient number of cuspidors for said rooms.  (257)   Also, Senate bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to pay the claim of McDowell & Co., W.L. Pfeiffer, L.S. Clayton & Co. and others therein mentioned, for work done and material furnished in preparing the State House for the meeting of the present General Assembly," passed and sent to the House.  (268) 
      • 2 March - House passes and returns Senate bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to pay the claim of McDowell & Co., W.L. Pfeiffer, L.S. Clayton & Co. and others therein mentioned, for work done and material furnished in preparing the State House for the meeting of the present General Assembly."  (429)  Signed by Governor Elihu E. Jackson on 7 March.  (505) 
      • 7 March - Senate bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to meet the expenses of heating and lighting the State Library Annex, for the fiscal year ending September 30th, 1888," reported favorably.  Proposed amendment to strike out $1000 and insert $500 in lieu thereof, adopted.  (487) 
      • 8 March - Senate bill entitled an "Act to provide for the taking care of the State House and Government Buildings, and grounds, at Annapolis, and appropriating a sum of money therefor," passed and sent to the House.  (536-537) 
      • 14 March - Ordered that John Boucher be paid the sum of $10, for repairs in plastering and pointing up the plastering in the hall of the State House.  (597) 
      • 19 March - Committee on Public Buildings delivers report of the conditons of the State Library Room.  Also ordered that $60 be applied to make the present Library Room more comfortable for use and occupancy of the General Assembly.  (659-660)
      • 20 March - House bill entitled an "Act to provide for the keeping and guarding of the Public Buildings and grounds in the City of Annapolis, and the movable property of the State therein," passed and returned to the House.  (685) 
      • 23 March - House bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to complete the basement of the Annex to the State House and to furnish said Annex," is read and amended to add hardwood bookcases for the first floor of the Library Annex.  Bill passed and returned to the House.  (820) 
      • 27 March - Senate reports unfavorably on House bill entitled an "Act to provide for lighting the public buildings and grounds at Annapolis, by electricity."  Bill returned to the Senate.  (850)  Senate bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to meet the expenses of heating and lighting the State Library Annex, for the fiscal year ending September 30th, 1888," passed and sent to the House.  (872) 
      • 31 March - Senate bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to meet the expenses of heating and lighting the State Library Annex, for the fiscal year ending September 30th, 1888," returned from House, endorsed unfavorably reported.  (1004) 
      • Proceedings of Joint Committee regarding the occupancy of the Committee Rooms in the Annex to the State House.
        • 12 January - Message to the House proposing a Joint Committee to make necessary arrangements with the Contractor for the building of the annex to the Library, for the furnishing and occupancy of the Committee Rooms in said annex, for the use the Legislature.  Message assented to and sent to the House.  (44-45)  House and Senate each appoint three members on the provision that the Committee on the annex appointed under the Act of 1886, be required to act in conjunction with the Joint Committee.  (49-50) 
        • 18 January - Report of the Joint Committee to furnish the Committee Rooms in the Annex to the Library.  Report states that occupancy of the Committee Rooms is permitted, all furniture except carpets has been purchased, and the eleven rooms are furnished at a cost of less than $800.  (69-70) 
        • 7 February - Joint Committee appointed by House and Senate to proportion the Committee Rooms between the two Houses.  (190-191, 201) 
        • 15 February - The Special Joint Committee, appointed to apportion the Committee Rooms, announces the apportionment of the eleven rooms.  (265)
      • Proceedings of the Joint Committee on Article 3, Section 24, of the Constitution, regarding unpaid wages of workmen employed in construction of the Annex.
        • 26 January - Resolved by the Senate that the Joint Committee on Article 3, section 24, of the Constitution, be authorized and directed, to investigate allegations of unpaid wages of workmen employed in construction of the Annex, and if not paid, to what extent and and through whose fault and responsibility.  (105-107) 
        • 17 February - Senate Joint Resolution authorizing the Committee created by the Act of 1886, to superintend the erection of the Annex to the State House, to draw under said Act, a sum sufficient to pay certain workmen arrears of wages due, and certain other unpaid claims.  Committee also authorized to inquire into other claims of unpaid work.  Resolution referred to Committee on Article 3, section 24, of the Constitution.  (286-287)  Also, Committee on Article 3, section 24, of the Constitution reports that the disputed claims stem from unpaid difficulties between contractor and subcontractors.  (288-289) 
        • 6 March - INCOMPLETE.  GATHER ALL PAGES - 459-461  General Assembly authorizes Joint Committee, on article 3, section 24, of the Constitution, to reserve a sum sufficient to pay the workmen and laborers for unpaid work done on the Annex.  Committee also authorized to inquire into the correctness of other claims.  (459-461) 
        • 16 March - Senate Joint Resolution authorizing Committee created by the Act of 1886, to draw under said act a sum sufficient to pay certain workmen arrears of wages due, passed and sent to the House.  (650) 
        • 29 March - Joint Resolution to retain out of the amount appropriated by the Act of 1886, a sum sufficient to pay certain workmen arrears of wages due to them for work on said buildings, were considered and indefinitely postponed.  (942)
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    • Proceedings of the House of Delegates, 1890 Session.
      • 21 January - Committee on Ways and Means orders Superintendent of Public Buildings to have erected in the room occupied by the Committee on Claims, cases or wardrobes for hanging the coats and hats of the members of the House.  Also, Superintendent of Public Buildings ordered to place screens around the ventilator to protect the members of the House from the draft caused thereby.  (86-87) 
      • 21 February  - Chairman of the Committee on Claims directed to pay George Evans and Augustus Sewell 50 dollars each for services rendered at the heating apparatus in the Annex for the month of January, 1890.  (422) 
      • 27 February  - Senate bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money for the purpose of grading the public grounds around the State Library Annex, and constructing the pavements thereon," is reported favorably by the Committee on Ways and Means.  (511) 
      • 17 March - Senate bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money for the purpose of grading and sodding the public grounds around the State Annex and constructing the necessary pavements thereon" is passed and returned to the Senate.  (814) 
      • 19 March - Committee on Ways and Means reports unfavorably to Senate bill entitled "Act to appropriate a sum of money for the purpose of finishing and carpeting the State Library Annex."  Also, Committee reports favorably on Senate bill entitled "Act to approriate a sum of money for introducing steam radiators into the old Library of the State House and for repairing said Library."  Which was adopted by the Hosue.  (878) 
      • 29 March - Senate bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money for the purpose of finishing and carpeting the State Library Annex" is passed and returned to the Senate.  (1268) 
    • Proceedings of the Senate, 1890 Session.
      • 30 January - Joint Committee on Article 3, section 24, of the Constitution directed to investigate by what authority the electric lights were introduced into the State Buildings in Annapolis, and what contract, if any, was made in regard to the cost of the use of the electric lighting.  (130) 
      • 11 February - Committee on Public Buildings ordered to inquire into the present system of heating the State Library and Library Annex, and what is necessary to be done in that particular to render the Library Rooms comfortable in cold weather.  (235-236) 
      • 13 February - Senate bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money for the purpose of furnishing and carpeting the State Library Annex," passed and sent to House. (278)  Returned endorsed unfavorably by the House. 
      • 14 February - Senate bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money for the purpose of grading and sodding the public grounds around the State Library Annex and constructing the necessary pavements thereon," read, amended to read $250, and engrossed for a third reading.  (289)  18 February - Bill passed and sent to the House. (309)  28 March - Signed by the Governor.  (1065) 
      • 21 February - Senate Bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money for introducing steam radiators into the old Library of the State House, and for repairing said Library," read, amended, and engrossed for a third reading.  (337)  25 February - Bill passed and sent to the House.  (373) 
      • 19 March - Message to the House requesting reconsideration of the bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money for the purpose of furnishing and carpeting the State Library Annex."  (786)  21 March - Request denied by the House.  (850) 
      • 26 March - Senate bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money for the purpose of furnishing and carpeting the State Library Annex," passed and sent to the House. (983-984)  Also, House bill entitled an "Act to provide for the appropriation of a sum of money, which...will suffice for the payment of outstanding claims for work and labor done, and materials furnished in the erection of the Annex to the State House, at Annapolis," passed and returned to the House.  (986-987) 
      • 28 March - Message to the House requesting the return of House bill entitled an "Act to provide for the appropriation of a sum of money, which...will suffice for the payment of outstanding claims for work and labor done, and materials furnished in the erection of the Annex to the State House, at Annapolis." (1077) 
      • 29 March - Senate inserts "Enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland" in House bill entitled an "Act to provide for the appropriation of a sum of money, which...will suffice for the payment of outstanding claims for work and labor done, and materials furnished in the erection of the Annex to the State House, at Annapolis," passes and returns it to the House.  (1133-1134) 
      • Proceedings of the Joint Committee on Article 3, Section 24, of the Constitution, regarding unpaid wages of workmen employed in construction of the Annex.
        • 16 January - Joint Committee on Article 3, section 24, of the Constitution authorized and directed to investigate whether the workmen have or have not been paid for their work on the Annex to the State Library, and whether or not there are unpaid bills for materials.  Resolution referred to committee on Article 3, section 24, of the Constitution.  (59) 
        • 25 February - Report of the Committee on Article 3, section 24 of the Constitution, in response to the order dated 16 January 1890.  Committee finds that there are workmen that have not been paid, and suggests that a bill to satisfy these claims be given serious consideration.  Report also includes an itemized cost of building the Annex to the Library, listing contractors, materials and cost of labor.  (365-369) 
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    • Board of Public Works Minutes.  (MSA S 33-2)
      • 13 August 1891 - Board orders that proposals of Bartlett, Hayward & Co. for repairing the heating apparatus for $688 be accepted, and to begin at once.  (158)  (Proposals were sent to the Committee of Ways and Means, July 25, 1892)
      • 24 September 1891 - Board approves contract of Bartlett, Hayward & C. to improve heating grates for the furnaces for the heating apparatus.  (159)
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    • Proceedings of the House of Delegates, 1892 Session.
      • 21 March - Bill to provide for the improvements of the State House grounds passed and sent to the Senate.  (959) 
      • 23 March - Senate bill to provide for the removal of the water closets from the State House, and for the erection of the same in building elsewhere, and for ventilation of the State House, the cleaning of the basement, and the renovation of the foundation of the Executive Mansion, and to appropriate a sum of money therefore passed and returned to the Senate.  (1091-1092) 
    • Proceedings of the Senate, 1892 Session.
      • 28 January - Sanitary Committee instructed to inquire into the sanitary condition of the State House.  (141)  Also, Superintendent of Public Buildings ordered to furnish for each of the Committee Rooms of the State House a thermometer, and to see that the heat does not exceed 70 degrees Fahrenheit, unless otherwise directed.  Referred to the Committee on Finance.  (155-156)
      • 10 February - Finance Committee authorized to audit and settle the expenses incurred in procuring the necessary furniture and supplies for the use of said committee, and the expense incurred in coloring the walls and ceiling of the rooms of said committee, which said work was done to remove the discolorations and stains from dampness on said walls and ceilings.  (229)
      • 11 February - Senate adopts unfavorable report on the order to require the installation of thermostats in the committee rooms of the State House.  (245)
      • 10 March - Senate bill entitled an "Act to provide for the removal of the water closets from the State House, and for the erection of the same in building elsewhere, and for the ventilation of the State House, the cleaning of the basement, and the renovation of the foundation of the Executive Mansion," passed and sent to the House.  (663)  Bill returned by the House on 24 March.  (934)
    • Board of Public Works Minutes.  (MSA S 33-2)
      • 7 December 1892 - Board approves plans and specifications submitted by Jackson C. Scott, architect, for the new water closets for the State House, and authorizes and empowers the Governor to contract with William B. Gardner, of Annapolis, for the erection of the building for his bid of $6509.75, and with W.H. Rothrock, of Baltimore, to do the plumbing for his bid of $3828.75.  All to be complete on or before 15 June 1893.  (191)
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    • Board of Public Works Minutes.  (MSA S 33-2)
      • 29 June 1893 - Board orders Comptroller to draw his warrant upon the Treasurer in favor of William B. Gardner for the sum of $2000, being the amount due to him upon his contract for the erection of the Water Closet Annex to the State House as per certificate of Jackson Gitt (?), architect, on file, in accordance with the provisons of Chapter 245 of the Acts of 1892.  (p.202)
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    • Proceedings of the House of Delegates, 1894 Session.
      • 18 March - Letter from Governor Frank Brown to the House re: safety of the boilers conencted with the heating apparatus in the annex of the State House.  Governor recommends an examination of the boilers, and the correspondence is referred to the Committee on Public Buiildings.  (594-595) 
    • Proceedings of the Senate, 1894 Session.
      • 10 January - Superintendent of Public Buildings ordered to furnish such appliances to the Senate Chamber as will properly ventilate the same, at a cost not to exceed $200.  (54)
      • 17 January - Superintendent of Public Buildings ordered to purchase one dozen settees for the hall, at a cost not to exceed $150.  (75)
      • 21 February - Ordered that Mr. J. Appleton Wilson and Mr. Frank B. Mayer be required to investigate and report on the feasibility of restoring the Senate Chamber to its original conditions and the probably cost of making the required changes.  (342-343)
      • 19 March - Ordered by the Senate that in its opinion the restoration of the Senate Chamber to the condition it was in when Washington resigned his commission is right and proper.  As the report of Messrs. Wilson and Mayer indicates that the sum of $4,250 is required for the restoration only of the Chamber without including the furniture, the finance Committee instructed to include the sum of $4,250 in the general appropriation act to be passed in this session.  Senate also orders the President of the Senate to appoint a commission of three persons to superintend the work of restoration.  (618-619)
      • 19 March - Report of Messrs. Wilson and Mayer find the restoration feasible and practical.  Recommendations to the Committee include: replacing the niche behind the Speaker's chair, with columns and entablature; replacing the ladies gallery and stairway to reach it from the lobby; rebuilding the chimney breast; replacing pannelled [sic] window seats, and restoring the original sashes; and the removal of the beam in the center of the ceiling by sinking it in the depth of the floor, because its present position entirely changes the original character of the ceiling.  Also includes a list of the existing original furniture, as well as the cost of reproducing the chandelier with electrical candles.  (623-625)
      • 22 March - House bill entitled an "Act to authorize the Board of Public Works to repair and refurnish the rooms occupied by the Land Office," ordered to lie on the table, and then returned to the House.  (699-700)
    • Board of Public Works Minutes.  (MSA S 33-2)
      • 25 April 1894 - Board authorizes the Governor to obtain proposals for the painting of the State House, inside and out, in pursuance of the Act of the last General Assembly. (p. 209)
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              Sketches from the Baltimore American:

    Exterior View,
    State House
    Old Senate Chamber
    Speaker's Desk
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    Click here for larger image of State House postcard Color postcard of the State House at night
    MSA SC2215-01
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    • Proceedings of the House of Delegates, 1898 Session.
      • 18 January - Ordered that William H. Feldmeyer be paid $4.05 for carpenter work in the State House.  Also, M.A. Mendels be paid 102 dollars for chairs furnished the House of Delegates.  (55) 
      • 15 February  - Ordered that Thomas A. Smith be paid $4.10 for screen furnished as per order by the House of Delegates.  Also, ordered that B.E. McCusker be paid 10 dollars for repairing two electric motors for ventilating the House.  Orders referred to the Committee on Claims.  (276)  Orders adopted 16 February. 
      • 16 February  - Senate bill No. 161, entitled an "Act to authorize the State Treasurer to take necessary steps for the protection of State House and other public buildings in Annapolis against fire, and to appropriate a sum of money therefor," is referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.  (288) 
    • Proceedings of the Senate, 1898 Session.
      • 13 January - Committee on Public Buildings directed to make a full inquiry into the condition of the State House, in respect to danger from fire, either from electrical wiring or otherwise; also the present means of protection against fire.  (47)
      • 7 February - Superintendent of Public Buildings authorized to properly heat the room of the Senate Committee on Corporations, either by placing a stove therein, or in some other suitable.  (212)
      • 15 February - Senate bill entitled an "Act to authorize the State Treasurer to take necessary steps for the protection of the State House and other public buildings in Annapolis against fire," amended, and engrossed for a third reading.  (275)  Bill passed and sent to the House on 15 February.  (281-282)  Returned by the House on 28 February. 
      • 17 March - Senate bill 387, entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money for the improvement of the State Library and to continue the card catalogue system therein," amended and engrossed for a third reading.  (820)  Bill passed and sent to the House on 23 March.  (1042)  Returned by the House on 4 April.  (1643)
    Click here for larger image of State House 1898
    Photograph of the State House
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    • Board of Public Works Minutes.  (MSA S 32-2)
      • 7 February 1899 - Secretay of the Board authorized to have stand pipes introduced into the State House with the necessary hose connections attached thereto. 
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    IMAGES: 1876-1899
    Click for larger image of State House
    c. 1876-1882
    State House with iron railing
    Note railing, columnar row of trees and large window lights. 
    MSA SC182-02-0568
    Same photo as MSA SC 1890-02-3050A, MSA SC 985-019
    Click here for larger image of State House 1876-1882 c. 1876-1882
    State House, portion of stereographic view with attached description of slide by George Forbes with biographical information on Chief Justice Taney
    George Forbes Collection
    MSA SC 182-02-0737
    Click here for larger image of Taney Statue in front of State House c. 1876-1920s
    Photograph of Robert Taney statue in front of the State House
    George Forbes Collection
    MSA SC 182-02-0153
    Click here for larger image of State House from Francis St. c. 1886-1896
    Photograph of the State House, entrance from Francis St.
    Mame Warren Collection
    MSA SC 985-010

    Click here for larger image of State House from Francis St.

    c. 1884-1905
    Photograph of the State House, entrance on Francis St.
    Mame Warren Collection
    MSA SC 985-011
    Click here for larger image of the State House from Francis St.
    c. 1884-1905
    Photograph of the State House from Francis St.
    Mame Warren Collection
    MSA SC 985-013
    Click here for larger image of State House, Land Office and Treasury Building c. 1886 - 1891
    Photograph of the State House, Land Office and Treasury 
      Building from Francis Street
    George Forbes Collection
    MSA SC 182-02-0157
    Click here for larger image of State House
    c. 1886 -1902 
    Photograph of the State House from Francis Street
    George Forbes Collection
    MSA SC 182-02-1053
    Click here for larger image of State House
    c. 1886 -1902 
    Photograph of the State House
    George Forbes Collection
    MSA SC 182-02-1055
    Click here for larger image of State House
    c. 1886 -1902
    Circular Photograph of the State House from Francis Street
    George Forbes Collection
    MSA SC 182-02-1056
    Click here for larger image of State House and DeKalb monument c. 1886-1903
    Photograph of the State House, "library wing" and DeKalb monument
    Copy by Marion Warren
    MSA SC 1890-02-02221A
    Click here for larger image of the State House
    c. 1886 -1905
    Photograph of the State House from Francis Street in summer
    Copy by Marion Warren of photograph by E.H. Pickering
    MSA SC 1890-02-03047, original at MSA SC 1406-02-0098
    Click here for larger image of State House
    c. 1886 - 1902
    Photograph of the State House showing 1886 rectangular annex
    MSA SC 1556-117
    Click here for larger image of State House postcard c. 1882-1902
    Color postcard of the State House and grounds
    MSA SC 2215-02
    Click here for larger image of State House postcard c. 1882-1902
    Black & white postcard of the State House and grounds
    MSA SC 2215-03
    Click here for larger image of State House postcard c. 1886-1902
    Color postcard of the State House and grounds
    MSA SC 2215-04
    Click here for larger image of State House postcard c. 1886-1902
    Black & white postcard of the State House and grounds
    MSA SC 2215-05
    Click here for larger image fo State House postcard c. 1886-1902
    Color postcard of the State House and grounds
    MSA SC 2215-14
    c. 1886-1912
    Photograph of the DeKalb monument at side of State House
    George Forbes Collection
    MSA SC 182-02-0163
    Click here for larger image of DeKalb monument and State House
    c. 1886-1912
    Photograph of the DeKalb monument at side of State House
    With attached note about Baron DeKalb
    George Forbes Collection
    MSA SC 182-02-0084
    Click here for larger image of Governor's Reception Room c. 1880s - 1890s
    Photograph of the Governor's Reception Room
    MSA SC 1951-02-018
    Click here for larger image of Old House of Delegates Chamber 1876-1905
    Photograph of the Old House of Delegates Chamber
    Notice lines leading to lamps and paintings on walls
    George Forbes Collection
    MSA SC 182-02-0520
    Click here for larger image of Old House of Delegates Chamber 1876-1905
    Photograph of the Old House of Delegates Chamber
    Notice no lines leading toward lamps and absence of paintings
    George Forbes Collection
    MSA SC 182-02-160
    Click here for larger image of the old Court of Appeals chamber 1887-1905
    Photograph of the old Court of Appeals chamber
    George Forbes Collection
    MSA SC 182-02-0090
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