42 St. Paul's St.
        Balto MD
3rd Sept. 1880
Hou[nora]ble Barnes Compton
                Dear Sir
                            Enclosed please find my bid
for the paving work at State House Annapolis
If you will kindly ???  the enclosed copy
of testimonials
from  [_?] Ebassel Esq. with bills from J.E. Davis Esq
                        and the copy such you of Mr.
[Nicirnsie??] letter before your honorable board you
will confer a great farm? time.
    Tiles for the floor of the restibule would cost
$2,400.oo so you will see that wish my material
you can pave both the restibule & the front pavement
for a little one half what tiles would cost for the
restibule alone.
    My material is quite as suiutable for such wherein work
as tiles - which opinion is held by M. Nicirnsie??] he having
specified for it on the floor of "New [Ci__?? of Lower?] Exchange"
& Johns Hopkins Hospital - by Mr. F ? Davis who has
ordered it on floor of New Court house Upper Marlboro
by M Carson who has used it on some floors at the
Maryland Club.
                    Asking your kind consideration with the
other Gentlemen of the Board of Public Works
                    I am most Ob[ediently] Your Serv[ant]
                    [signed] George Gray
42 St. Paul's St.
        Balto MD
3rd Sept. 1880
To the Board of Public Works
                State House Annapolis
                        I beg want        fully to offer
to lay the "Seyssel Mastic Pavement" on the floor
of the vestibule at State House Annapolis for the
sum of Eight hundred and fifty Dol.s            $850.00
the Pavement in front and covered with
the old flagstone for the sum of seven hundre
and sixty eight Dol.s                                    $768.00

I will lay the pavement for the sum of
Fifteen hundred and sixty eight Dol.s            $1568.00

I will remove the old material - give you a first rate job
and guarantee to Rep. the same in good condition for
the term of Five YEars free of cost to you
                Hoping to get your order to proceed withthe cont[ract]
                    I am Gentlemen
                                Most respectfully
                                        Your Serv.
                                            Geo[rge] Gray