Baltimore June 28th 1882

To the Hon. Board of Public Works
of the State of Maryland, Gentlemen;
                                                        I propose to
improve the grounds of the "State House Circle" at
Annapolis in accordance with the accompanying
plan,     The grounds will be Terraces and sodded
and paved walks laid where indicated on plan
The Curb re-set and a brick footway laid around
the "Circle",     The road or carriage way will
be paved, an average width of thirty feet (30 ft.)
around the entire "Circle", and a road way twelve
feet wide from street to storage cellar of State
House with "Belgian Block" or "Sheet Asphalt
pavement" as you may desire.  Immediately in front of State House
a first clap artificial stone pavement will be
furnished and sett where shown on plan as required
The iron railing and stone wall on which the
railing rests to be removed and retained by me.
Work and material to be entirely satisfactory to
your Honorable Body.    All rubbish and debris
to be removed and grounds to be left in good
order.    All the work to be done as specified
and as shown on plan for the sum of Fourteen
Thousand seven hundred and forty five dollars ($14,745.00)
Good and sufficient bond will be given if required.
Should any further explanation of plan be desired it
will afford me pleasure to give it at such time and place
as you may designate. Very Truly &c [signed]  Joseph G. Loane
                                                           no 17 North St. Baltimore
We respectfully offer as our bondsmen
??? Robb J. Banks and W. Emmett Banks
[signed]        Joseph G. Loane