Seyssel Mastic Pavement,
Office, 42nd St. Paul Street

                                                 Baltimore, 17th July 1882
To his Excellency Governor Hamilton
                    Dear Sir
                                 I have taken the liberty of addressing
to the Hou[nora]ble members of your Board of Public Works a
few remarks with regard to the State house grounds
improvements, that I fear I omitted to make clear when
I had the honor of seeing you on Thursday lunch.
       It is impossible to improve the roadway of the
Circle and make any improvements on the grounds
that would be permanent or that would "work in"
with any future improvements - with %15,000.00
    The circle contains over 5,00 yards - to pave this
with good selected stone block would cost nearly $14,000
it could be done with inferior stone for less money
    To pave the circle with any part of asphalt
that would not soften in the sun would cost the
whole amt. of the appropriation - with this a
material that could get soft could be put down
for less money.
    My proposition would permanently improve the
grounds adding greatly to this beauty  - any of
my walks wide enough could be driven over combined
aging and a permanent drive all round the
Capitol would be established - and [indecipherable]
walks would never become slippery as would
Cement or Bricks.
    I would also put the footway of the
Circle on the outside of the grounds in the same
condition as the inside walks could be - and
would thoroughly repair the roadway of the circle
with shells.  where it is not paved and where
paved put the pavement in good order with
a smooth Asphalts Crossing at Each Entrance -
    It has been demonstrated that Gravel will not
stay on the walk of the grounds or [indecipherable]
     Asking Your Kind Consideration
                           I am [indecipherable] Yours be
[signed]                             Geo[rge] Gray