           Jos. M. Marshall
        Board of Public Works
                    of Maryland
            ~~~~  cc    ~~~~
    State House Improvements

This contract made this twentieth day
of July in the year eighteen hundred
and eighty-two by Joseph M. Marshall
 of Annapolis, Maryland, of the one part
and the Board of Public Works of Mary-
land of the other part, as follows:
    The said Joseph M. Marshall. for
himself, his heirs, administrators and
assigns, hereby covenants and agrees
with the said Board of Public Works
representing the state of Maryland, that
he will, on or before the first day of
November next, in consideration of the
sum of fourteen thousand, nine hundred
and seventy-eight dollars ($14978.00) to be
paid as hereinafter specifies - begin,
continue and complete the work of
grading, improving, paving, curbing
and leveling the State House grounds and
circle surrounding the same in Annapolis
City, according to the plans and specifica
tions adopted by said Board of Public
Works thereto, in a proper, workman-
like manner to the satisfaction of said
Board; and in addition to, or modi-
fication of said plans and specifica-
tions the said Joseph M. Marshall
also covenants and agrees that he
will cut and set a curb, eight inches
by ten inches, above the paving line around
said circle in place of the iron railing
provided for in said specifications; construct a
proper tunnel from the [illegible] Office Building
to the State House Cellar for the future use of
the Steam Apparatus; the lessening of the
width of the street around the circle from thirty-
feet as required by the specifications and drawings
to twenty-four feet as agreed upon; lay off
and make a circular terrace in front
of the State House as may be directed by the
said Board, and such further modifica-
tions and changes as the parties hereby may
mutually agree to make.
    And it is hereby understood and agreed
that the Comptroller of the Treasury shall
 issue his warrant in favor of of the said
Joseph M. Marshall contract, on the first
of each month during the continuance of the
work hereunder, for the value of the
work done by the contract during the
preceding month or estimated by the
State Treasurer and contractor, less the
percentum which shall be reserved
with the final completion of said work
at which time a warrant for the
entire balance then remaining unpaid
shall be issued to the said contractor by the
Comptroller upon a certificate from said
Board that this contract has been
complied with.
                And it is further covenanted
and agreed by and between said
parties that in consideration of
the further sum of Two thousand
five hundred, fifty-six dollars, forty eight cents
to be paid the said Marshall by the warrant
of the Comptroller of an the completion of
the work satisfactorily to said Board,
be,  the said Joseph M. Marshall shall [well?]
and faithfully and in a workmanlike
and skillful manner, erect a Porch
at the front entrance of said State
House according to the plans and specifica-
tions thereof furnished by him to said
    And it is further agreed that the
said contractor Marshall shall provide
and furnish good, proper and efficient
labor and material of all kinds for the pres-
ervation and finishing of said works herein
mentioned, and if he shall be guilty
of any wilful neglect or unavoid-
able delay whatsoever in completing
said works and shall fail, within
the place of five days after having
been notified in writing by said Board
of said neglect or delay, to proceed to
the completion of said work it shall
be lawful and right for said Board to
purchase the necessary materials and employ
the required labor to furnish said work,
and deduct the cost of the same out of the
money the said contractor by
value of this agreement.
    Witness the hand and seal of the said
Joseph M. Marshall, Contractor and of the Board
of Public Works of Maryland by

[signed]        Thos. J. Keating {seal}
[signed]         Barnes Compton {seal}