Board of Public Works of State of Maryland
                                    Annapolis Feb 16 1882
                In submitting the bills for the ventilation of the
State House, amounting to
                        C.C. Woolley - carpenter - $ 1080. 00
                        B. G. Fuller,     Plumber            70. 25
                                                                  $ 1150. 25

I have to explain that they differ from the estimate
which I gave you as
                        Carpenters work                $1075.00
                            Plumber                               60.00
                                                                  $ 1135.00
because it turned out that the Engineer did not want
to have to fill the little tank in W. Closet   whence I
intended to take the water,  and I had to make the]
present, and more expensive arrangement.
                    J. Crawford Neilson, Arch