Hon. Thos. J. Keating
& Board of Public Works,

Dear Sir

            Hearing that you have ($15000) fifteen thousand dollars to exspend
on improvements of the grounds of the State Capital and Circle around the
(----?), and I having a large experience in such matters, having Superentended
the Erection of buildings & improvements of the grounds of the Naval Academy
for many years, and having rraveled for the past ten years, and visited most of
the States & Capitals of the Union and spent a good deal of time in Central
and other Parks of New York & Brooklyn Boston Commons and Public
Gardens, it has made me well posted in such improvements, I would therefore
respectfully ask to be appointed superentendent of your proposed
improvements, believing I can make it to the advantage and interest of the
State and to your Credit, also having voted the Democratic ticket for the last
38 years, I hope this may receive your favorable consideration.

            Respt. Yours,
Annapolis, Daniel M. Sprogle
May 8th 1882