Archives of Maryland
(Biographical Series)

Joseph Clark
MSA SC 3520-12389


Secondary Sources:

Anne Tria Research Collection, 1997, MSA SC 6008, pages 1-1433. Research notes of Anne Tria, a graduate student intern, who conducted research relating to Joseph Clark, Isabella Clark, their family and the Maryland State House. Please see Related Collections for more information.

"History of Annapolis Freemasonry," Annapolis Lodge. 2012.

Lane, Mills. Architecture of the Old South: Maryland, 1991, pages 63-64, 73, 77.

Loth, Calder. "Palladio's Influence in America," 2008.

Morrison, A.J. . "Virginia Patents." William and Mary Quarterly, 2nd. ser, vol. 2, no. 3 (July 1922), 149-156.

"Obituaries from Texas Telegraph (Houston), 1841-44." Accessed 11 Jul 2001.

Proceedings of the House of Delegates. November Session, 1791,p. 22. Petition of Joseph Clark to receive compensation for work on the public buildings. Archives of Maryland Online, MSA SC M3197, p. 1233.

Proceedings of the House of Delegates. November Session, 1828. Memorial presented by Mr. Semmes from Mary S. Magee of the city of Annapolis requesting payment of the State for a claim left by her father the late Joseph Clarke, who was architect of the stadt-house, for the superintendance of repairs to the stadt-house and government house, in the said city. 23 Feburary 1829. Archives of Maryland Online, MSA SC M3200, p. 1032.

Radoff, Morris L. The State House at Annapolis. Annapolis, MD: Maryland Hall of Records Commission, 1972.

Rice, Kym Snyder. "Joseph Clark, Maryland Architect." Antiques 115, no. 3 (Mar., 1979), 552-555.

"William Paca: A Biography," Maryland Historical Society (1976): 92-94.

Archival Sources:

INTENDANT OF THE REVENUE (Letterbook) 1784-1786, MSA S 166-3. Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer contracting carpenters "for the necessary repairs to be made to the Dome and Roof of the State House both to be executed under the direction of Joseph Clark."

MARYLAND STATE PAPERS (Series A) Jenifer, Daniel of St. Thomas, Intendant to W.S.T. 1785, April. 4. Order to pay and receipt by Joseph Clark for plank for State House. MSA S 1004, MdHR 6636-54-18/19.

MARYLAND STATE PAPERS (Series A) Jenifer, Daniel of St. Thomas, Intendant to W.S.T. 1785, May 8. Order to pay and receipt by Joseph Clark for State House repair. MSA S 1004, MdHR 6636-54-19/10.

MARYLAND STATE PAPERS (Series A) Callahan, John to Shaw, John. 1785, May 11. Bill and receipt by Joseph Clark for plank; receipt of order by John Shaw. MSA S 1004, MdHR 6636-54-20/25.

MARYLAND STATE PAPERS (Series A) Jenifer, Daniel of St. Thomas, Intendant to W.S.T. 1785, June 20. Order to pay and receipt by Joseph Clark for State House repairs. MSA S 1004, MdHR 6636-54-20/21.

MARYLAND STATE PAPERS (Series A) Jenifer, Daniel of St. Thomas, Intendant to W.S.T. 1785, Jul. 20. Order to pay and receipt by Joseph Clark for superintendence of public buildings. MSA S 1004, MdHR 6636-54-21/14.

MARYLAND STATE PAPERS (Series A) Jenifer, Daniel of St. Thomas, Intendant to W.S.T. 1785, Aug. 5. Order to pay and receipt by Joseph Clark for repairs to the State House and governor's house. MSA S 1004, MdHR 6636-54-23/19.

MARYLAND STATE PAPERS (Series A) Jenifer, Daniel of St. Thomas, Intendant to W.S.T. 1785, Sep. 6. Order to pay and receipt by Joseph Clark for building maintenance. MSA S 1004, MdHR 6636-54-23/4.

MARYLAND STATE PAPERS (Series A) Jenifer, Daniel of St. Thomas, Intendant to W.S.T. 1785, Sep. 30. Order to pay and receipt by Joseph Clark for building maintenance. MSA S 1004, MdHR 6636-54-23/23.

MARYLAND STATE PAPERS (Series A) Jenifer, Daniel of St. Thomas, Intendant to W.S.T. 1785, Nov. 5. Order to pay Joseph Clark for repairs to Governor's house and State House. MSA S 1004, MdHR 6636-54-25/26.

MARYLAND STATE PAPERS (Series A ) Jenifer, Daniel of St. Thomas, Intendant to W.S.T. 1785, Nov. 8. Order to pay Joseph Clark for repairs to Governor's house and State House. MSA S 1004, MdHR 6636-54-25/37.

MARYLAND STATE PAPERS (Series A) Jenifer, Daniel of St. Thomas, Intendant to W.S.T. 1785, Nov. 8. Order to pay Joseph Clark for bricks from King and Hammond; receipt by William King. MSA S 1004, MdHR 6636-54-45/4.

MARYLAND STATE PAPERS (Series A) Jenifer, Daniel of St. Thomas, Intendant to W.S.T. 1785, Nov. 16. Order to pay Joseph Clark for building repair; receipt by Edward Vidler. MSA S 1004, MdHR 6636-54-25/3.

MARYLAND STATE PAPERS (Series A) Jenifer, Daniel of St. Thomas, Intendant to W.S.T. 1785, Dec. 15. Order to pay and receipt by Joseph Clark for building maintenance. MSA S 1004, MdHR 6636-54-45/14.

INTENDANT OF THE REVENUE (Letterbook) 1784-1786, MSA S 166-3. Letter to Joseph Clark from Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer inquiring about State House scantling.

INTENDANT OF THE REVENUE (Letterbook) 1784-1786, MSA S 166-3. Letter to Col. Joseph Dashiell from Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer regarding the State House dome.

INTENDANT OF THE REVENUE (Letterbook) 1784-1786, MSA S 166-3. Letter from Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer to David Stewart requesting laborers from Europe.

AUDITOR GENERAL (Journal) Payment to Stephen Clark, 1785, p. 440. Peter Force Collection B-2, MSA SC 4391 [MSA S 150-5, 1/6/5/18].

AUDITOR GENERAL (Journal) Payment for scantling, 1785, p. 445. Peter Force Collection B-2, MSA SC 4391 [MSA S 150-5, 1/6/5/18].

AUDITOR GENERAL (Journal) Payment for repairs to State House, 1785, p. 447. Peter Force Collection B-2, MSA SC 4391 [MSA S 150-5, 1/6/5/18].

AUDITOR GENERAL (Journal) Payment to Stephen Clark, 1785, p. 449. MSA S 150-5, Peter Force Collection B-2, MSA SC 4391 [MSA S 150-5, 1/6/5/18] .

AUDITOR GENERAL (Journal) Payment for State House repairs, 1785, p. 451. Peter Force Collection B-2, MSA SC 4391 [MSA S 150-5, 1/6/5/18].

AUDITOR GENERAL (Journal)  Payment for State House and Government House repairs, 1785, p. 452. Peter Force Collection B-2, MSA SC 4391 [MSA S 150-5, 1/6/5/18].

AUDITOR GENERAL (Journal) Payment for repairs to the State House and Government House, 1785, p. 456. Peter Force Collection B-2, MSA SC 4391 [MSA S 150-5, 1/6/5/18].

AUDITOR GENERAL (Journal) Payment for repairs to the Governors and Stadt Houses, 1785, p. 458. Peter Force Collection B-2, MSA SC 4391 [MSA S 150-5, 1/6/5/18] .

AUDITOR GENERAL (Journal) Payment for repairs, 5 Nov. 1785, p. 464. Peter Force Collection B-2, MSA SC 4391 [MSA S 150-5, 1/6/5/18].

AUDITOR GENERAL (Journal) Payment for repairing the public buildings, 1785, p. 468. Peter Force Collection B-2, MSA SC 4391 [MSA S 150-5, 1/6/5/18].

AUDITOR GENERAL (Journal) Payment due to Joseph Clark, p. 519. Peter Force Collection B-2, MSA SC 4391. [MSA S 150-5, 1/6/5/18].

MSA T 68. Letter from Joshua botts, one of the hired carpenters, describing Clark's plans for the Governor's and State House.

GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL (Proceedings) 1784-1788, MSA S 1071-26. Archives of Marlyand, Volume 71, page 86. "It is this Day agreed that Mr. Joseph Clark continue to make the Repairs of the State House, and the Governor's House under the Contract made between him and the late Intendant, until this Board come into a particular Contract with him."

GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL (Proceedings) 1784-1788, MSA S 1071-26. Archives of Maryland, Volume 71, page 89. Joseph Clark paid for superintending the Public Buildings, exclusive of Drawings and making out Bills of Scantling.

GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL (Proceedings) 1784-1788, MSA S 1071-26. Joseph Clark paid for Disbursements by him on the public buildings. He seems to be paid for the same monthly.

GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL (Proceedings) 1784-1788, MSA S 1071-26. Archives of Maryland, Volume 71, page 118. Payment to Joseph Clark from WST.

GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL (Proceedings) 1784-1788, MSA S 1071-26. Archives of Maryland, Volume 71, apge 133. Joseph Clark paid for planks.

GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL (Proceedings) 1784-1788, MSA S 1071-26. Archives of Maryland, Volume 71, page 139. Joseph Clark paid for procuring shingle for the State House. See also.

GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL (Proceedings) 1784-1788, MSA S 1071-26. Archives of Maryland, Volume 71, page 147. Payment to Joseph Clark.

GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL (Proceedings) 1784-1788, MSA S 1071-26. Archives of Maryland, Volume 71, page 149. Joseph Clark for shingles for the State House.

GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL (Proceedings) 1784-1788, MSA S 1071-26. Archives of Maryland, Volume 71, page 150. Order to Joseph Clark to discharge most workmen due to inclement weather delaying the building.

GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL (Proceedings) 1784-1788, MSA S 1071-26. Joseph Clark paid for repairs of public buildings. First of several such entries.

MARYLAND STATE PAPERS (Series A) 1788, MSA S 1004-91-21167, MdHR 6636-66-393. Simon Retallick's account with Joseph Clark.

GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL (Proceedings) 1784-1788, MSA S 1071-26. Archives of Maryland, Volume 71, pages 208-9. Joseph Clark paid 1500 pounds to be by him expended in finishing the public buildings within this City agreeably to a Resolution of the General Assembly.

MARYLAND STATE PAPERS (Series A), 1787, MSA S 1004-89-11960, MdHR 6636- Letter from William Smallwood regarding Joseph Clark's request for funds to complete public buildings.

GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL (Proceedings) 1784-1788, MSA S 1071-26. Archives of Maryland, Volume 71, page 225. Payments to Joseph Clark per various accounts.

MARYLAND STATE PAPERS (Series A), 1787, MSA S 1004-89-12027, MdHR 6636-64-131. Letter calling for attendance to a meeting on behalf of Joseph Clark's request for glass for public buildings.

MARYLAND STATE PAPERS (Series A), 1787, MSA S 1004-89-11766, MdHR 6636-64-128/1. Letter from Jeremiah Chase regarding Joseph Clark's request for more funding.

MARYLAND STATE PAPERS (Series A), 1788, MSA S 1004-91, MdHR 6636-66-141. Payment to Joseph Clark for work on public buildings.

MARYLAND STATE PAPERS (Series A), 1788, MSA S 1004-91, MdHR 6636-66-142. Order to pay ten pounds to Joseph Clark to pay to Simon Retallick.

MARYLAND STATE PAPERS (Series A), 1788, MSA S 1004-66, pg. 161-173, 175-180. Numerous receipts to Joseph Clark. See also.

MARYLAND STATE PAPERS (Series A), 1788, MSA S 1004-66-191. Receipt of Joseph Clark to settle the account of King and Hammond.

MARYLAND STATE PAPERS (Series A), 1788, MSA S 1004-66-193. Joseph Clark paid to settle John Green's account.

MARYLAND STATE PAPERS (Series A), 1788, MSA S 1004-91, MdHR 6636-66-18. Payment to Joseph Clark to pay Simon Retallick for iron work.

MARYLAND STATE PAPERS (Series A), 1788, MSA S 1004-91-21311, MdHR 6636-66-227. Joseph Clark paid to settle Simon Retallick's account.

MARYLAND STATE PAPERS (Series A), 1788, MSA S 1004-66, 281-285. Several receipts of Joseph Clark "in part of an account passed by the Auditor General the 18th instant."

GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL (Proceedings) 1784-1788, MSA S 1071-26. Archives of Maryland, Volume 71, page 316. Joseph Clark paid for disbursements on account of repairs of the State House. Receipt for the same. MARYLAND STATE PAPERS (Series A) 1788, MSA S 1004-66-32.

Maryland Historical Society, 1790, 1948.55.1. Joseph Clark, "Wye Hall, Front Elevation and Ground Floor Plan."

Proceedings of the House of Delegates, November Session 1791, folio 22. MSA SC M 3197, 1233. Joseph Clark presented a petition to the House of Delegates requesting compensation for services rendered in repairing the public buildings.

GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL (Proceedings), 1791-1793, MSA S 1071-28. Archives of Maryland, Volume 72, page 267. Designs of State House repair are to be displayed at the house of Joseph Clark.

Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1789-1793, Archives of Maryland, Volume 72, page 290. Order to pay Joseph Clark. See also pg 297.

GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL (Proceedings) 1793-1799, MSA S 1071-29. Archives of Maryland, Volume 72, page 356. Joseph Clark paid 100 pounds for repairs of the State House.

GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL (Proceedings) 1793-1799, MSA S 1071-29. Archives of Maryland, Volume 72, page 290. Joseph Clark paid forty pounds on account of Thomas Dance's contract to plaster the Dome of the State House.

GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL (Proceedings) 1793-1799, MSA S 1071-29. Joseph Clark, architect, paid 200 pounds for duties as superintendant of public repairs.

GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL (Proceedings) 1792-1799, MSA S 1071-29. Joseph Clark paid 100 pounds for repairs now making under his direction to the State House.

Proceedings of the House of Delegates, November 1828, Archives of Maryland, MSA SC M 3200, 1033, folio 385. Mr. Semmes presented a memorial of Mary S. Magee of the city of Annapolis requesting payment of the State for a claim left by her father the late Joseph Clark. See also MSA SC 5287-3-3 and MSA SC 5287-7-13.

Court Records:

Insolvency of Stephen Clarke. According to the Maryland Gazette of 17 April 1806, Clarke filed for insolvency in AA County Court in 1806. Unable to locate any AA Court records of the proceedings; few records exist from that period.

CHANCERY COURT (Chancery Papers) Insolvent estate of Stephen Clark, 1792, MdHR 17,898-1017-1/3 [MSA S512-2-1062, 1/36/1/21].

Andrew Young v. Stephen Young. Case originally filed December 1793 to collect debt of 210.13.4 1/2 pounds current money. Court awarded Young 208.17.6 pounds current money, 21 May 1795. Clarke appealed 6 July 1795. Note that Joseph Clarke responded to the suit for his brother. Case provides an interesting list of books purchased for sale by Stephen Clarke.

GENERAL COURT OF THE WESTERN SHORE (Docket) William Young v. Stephen Clarke, 1795, May Term, Anne Arundel Imparlences, no. 607, p. 143, MdHR 263-1 [MSA S592-24, 1/18/2/10].

GENERAL COURT OF THE WESTERN SHORE (Judgment Record) William Young v. Stephen Clarke, 1795, May Term, Anne Arundel Imparlences, no. 607, Liber JG 27, pps. 362-366, MdHR 138 [MSA S497-24, 1/18/1/22].

GENERAL COURT OF THE WESTERN SHORE (Judgments) William Young v. Stephen Clarke, 1795, May Term, Anne Arundel Imparlences, no. 607, MdHR 179-388 [MSA S498-389, 1/20/1/32].

COURT OF APPEALS (Docket) Stephen Clarke v. AndrewYoung, 1796, November Term, no. 38, p. 331, MdHR 578 [MSA S412-2, 1/66/14/17].

COURT OF APPEALS (Judgment Record) Stephen Clarke v. Andrew Young, 1796, November Term, no. 38, Liber BW 4, pps. 102-116, MdHR 841 [MSA S422-10, 1/66/10/70].

COURT OF APPEALS (Judgments) Stephen Clarke v. Andrew Young, 1796, November Term, no. 38, MdHR 683-77 [MSA S381-54, 1/62/7/32].

Newspaper/Journal Articles:

The Maryland Gazette, 10 March 1785.

The Maryland Gazette, 7 April 1785.

The Maryland Gazette, 9 June 1785. Anne Tria Research Collection, MSA SC 6008.

The Maryland Gazette, 1 July 1786. Anne Tria Collection, MSA SC 6008.

The Maryland Gazette, 1 May 1788.

The Maryland Gazette, 29 March 1792. Anne Tria Collection, MSA SC 6008.

The Maryland Gazette, 28 February 1793. Anne Tria Collection, MSA SC 2731.

The Maryland Gazette, 9 December 1793. Maryland Gazette Collection, MSA 3447, M13.

Maryland Journal and Baltimore Advertiser, 10 January 1794.

Maryland Republican, 13 January 1835.

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