Research at the Baltimore City Archives

How to Get Started:
A good place to start your research is the Guide to Records at the Baltimore City Archives and other general Guides and Indexes.
How Our Records are Organized:
The Records of Baltimore City are organized and described following a slightly modified version of the National Archives model of Record Groups, an archival management system that was introduced in the 1980s, and that led to the reorganization and re-distribution of a chronological inventory and filing system devised by the WPA Historical Records Survey.
All Baltimore City records currently being incorporated into the Maryland State Archives online catalog retain the record group number preceded by BRG for record groups, BMS for manuscripts, and BTR for records pending accessioning into record groups or disposal by records retention and disposal schedules. To view a record group in the guide by number simply enter BRG with the record group number immediately following in the Series ID box. For example BRG1 will take you to the inventory of Baltimore City Archives Record Group 1 which are the records of the (Baltimore Town Commissioners), 1729-1797.
To convert WPA-HRS Index Numbers into Record Groups and Series, visit our Topics page.
For General Research:
For Genealogists:
Guide to the Baltimore City Archives for Genealogists
For Specialized Historical Researchers (ie., thesis and dissertation guidance):
Specific Topics and Records:
- African Americans in Baltimore City
- Baltimore Symphony Orchestra
- Board of Estimates
- Cemeteries
- Church Records
- City Council
- City Directories
- Court Records for Baltimore City
- Demography of Baltimore City: Sources
- Geography of Baltimore City: Sources
- Historiography of Baltimore City
- Land Records of Baltimore City
- Law Department/City Solicitor
- LGBTQI History: Sources
- Mayor’s Office
- Photographs at the Baltimore City Archives
- Police Records
- Recreation and Parks
- Tax Records for Baltimore City
- Transcribing and Inventorying the Records of Baltimore City, 1905-1940
- Vital Records of Baltimore City (Birth, Death, Marriage, Wills)
- War of 1812 in Baltimore City
- Ward Changes