City Record Transfers
Transfer of Records to the Baltimore City Archives Records Center
For detailed information about transferring city records, please review this site and refer to Baltimore City Archives – The Transfer Process.
Records MUST first have a Retention Schedule
A Records Retention Schedule, or Records Disposition Authorization ("RDA") is a policy document that is formulated by your department with help from the City Records Management Officer. Records Retention Schedules govern all City departmental records that are transferred to the City Archives. These describe the records and specify their final disposition.
If the records you wish to transfer do not have a Retention Schedule/RDA, one must first be created and approved by the City and State Archivists before any transfer can be scheduled. You may begin this process by completing the Records Survey Form and returning it to our team at
To check whether a schedule is already on file, visit this page and select "Description" next to "Column to Filter On," then type a keyword into the Filter Criteria box. To view the schedule document, click "Links" and download the PDF.
If this is your first time completing a records survey, please carefully read the Instructions document to guide you in properly and completely filling out each section. You may also request a visit from our staff to assist you with reviewing records on site at your location.
Records with an existing Retention Schedule
All transfers of records must have the approval of the City Records Management Officer. Approval is granted when a Records Transmittal Request ("RTR") has been submitted and signed by the Records Management Officer.
The RTR must note the applicable Retention Schedule/RDA number and list the contents of the transfer as accurately and completely as possible. The Records Management Officer may schedule a time to inspect the boxes that are to be transferred as well, to ensure they match the RTR and that they are constructed and labeled properly, before approving the transfer.
The RTR must be submitted via email to for review by Records Management staff.
Download the RTR form as a Word Document
Download a supplemental Excel inventory template
Only after the RTR has been approved can a date and time for the transfer be scheduled; scheduling must be coordinated with City Archives staff. Agencies may not schedule transfers without approval. If a transfer arrives without prior approval or on a date other than the one assigned for it, it will be refused.
Special boxes required
Records transferred to the City Archives must be in approved record center boxes that cannot exceed 15” x 12” x 9 7/8” in dimension. Materials received in containers not compatible with Archives shelving, such as “banker’s boxes” or copy paper boxes, will not be accepted.
Record center boxes may be purchased from Maryland Correctional Enterprises online or by calling 410-540-5454 and ask for item no. 123Q001, “File and Record Storage Box.” Do not overfill OR underfill boxes when packing. Contact the BCA with questions at (410) 396-3884 or by e-mailing
Box Construction instructions - visual
Box Labeling Instuctions
The boxes must be clearly marked with the following information: the box number, the department or agency name, retention schedule number, and the title of record. If the box contains folders or files that are identified by a name or number, write the name or number from the first and last folder/file on the front of the box. No scratch-outs or writing over is permitted on the boxes. The information on the box front must be clear and legible.
Retrieving archived records
If a document or record that has been transferred to the City Archives is needed by an agency a request for said document is to be sent to The document will then be scanned and sent in a PDF format to the requesting agency. Fees may apply.
More information
For detailed information about transferring city records, please refer to Baltimore City Archives – The Transfer Process.
For attendees of our Records Management Seminars, here is the Records Management Seminar page with the resources and powerpoints given during the class.
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