WPA-HRS Indexing

In the 1930’s as a part of the Works Progress Administration, the Historical Records Survey traveled to museums, libraries, and archives to survey and index historical records. The Baltimore City Archives was fortunately one of the institutions that benefited by this Great Depression job creator. The product of the Survey was threefold (all of which have been digitized and made available online):
- a chronological listing of every record in specific record groups
- a name index listing every time individuals were mentioned in those records
- a subject index for some of the more prevalent or considered important topics
The following is a explanation of which of the current record groups were indexed, and for what time periods.
BRG # | Series | BRG Descriptor | Series Name | Beginning Year | Ending Year |
3 | 1 | City Commissioners | Administrative Files | 1797 | 1899 |
5 | 1 | Taxes | General Administrative Files | 1807 | 1864 |
6 | 5 | City Auditor | Reports | 1857 | 1859 |
9 | 2 | Mayor | Mayor’s Correspondence | 1797 | 1923 |
10 | 1 | Court House Commissioners/Repairs | Administrative Records | 1835 | 1840 |
11 | 10 | Election Records | Registration Alterations | 1879 | 1879 |
12 | 17 | Cartographic Records | Topographic Survey Files | 1894 | 1895 |
13 | 3 | Law Department | [Opinions, Correspondence & Documents] | 1819 | 1864 |
16 | 1 | City Council | Administrative Files | 1797 | 1923 |
16 | 10 | City Council | Records of the Funerals of Thomas Jefferson and the Marquis de Lafayette | 1826 | 1834 |
16 | 11 | City Council | John McDonogh Estate | 1851 | 1857 |
16 | 12 | City Council | Maryland Canal | 1837 | 1837 |
19 | 1 | Health Department | [Administrative Files & Coroners Reports] | 1798 | 1907 |
19 | 9 | Health Department | House of Industry | 1817 | 1823 |
21 | 11 | Municipal Museum | [Financial Records of Construction] | 1830 | 1830 |
22 | 1 | War of 1812 Records | [Correspondence, Bills, Muster Rolls] | 1812 | 1815 |
22 | 2 | War of 1812 Records | Pensions | 1820 | 1820 |
22 | 3 | War of 1812 Records | [Correspondence, Bills, Muster Rolls] | 1812 | 1815 |
25 | 1 | Water Supply Records | Administrative Files | 1829 | 1921 |
29 | 4 | Department of Legislative Reference | City Library Files [Correspondence] | 1900 | 1900 |
30 | 1 | Electrical Commission | [Application for Duct Space] | 1926 | 1938 |
31 | 1 | Department of Education | Subseries F: Payroll Records | 1869 | 1871 |
32 | 1 | Register | [Correspondence, Financial, Contracts, Bonds] | 1800 | 1924 |
36 | 6 | Board of Estimates | [Administrative and Appropriations] | 1900 | 1923 |
39 | 1 | Harbor Records | Financial Records | 1873 | 1878 |
39 | 2 | Port Warden/Harbor Records | [Accounts, Correspondence, Reports] | 1797 | 1901 |
40 | 7 | Collector of Taxes | Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports | 1842 | 1848 |
41 | 1 | Miscellaneous Administrative Records | Reports and Returns | 1798 | 1925 |
41 | 2 | Miscellaneous Administrative Records | Bonds | 1807 | 1939 |
41 | 3 | Miscellaneous Administrative Records | Bills | 1810 | 1923 |
41 | 4 | Miscellaneous Administrative Records | Insurance | 1825 | 1917 |
41 | 5 | Miscellaneous Administrative Records | Court Papers | 1815 | 1921 |
41 | 6 | Miscellaneous Administrative Records | Miscellaneous Administrative Papers | 1807 | 1922 |
42 | 1 | Market Records | Market Rents and Licences | 1818 | 1917 |
42 | 2 | Market Records | Market Reports and Returns | 1830 | 1917 |
43 | 7 | Comptroller | [Administrative Files, Burnt District, Symphony] | 1905 | 1924 |
47 | 3 | Department of Public Works | City’s Engineer Records | 1900 | 1922 |
47 | 4 | Department of Public Works | Inspector of Buildings, Correspondence Received | 1920 | 1920 |
55 | 1 | Passenger Arrival Records | Passenger Arrival Lists | 1833 | 1866 |
55 | 3 | Passenger Arrival Records | Bonds | 1832 | 1834 |
56 | 1 | Civil War Records | Administrative Records | 1861 | 1867 |
58 | 6 | Street Improvement Records | [Opening and Closing of Streets] | 1900 | 1924 |
59 | 1 | State of Maryland Papers Pertaining to Baltimore City | Maryland General Assembly Papers | 1812 | 1904 |
59 | 2 | State of Maryland Papers Pertaining to Baltimore City | Maryland Militia Papers | 1818 | 1818 |
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