Department of Aging & Human Services, 41780 Baldridge St., Leonardtown, Maryland, November 2017. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
Grants of federal and State funds for local programs to serve the elderly are provided by the federal Older Americans Act (Title III), the federal Food and Agriculture Act (sec. 700), and State general funds. The Department also receives local funds, private donations, and contributions from program participants.
The Department is responsible for the Human Services Division, and the Senior Information and Assistance Office, and is aided by the Commission on Aging.
Appointed by the Board of County Commissioners to three-year terms, the Commission consists of at least ten members (County Code of Ordinances & Resolutions, secs. 149B-1, 149B-2)
Appointed to four-year terms by the Board of County Commissioners, twenty-five members make up the Commission, which chooses the Chair (Resolution 91-11; County Code, Chapter 156).
Each local management board enters into a community partnership agreement with the Governor's Office for Children, which assists with training and technical assistance so that each local board may develop resources, implement programs, and become fiscally accountable.
Reflecting the interagency nature of services for children and families, each board's membership must include representatives from the local health department, core service (mental health) agency, and department of social services; the local office of the Department of Juvenile Services; and the county public school system. Other members representing public and private community organizations also may serve on a board (Chapter 3, Acts of 2007; Chapter 604, Acts of 2011; Chapter 469, Acts of 2015; Chapter 456, Acts of 2017; Code Human Services Article, secs. 8-301 through 8-305).
In St. Mary's County, the Local Management Board coordinates a system of local services for children, youth, and families (Code Human Services Article, secs. 8-301 through 8-305). Health, education, social and justice services are provided to young people who may be moved from their home because of abuse, neglect, delinquency, or special needs. In the community, the Board coordinates services so that children, placed in programs out-of-state, may be helped closer to home.
Formerly at 41780 Baldridge Street, the Garvey Senior Activity Center moved to 23630 Hayden Farm Lane, Leonardtown, in April 2020.
The Authority conducts programs to improve community life, and bolster the social and economic health of the County. Programs offered by the Authority include: Family Self-Sufficiency, Family Unification, Housing Choice Voucher, Housing Rehabilitation, and Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing Voucher.
Social service and public assistance programs in St. Mary's County are the responsibility of the Department of Social Services. These include the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly the food stamp program), and Temporary Cash Assistance, as well as services for adoption, foster care, and child protection. To implement programs and provide support services to children and families in their communities, the Department also works with local organizations to offer education and training, transitional housing, and drug and alcohol rehabilitation. The Director of the Department administers these programs subject to the supervision, direction, and control of the Social Services Administration, and the Family Investment Administration.
With the approval of the Secretary of Human Services and the advice of the St. Mary's County Social Services Board, the Board of County Commissioners appoints the Director (Code Human Services Article, secs. 3-101 through 3-303).
The Citizen Review Board for Children reviews cases of children in foster care to evaluate what progress has been made towards their permanent placement. Cases are reviewed in accordance with priorities established by the St. Mary's County Department of Social Services and the State Citizens Review Board for Children and contained in a memorandum of agreement. For each child reviewed, a recommendation is sent to the County Department of Social Services and the local juvenile court. With concurrence of the Social Services Administration, the State Board may establish categories of foster children for whom a satisfactory permanent arrangement has been made and who may be exempt from local review.
Each local review board has seven members. They are appointed by the Governor to four-year terms (Code Family Law Article, secs. 5-540 through 5-547)
Appointed by the Board of County Commissioners, the Board's nine-members serve three-year terms (Code Human Services Article, secs. 3-501 through 3-503).
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The Commission on Aging advises and assists the Deparment of Aging and Human Services in developing the content, administration, and financing of County programs designed to serve elderly residents. The Commission also provides general oversight and review of the operations of the Department of Aging and Human Services.
The Human Services Division is responsible for the Office of Community Services and the Local Management Board.
The Commission on People with Disabilities originated as the Commission for the Disabled in April 1991. It reformed under its present name in 2002.
In St. Mary's County, the Human Relations Commission is appointed by the Board of County Commissioners to four-year terms (Code Local Government Article, secs. 29-101 through 29-109).
Since 1990, each Maryland county has been required to establish a local management board to plan, implement, and monitor child and family services. Each board determines what services are needed within the parameters of the goals of the Children's Cabinet.
The Senior Center Operations Division oversees three centers: Garvey Senior Activity Center (Leonardtown); Loffler Senior Activity Center (Great Mills); and Northern Senior Activity Center (Charlotte Hall).
The St. Mary's County Housing Authority was created by the Board of County Commissioners on June 29, 1971 (Resolution no. 71-25).
Funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Housing Choice Voucher Program provides low-income residents with the ability to choose housing that meets their own individual needs.
When the Department of Social Services started as the Department of Public Welfare in 1939, the Welfare Board was the local administrative agency for public assistance (Chapter 99, Acts of 1939). The Department of Public Welfare assumed welfare responsibilities from the Welfare Board in 1967, and was renamed the Department of Social Services in 1968 (Chapter 148, Acts of 1967; Chapter 702, Acts of 1968).
In 1978, the Citizen Review Board for Children originated as the Foster Care Review Board (Chapter 980, Acts of 1978). The Board reformed under its present name in 1999 (Chapter 355, Acts of 1999).
Until the Great Depression, public assistance and welfare functions of the Social Services Board were administered by the Board of County Commissioners. Under the Board of State Aid and Charities, the Welfare Board assumed those duties in 1933 and became the local agency to direct public relief (Chapter 222, Acts of 1933). The Board also began to certify eligible persons for employment in the federal Works Progress Administration, the Public Works Administration, and the Civilian Conservation Corps (Chapter 586, Acts of 1935). When the State Department of Public Welfare replaced the Board of State Aid and Charities in 1939, the Welfare Board was overseen by the State Department (Chapter 99, Acts of 1939). The Board reformed in 1967 with many of its administrative duties transferred to the County Department of Public Welfare (Chapter 148, Acts of 1967). In 1968, the Board was renamed as the Social Services Board under the St. Mary's County Department of Social Services (Chapter 148, Acts of 1967; Chapter 702, Acts of 1968).
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