[photo, Benjamin T. Brooks, Sr., Maryland State Senator] BENJAMIN T. BROOKS, SR.
Democrat, District 10, Baltimore County

Member of Senate since January 11, 2023. Member, Education, Energy and the Environment Committee, 2023- (energy subcommittee, 2023-). Senate Chair, Joint Electric Universal Service Program Work Group, 2023-. Member, Joint Audit and Evaluation Committee, 2025-; Rules Committee, 2025-. Member, Joint Subcommittee on Program Open Space and Agricultural Land Preservation, 2023-24. Vice-Chair, Baltimore County Senate Delegation, 2025-. Member, Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland, 2023-. Senate Chair, Maryland Veterans Caucus, 2025- (senate executive board, 2023-).

Member, Task Force to Study Solar Tax Incentives, 2023-24; Virginia I. Jones Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Council, 2023-; Commission on Climate Change, 2023- (solar photovoltaic systems recovery, reuse, & recycling working group, 2023-); Maryland 250 Commission, 2023-; Commission to Study African-American Civil War Soldiers in Maryland, 2024-. Co-Chair, Financial Education and Capability Commission, 2024- (member, 2023-).

Member of House of Delegates, representing District 10 (Baltimore County), January 14, 2015 to January 11, 2023. Deputy Majority Whip, 2017-23. Member, Economic Matters Committee, 2015-23 (alcoholic beverages subcommittee, 2015-23; property & casualty insurance subcommittee, 2015-18; chair, public utilities subcommittee, 2019-23; chair, joint electric service program work group, 2020-). House Chair, Joint Electric Universal Service Program Work Group, 2020-21. House Vice-Chair, Baltimore County Delegation, 2020-23 (secretary, 2018-20). Treasurer, Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland, 2016-22 (member, 2015-23); 2nd vice-chair, 2018-19; 1st vice-chair, 2019-20); Maryland Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus, 2015-23; Maryland Veterans Caucus, 2015-23.

Member, Task Force to Study Methods to Reduce the Rate of Uninsured Drivers, 2015; Task Force to Investigate the Challenges of and Opportunities for Minorities in Business, 2016-18; Maryland Small Business Retirement Savings Board, 2016-22; Advisory Council on the Impact of Regulations on Small Businesses, 2017-21.

Member, Board of License Commissioners, Baltimore County, 2011-13.

Born in Sumter, South Carolina, April 23, 1950. Attended Ebenezer High School, Sumter, South Carolina; South Carolina State University, B.S. (accounting), 1976. Served in U.S. Army, 1969-72 (accommodations medal; good conduct medal; national defense medal; vietnam service medal). Cost Accountant, Joseph E. Seagram and Sons, Inc., 1978-87 (junior accountant, 1976-78). Owner, B & R Brooks Professional Tax Service, 1987-. President, Brooks Family Investments, Inc., 2004-. Vice-President, S.A.W. Enterprises, Inc. Member, Baltimore County Democratic Central Committee, 2010- (past treasurer). Board of Directors, Sojourner Douglass College, 2012-. Delegate, Democratic Party National Convention, 2016. Treasurer, Edrich Manor Homeowners Association. Member, Post no. 202, American Legion; Greater Patapsco Community Association, Inc.; Liberty Road Business Association, Inc. Member, St. Gabriel Roman Catholic Church, Windsor Mill, Maryland. Married; three children.

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