Benjamin T. Brooks, Sr., Co-Chair (chosen by Senate President)
Dana M. Stein, Co-Chair (chosen by House Speaker)

Appointed by Governor to 4-year terms: Bruce H. Lubich, Ph.D., 2018; Franklin N. McNeil, Jr., 2020; Lisa E. Norrington-Moseley, 2021; Erin M. Layton, 2023; Robin M. McKinney, 2024; Margaret O. Woodside, 2024; Kenneth R. Venick, 2025; Lynne M. Durbin, Esq., 2026; Julie A. Weaver, 2026; Adrian Sherman Johnson, 2027; one vacancy.

Appointed by Senate President: one vacancy

Appointed by House Speaker: Marlon D. Amprey

Ex officio: Maureen O'Prey, designee of Comptroller of Maryland; Megan E. Schutz, designee of State Treasurer; William D. Gruhn, Chief, Division of Consumer Protection, Office of Attorney General; Jennifer Griffin, designee of State Superintendent of Schools; Stuart P. Campbell, designee of Secretary of Housing & Community Development; Donna E. Thomas, designee of Secretary of Higher Education; Jacqueline Turner, designee of Executive Director, Family Investment Administration, Department of Human Resources; Antonio P. Salazar, Esq., Commissioner of Financial Regulation, Maryland Department of Labor.

Staff: Sue P. Rogan

c/o Maryland Creating Assets, Savings, & Hope (CASH) Campaign
575 South Charles St., Suite 500, Baltimore, MD 21201
(443) 692-9425

Annual Report to Governor & General Assembly due Dec. 1.

In October 2012, the Financial Education and Capability Commission was formed by the General Assembly (Chapter 520, Acts of 2012).

The Commission monitors public and private initiatives to improve the financial education and capabilities of Marylanders. Also, the Commission recommends how State agencies can coordinate financial education and capability efforts. In addition, since October 2014, the Commission has been mandated to encourage financial education events and activities to highlight April as Financial Education Month (Chapter 265, Acts of 2014).

Twenty-three members constitute the Commission. Eleven are appointed by the Governor, two by the Senate President, two by the House Speaker, and eight serve ex officio. Effective October 2016, the Governor is mandated to appoint an additional member (Chapter 265, Acts of 2014; Chapter 187, Acts of 2016; Code State Government Article, sec. 9-803).

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