[photo, Michael A. Jackson, Maryland State Senate] MICHAEL A. JACKSON
Democrat, District 27 Calvert, Charles & Prince George's Counties

Member of Senate since January 13, 2021. Member, Budget and Taxation Committee, 2021- (pensions subcommittee, 2021-, chair, 2023-24; procurement subcommittee, 2025-; chair, public safety, transportation & environment subcommittee, 2025-, member, 2021-); Joint Committee on Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Biotechnology, 2021-; Joint Committee on Legislative Ethics, 2023-. Member, Special Joint Committee on Pensions, 2023- (senate chair, 2023-24). Member, Legislative Policy Committee, 2025-. Vice-Chair, Democratic Party Caucus, 2023-. Member, Judicial Proceedings Committee, 2021. Senate Chair, Calvert County Delegation, 2021-. Chair, Prince George's County Delegation, 2023-. Member, Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland, 2021-; Maryland Veterans Caucus, 2022- (senate chair, 2022-25).

Member, Work Group to Study Partial Expungement, 2021-22; Board of Trustees, Maryland Veterans Trust, 2021-; Workgroup to Study the Fiscal and Operational Viability of Public-Private Partnerships for Charles County Public Schools, 2022-23; Workgroup to Study the Fiscal and Operational Viability of Public-Private Partnerships for Calvert County Public Schools, 2024-.

Member of House of Delegates (Democrat), representing District 27B, Calvert and Prince George's Counties, January 14, 2015 to January 13, 2021. Resigned January 13, 2021. Vice-Chair, Appropriations Committee, 2020 (member, 2015-20; oversight committee on personnel, 2015-17; vice-chair, public safety & administration subcommittee, 2019, member, 2015-19; member, capital budget subcommittee, 2020; chair, oversight committee on pensions, 2020, member, 2017-20). Member, Public Safety and Policing Work Group, 2015-16; Joint Audit Committee, 2015-19; Special Joint Committee on Pensions, 2017-20; Joint Committee on Fair Practices and State Personnel Oversight, 2019-20; Joint Audit and Evaluation Committee, 2019-20. House Chair, Joint Committee on Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Biotechnology, 2019-20. Member, Rules and Executive Nominations Committee, 2020; Joint Covid-19 Response Legislative Work Group, 2020. House Chair, Spending Affordability Committee, 2020. Member, Work Group to Address Police Reform and Accountability in Maryland, 2020. Chair, Prince George's County Delegation, 2018-19 (member, county affairs committee, 2017-; vice-chair, law enforcement & state-appointed boards committee, 2015-16). Member, Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland, 2015-20; Maryland Veterans Caucus, 2015-20; Maryland Military Installation Legislative Caucus, 2017-20.

Member, Task Force to Study the Commemoration of Harriet Elizabeth Brown, 2015-16; Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland, 2015-; Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission, 2016-21; Commission to Advance Next Generation 9-1-1 Across Maryland, 2018-20; Juvenile Justice Reform Council, 2019-21; Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission, 2019-.

Sheriff, Prince George's County, December 2, 2002 to December 6, 2010. Board of Directors, Economic Development Corporation, Prince George's County, 2006-10. Member, Correctional Training Commission, 2007-08; Police Training Commission, 2007-08.

Director, Executive Development Institute, Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services, 2011-14.

Special Assistant for Homeland Security to County Executive, Prince George's County, 2014-16. Deputy Director, Administrative Division, Office of Homeland Security, Prince George's County, 2016-.

Born in Cheverly, Maryland, March 29, 1964. Attended Crossland High School, Temple Hills, Maryland; DeVry Institute of Technology, B.S. (electronic engineering/technical management), 1986; The Johns Hopkins University, M.S., Police Executive Leadership Program. Served in U.S. Marine Corp Reserves, 1982-85. President, Fraternal Order of Police Lodge no. 112, 1997-2002. President, Maryland Sheriffs' Association, 2007-08 (member, 2002-10; 2nd vice-president, 2005-07). Board of Directors, Court Officers and Deputies Association (secretary/treasurer, 2006-10); National Sheriffs' Association. Member, American Legion Post no. 275, Glenarden; College Park Moose Lodge no. 453; Mitchellville Kiwanis Club. Adjunct Associate Professor (business & applied professional programs), University of Maryland University College, 2007-. Adjunct Associate Professor (business & management), DeVry University, 2009-. Law Enforcement Person of the Year, Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence, 2007. Allied Profession Award, Congressional Victims' Rights Caucus, 2008. Married; one child.

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