Chair: Anthony C. Woods, Secretary of Veterans & Military Families

Appointed by Governor to 4-year terms: Ginger Miller, 2025; Julie Ann Riggs, 2025; O'Neal Johnson, Jr., 2027.

Appointed by Senate President: Michael A. Jackson

Appointed by House Speaker: Michael J. Rogers

Ex officio: Terri Williams, designee of Secretary of Aging; vacancy, designee of Secretary of Health; Tanisha Sanders, designee of Secretary of Human Services; vacancy, designee of Secretary of Labor; Col. Richard Hunt, designee of Adjutant General.

[photo, Wineland Building (State House in background), 16 Francis St., Annapolis, Maryland] Heather Geraldes, Executive Director

c/o Department of Veterans & Military Families
Fred L. Wineland Building, 16 Francis St., 4th floor, Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 260-3836

Wineland Building (State House in background), 16 Francis St., Annapolis, Maryland, February 2014. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.


In July 2013, the Maryland Veterans Trust was established by the General Assembly as a corporate entity (Chapter 681, Acts of 2013).

The Trust provides monetary and other assistance to both veterans and their families and to programs that support them. The source of this assistance is the Maryland Veterans Trust Fund, which is administered by the Maryland Veterans Trust (Code State Government Article, secs. 9-913 through 9-914.3).

An eleven-member Board of Trustees governs the Trust. The Governor appoints three of the Board's members to four-year terms, and the Senate President and House Speaker each appoint one member. Six members serve ex officio (Code State Government Article, sec. 9-914).

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