[photo, Mary-Dulany James, State Senator] MARY-DULANY JAMES
Democrat, District 34, Harford County

James Senate Office Building, Room 103
11 Bladen St., Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 841-3158
1-800-492-7122, ext. 3158 (toll free)

Member of Senate since January 11, 2023. Member, Judicial Proceedings Committee, 2023-; Executive Nominations Committee, 2023-; Joint Committee on the Management of Public Funds, 2023-. Senate Chair, Joint Committee on Children, Youth, and Families, 2023-. Senate Chair, Joint Committee on Ending Homelessness, 2025-. Member, Women Legislators of Maryland, 2023-.

Member, State Advisory Council on Administrative Hearings, 2023-.

Member of House of Delegates, representing District 34A (Cecil & Harford counties), January 13, 1999 to January 14, 2015. Member, Appropriations Committee, 1999-2015 (oversight committee on personnel, 1999-2003; oversight committee on program open space & agricultural land preservation, 1999-2002; vice-chair, transportation & the environment subcommittee, 2003-06, member, 1999-2006; chair, oversight committee on pensions, 2003-06, member, 2003-15; chair, health & human resources subcommittee, 2007-15); Joint Committee on the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Area, 2003-07; Joint Subcommittee on Program Open Space and Agricultural Preservation, 2003-15; Special Joint Committee on Pensions, 2003-15 (house chair, 2003-06); Joint Committee on Base Realignment and Closure, 2007-11. Chair, Harford County Delegation, 2001-02 (vice-chair, 1999-2000). Member, Maryland Green Caucus, 1999-2015; Women Legislators of Maryland, 1999-2015 (co-chair, legislative committee, 2005-15); Maryland Rural Caucus, 2002-15; Maryland Bicycle and Pedestrian Caucus, 2003-15; Maryland Veterans Caucus, 2005-15. Member, National Conference of State Legislatures (economic development, trade & cultural affairs committee, 2005-07; labor & economic development committee, 2007-15).

Member, Commission for Women, Harford County, 1989-92. Board of Trustees, Chesapeake Bay Trust, 1996-2000 (treasurer). Member, Statewide 800-MHz Communications System Oversight Committee, 1999; Bainbridge Development Advisory Board, 1999-2015; Commission on Maryland's Fiscal Structure, 2002-03. Board of Trustees, Maryland Environmental Trust, 2002-08. Member, Maryland Military Installation Strategic Planning Council, 2003-06; Upper Shore Regional Council, 2003-15. Co-Chair, Task Force to Study Retiree Health-Care Funding Options, 2005. Member, Cecil/Harford Bridges Work Group, 2006; Maryland Military Installation Council, 2006-12; Blue Ribbon Commission to Study Retiree Health-Care Funding Options, 2007-09; Local [Video Lottery] Development Council, Cecil County, 2011-15; Commission to Study the Regulation of Payroll Services, 2013-14.

Member, Maryland Military Installation Council, 2019-.

Born in Baltimore, Maryland. Attended Havre de Grace High School; University of Maryland, College Park, B.S. (psychology), with honors, 1981; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., with honors. Law clerk to Judge Edward S. Northrop, U.S. District Court, District of Maryland, 1986-87. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1986. Attorney. Partner, Venable, Baetjer and Howard, 1997-99 (associate, 1989-97). Partner, Litigation Division, Hodes, Ulman, Pessin & Katz, 1999-2002. Principal, Law Offices of Mary-Dulaney James, 2003-11. Founding Partner, James & Zink, 2011-. Sole practitioner, Law Firm of Mary-Dulany James, 2019-. Member, American Bar Association; Federal Bar Association; Maryland State Bar Association; Baltimore County Bar Association; Harford County Bar Association; Women's Bar Association of Maryland. Director and Treasurer, Sexual Assault Rape Crisis Center, Harford County, 1990-98. Director, Dyslexia Society of Maryland, 1991. Director, Harford Land Trust, 1992-98. Member, St. Patrick School Task Force, 1997-; Maryland Advisory Council to Trust for Public Land, 1998-. Legislator of the Year, Health Facilities Association of Maryland, 2008. Married; three children.

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