Appointed by House Speaker:
J. Sandy Bartlett
Mary A. Lehman
Edith J. Patterson
four vacancies
Staff: Tiffany Brooks; e-mail:
c/o Department of Legislative Services
Legislative Services Building, 90 State Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 946-5350; 1-800-492-7122, ext. 5530 (toll free)
The Joint Committee on Ending Homelessness was authorized in June 2015 (Chapter 427, Acts of 2014).
To ensure that public resources, programs, and policies are coordinated and effective in preventing, mitigating the effects of, and ending homelessness, the Committee studies issues relating to homelessness. These include housing, income, health care, education, government supports, and veterans experiencing homelessness.
Sixteen members constitute the Committee. Eight are senators appointed by the Senate President, and eight are delegates appointed by the House Speaker (Chapter 104, Acts of 2016; Chapters 510 & 511, Acts of 2019; Code State Government Article, sec. 2-10A-15).
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