Appointed by Cecil County Executive with County Council consent to 4-year terms:
Carl D. Roberts, Ed.D., Chair (chosen by Board in Oct, 1-year term), 2025
Martha Barchowsky; Mario J. Gangemi, P.E.; David D. Rudolph, Ed.D. Terms expire 2022.
Joseph Brant; Raymond W. (Chick) Hamm, Jr.; James F. Reynolds; two vacancies. Terms expire 2023.
Ex officio: Sandra M. Edwards, Director, Office of Economic Development, Cecil County
Ex officio (nonvoting): Harry Coker, Jr., Secretary of Commerce; Atif T. Chaudry, J.D., Secretary of General Services; J. Thomas Sadowski, Jr., Executive Director, Maryland Economic Development Corporation; Elizabeth A. Hughes, Director, Maryland Historical Trust; Adam M. Streight, Cecil County Executive; Wayne L. Tome, Jr., Mayor, Port Deposit.
Toni L. Sprenkle, Executive Director
P. O. Box 2
748 Jacob Tome Memorial Highway, Port Deposit, MD 21904 - 0002
(410) 378-9200
Reports |
In June 1999, the Bainbridge Development Corporation was established as a public instrumentality of the State by the General Assembly (Chapter 494, Acts of 1999). The Corporation works to develop the former Bainbridge Naval Training Center, a 1,200 acre site.
Origins of the Bainbridge Naval Training Center trace to the Tome School for Boys founded in 1894 by Jacob Tome. Originally located on Main Street in Port Deposit (Cecil County), the School expanded from 1898 to 1902 to the bluffs of Port Deposit, erecting an extensive series of granite buildings, which overlooked the Susquehanna River. When the School closed in 1941, its buildings along with the land of 70 surrounding farms was acquired by condemnation by the federal government as the site for the U.S. Naval Training Center Bainbridge, which functioned from October 1, 1942 to March 31, 1976. Thereafter, from 1979 to 1991, the site was used by the Susquehanna Job Corps Center, and in 2000 transferred to the State of Maryland, which subsequently placed it under the responsibility of the Bainbridge Development Corporation.
The Corporation is authorized to accelerate the transfer of the site to the private sector. The Corporation may acquire, construct, develop, manage, market, reconstruct, rehabilitate, improve, maintain, equip, lease, repair, and operate any project at the Center which closed in 1976.
Fifteen members constitute the Corporation's Board of Directors. Eight of these are appointed by the Cecil County Executive with County Council consent. Seven serve ex officio (Code Economic Development Article, secs. 11-401 through 11-421).
Ex officio: Mary Way Bolt, Ph.D., President, Cecil College; Jeffrey A. Lawson, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools, Cecil County; Brigitte Carty, Executive Director, Lower Susquehanna Heritage Greenway.
The Board of Directors of the Bainbridge Development Corporation is assisted by the Bainbridge Development Advisory Board which formed in the Fall of 1999.
The Advisory Board includes the Cecil County legislative delegation; one representative each from the mayor and town council of Port Deposit, and the Cecil County Executive; the President of Cecil College; the Cecil County Superintendent of Schools; the coordinator of the Lower Susquehanna Heritage Greenway; and other persons designated by the Board of Directors (Code Economic Development Article, sec. 11-419).
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