Only inactive files should be transferred to the State Archives. However, sometimes new documents are generated and need to be added to a file previously transferred to the Archives. In these situations, the creating agency can interfile the new documents into the file at the Archives.
What is an interfile?
An interfile is a document that was never previously transferred to the Archives but that is being sent to the Archives to be added within a file that is already in the custody of the Archives. Please note that the Archives can only accept interfiles if the folder in which it belongs is in the custody of the Archives. If we receive individual documents to be added to files which have not been transferred to the Archives, we will return the documents to the Agency of origin.
What is not an interfile? - Complete Files
Please note that interfiles are not complete files. For example, if you previously transferred cases numbers 1-9 and 11-20, case number 10 is not an interfile. When you are ready to transfer case number 10, you should treat it as any other new transfer to the State Archives and not send it as an interfile. View Procedures for new non-digital transfers to the State Archives.
What is not an interfile? - Refiles
Refiles are records that the Archives had in its custody, then returned to the agency at the agency's request, that the agency is now returning to the Archives to put back in the same box. If a record was previously in the custody of the State Archives, it is not an interfile. View Procedures for sending refiles to the Archives
How to transfer an interfile
Preparing Records for Interfiling
- On each interfile, mark in pencil the series number (such as T2417) and location (such as HF/1/5/8) of the box into which you wish to interfile the document.
- You can label the interfiles by writing on the documents themselves (be sure to use pencil!) or by attaching a cover sheet.
- You can find this information in the Guide to Government Records (Note: This link will take you to a different website). Or, you can refer to the location inventory sent to you after a record transfer to the Archives has occurred.
- If there are multiple pages being interfiled into the same folder, you can bundle the pages and label the first page only.
- Labels ensure that all the pages go into the correct file.
Completing and Submitting Transfer Forms
- Complete the electronic Interfile Inventory Form and email it to
- Complete a new form for each type of record being interfiled. For examples, all interfiles for T2417 would go on one form and all interfiles for T3734 would go on another form.
- The inventory form documents all of the interfiles that will be transferred and is retained by the Archives for tracking purposes.
- The inventory documents the date, description, and location of the file into which interfiles will be added, to ensure that interfiles go into the right files.
Inventory Review and Approval
- Archives staff will review interfile inventories to ensure that it meets all of the interfile requirements.
- If we have any questions or concerns, we will contact you.
- If the interfile inventory is acceptable, Archives staff will let you know that we are ready to receive your interfiles.
Send Interfiles
- Once your interfile inventory is approved, send the interfiles to the Archives using a shipping method that is tracked
- Examples of tracked shipping methods include UPS, FED EX, Courier, or USPS with certified mail return receipt requested.
Interfile Completed
- Archives staff will interfile the pages into the correct folders.
If you have any questions, please contact the Archives Help Desk at 410-260-6487 or Sheila Simms, directly, at 410-260-6430.
This web site is provided as a courtesy of the Maryland State Archives. As you develop your records management program, you should consult with your agency’s Records Officer.
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