The Old Senate Chamber
The Old Senate Chamber has recently been restored to its appearance when the United States Congress met here from November 1783 - August 1784. On December 23, 1783, General George Washington came before Congress to resign his commission as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army. Just three weeks later, on January 14, 1784, Congress ratified the Treaty of Paris, officially ending the Revolutionary War, thus making Annapolis the new nation's first peacetime capital.
The arrangement of the furniture reflects the way the room looked on December 23, 1783 according to carefully researched protocols for important Congressional events in the late 18th century. Washington is shown facing the rostrum where the president of Congress, Thomas Mifflin, would have been seated. Above Washington is the figure of Molly Ridout, watching from the "Ladies Balcony," as women were not allowed to be present on the Senate floor at that time.
View of Gallery |
View of Niche |
When the Continental Congress convened in Annapolis from November 26, 1783 to August 13, 1784, it met in the Old Senate Chamber, a simple but elegant room. It was here that General George Washington, on December 23, 1783, came before Congress to
resign his commission as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army in an emotional ceremony. He left immediately after the ceremony to return to Mount Vernon and private life as a farmer.
Less than a month later, on January 14, 1784, the Treaty of Paris was ratified in this same room, officially ending the Revolutionary War. On May 7, 1784, the Chamber was the scene of Thomas Jefferson's appointment as minister plenipotentiary to join Benjamin Franklin and John Adams in Paris to negotiate commercial treaties with European governments.
The bronze statue of George Washington was created in 2014 for the restoration of the chamber and, in the gallery, there is a statue of Molly Ridout viewing the ceremony taking place. Molly Ridout's description of the event, in a letter to her mother, is one of the few first hand accounts of this historic ceremony.
President's Day Celebration
Every year, on President's Day, the Maryland Senate holds a special celebration of Washington's birthday in the Old Senate Chamber. A member of the Senate or a distinguished guest is invited to make remarks. On February 16, 2015, the new, state-of-the-art display case for Washington's resignation was unveiled before a joint session of the Maryland Legislature with Governor Larry Hogan in attendance. The master of ceremonies was retired State Archivist Dr. Edward C. Papenfuse and the speaker was Pulitzer-prize winning historian Alan Taylor, holder of the Jefferson Foundation Chair of History at the University of Virginia.
- Remarks by MD Secretary of State Susan C. Lee, February 17. 2025
- Remarks by Senator Cory V. McCray, February 19, 2024
- Remarks by Senator Nancy J. King, February 20, 2023
- Remarks by Dr. Freeman Hrabowski, February 21, 2022
- Remarks by François Furstenberg, February 17, 2020
- Remarks by Douglas Bradburn, February 18, 2019
- Remarks by Nicholas Redding, February 18, 2019
- Remarks by Senator John C. Astle, February 19, 2018
- Remarks by Senator Richard S. Madaleno, Jr., February 20, 2017
- Remarks by Chief Judge Mary Ellen Barbera, February 22, 2016
- Remarks by Dr. Alan Taylor, February 16, 2015
- Remarks by Dr. Edward C. Papenfuse, February 16, 2015
- Remarks by Chris Haley, February 17, 2014
- Remarks by Governor Martin O'Malley, February 18, 2013
- Remarks by Senator William Ferguson, February 20, 2012
- Remarks by Senator James Mathias, February 21, 2011
- Remarks by Senator Douglas J. J. Peters, February 18, 2010
- Remarks by Senator Jamie Raskin, February 16, 2009
- Remarks by Lt. Governor Anthony Brown, February 18, 2008
- Remarks by State Archivist Dr. Edward C. Papenfuse , February 19, 2007. Special ceremony in Rotunda to unveil Washington's original resignation speech
- Remarks by Senator Thomas McLain Middleton, February 20, 2006
- Remarks by Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr., February 21, 2005
- Remarks by Senator John A. Giannetti, Jr., February 16, 2004
- Remarks by Senator Senator Rob Garagiolav, February 24, 2003
- Remarks by Senator Brian E. Frosh, February 15, 2002
- Remarks by Senator Christopher Van Hollen, February 19, 2001
- Remarks by Governor Parris N. Glendening, February 21, 2000
- Remarks by Senator Barbara A. Hoffman, February 22, 1999
- Remarks by Dr. Edward C. Papenfuse on the Unveiling of Tench Tilghman's Swords, February 16, 1998
Works of Art in the Old Senate Chamber
Related Links
- Brochure on the
Portrait of William Pitt over fireplace in Old Senate Chamber
- Brochure on the
Painting of Washington, Lafayette and Tilghman at Yorktown, in the Senate Committee Room
- Brochure on
George Washington's Resignation Speech, displayed in the rotunda
- George Washington is elected Commander-in-Chief of the Continental
Army by the Continental Congress, meeting in Philadelphia, June 15, 1775.
Account of his
election and texts of his response and of his Commission. Journals
of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789. Government Printing Office: Washington, D.C., 1905.
- McKeldin, Theodore.
Bowed. Baltimore, Maryland: Maryland Historical Society, 1957
- "George Washington, Lobbyist Extraordinaire"
by Dr. Edward C. Papenfuse, Baltimore Sun, February 25, 1989