Description |
Archives of Maryland (searchable text) |
Early State Records Film # (images only) |
Other |
GENERAL ASSEMBLY (Law Record) WH & L, 1640-1692 |
Volume 1-1637/8-1664 Volume 2-1666-1676 Volume 7-1678-1683
M11779 |
GENERAL ASSEMBLY (Law Record) LL 1, 1692 |
Volume 13 |
M11779 |
A complete body of the laws of Maryland. (Annapolis: Thomas Reading, 1700). |
M11779 |
Abridgement of Laws in force in Her Majesty's Plantations of Virginia, Maryland, .... (London: 1704). |
193 |
M11779 |
All the laws of Maryland now in force: printed by authority of the General Assembly. (Annapolis: Thomas Reading, 1707] |
M11779 |
A Body of Laws made in April Assembly. 1715, April 26. (MdHI-Calvert Papers no. 823, 1715). [session laws?] |
M11779 |
The Laws of the Province of Maryland Collected into one Volume,... (1692-1718). Appended:His Excellency's Speech and Addresses of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly May 1719. (Philadelphia: Andrew Bradford, 1718). |
M11781 |
Acts of Assembly, passed in the Province of Maryland, from 1692 to 1715. (London: John Baskett, 1723). |
M11781 |
The Laws of the Province of Maryland Relating to Church and Clergy, Religion and Learning. (Trott). (London: 1725). |
M11781 |
A Compleat Collection of the Laws of Maryland.. (1692-1727). (Annapolis: William Parks, 1727). |
M11781 |
"Tobacco acts relating to the support of government, 1638-1739/40". MdHI - Calvert Papers no. 812. |
M11781 |
James Bisset. Abridgement and Collection of the Acts of Assembly of the Province of Maryland, At present in Force. (Philadelphia: William Bradford, 1759. |
M11781 |
Thomas Bacon. Laws of Maryland at large, with proper indexes : Now first collected into one compleat body, and published from the original acts and records, remaining in the Secretary's-office of the said province : Together with notes and other matters, relative to the constitution thereof, extracted from the provincial records : To which is prefixed, the charter, with an English translation. (Annapolis:Jonas Green, 1765) |
Volume 75 |
M11780 |
Alexander Contee Hanson, (Ed.). Laws of Maryland : made since M,DCC,LXIII, [1763] consisting of acts of Assembly under the proprietary government, resolves of convention, the Declaration of rights, the constitution and form of government, the Articles of confederation, and, acts of Assembly since the revolution. (Annapolis: Frederick Green, 1787) |
Volume 203 |
M11780 |
Thomas Herty. A digest of the laws of Maryland : being an abridgment, alphabetically arranged, of all the public acts of assembly now in force and of general use from the first settlement of the state, to the end of November session, 1797, with references to the acts at large. (Baltimore: printed for the editor, 1799). |
M3150 |
Thomas Herty. An Appendix, to A Digest of the Laws of Maryland, to the end of November Session, 1798 . (Baltimore: Warner & Hanna for the editor, 1799). |
M3150 |
William Kilty, (Ed.). The laws of Maryland : to which are prefixed the original charter, with an English translation, the Bill of Rights and Constitution of the State, as originally adopted by the convention, with the several alterations by acts of Assembly, the Declaration of independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution of the general government, and the amendments made thereto, with an index to the laws, the bill of rights, and the constitution. [1692-1799] (Annapolis:Frederick Green, 1799-1800). |
M3150 |
Index to the laws of Maryland commencing in 1785 and ending in 1800.(s.l. : s.n., 1801?). |
Herty, Thomas. Digest of the laws of Maryland; being an abridgment, alphabetically arranged, of all the public acts of assembly now in force, and of general use, from the first settlement of the state, to the end of November session 1797, inclusive, with references to the acts at large. Vol II (Washington 1804). |
William Kilty. A report of all such English statutes as existed at the time of the first emigration of the people of Maryland, and which by experience have been found applicable to their local and other circumstances; and of such others as have since been made in England or Great-Britain, and have been introduced, used and practised, by the courts of law or equity;.... (Annapolis: Jehu Chandler,
1811). |
143 |
Virgil Maxcy. The laws of Maryland : with the charter, the Bill
of rights, the Constitution of the State, and its alterations, the Declaration
of Independence, and the Constitution of the United States, and its amendments;
with a general index (Baltimore: P. H. Nicklin & Co., 1811). 3v |
Riley, Elihu. Index to the laws and resolutions of the State of
Maryland, from 1800 to 1813, inclusive. (Annapolis: J. Green, 1815).
William Kilty, Thomas Harris, John N. Watkins (eds).The Laws of
Maryland from the End of the Year 1799, with a Full Index, and the Constitution
of This State, as Adopted by the Convention, with the Several Alterations
by Acts of Assembly: and an Appendix Containing the Land Laws; with the
resolutions Considered Proper to be Published. 5 volumes (III - VII).
(Annapolis: J. Green, 1820) |
Volume 192 |
William Kilty.Index to the laws of Maryland, from the year 1818
to 1825, inclusive (Annapolis: Jeremiah Hughes, 1827). |
Index to the laws and resolutions of Maryland : from the year 1826
to the year 1831, inclusive. (Annapolis: William M'Neir, 1832). |
Index to the laws and resolutions of Maryland : from the year eighteen
hundred and thirty-two, to the year eighteen hundred and thirty-seven,
inclusively (Annapolis: William M'neir, 1838). |
Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
(Baltimore: J. D. Toy, 1840). |
Volume 141 |
Maryland. Index to the laws of Maryland, from the year 1838 to the
year 1845, inclusive (Annapolis: Riley & Davis, 1846). |
Otho Scott, Hiram M'Cullough, compilers. The Maryland Code : Public General Laws and Public Local Laws. (Baltimore: John Murphy & Co., 1860). |
Volume 145 |
Maryland. Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts of
the General Assembly Passed at the Extra Sessions of 1861, and the Regular
Session of 1862, Divided into Public General and Public Local Laws, and
Arranged in Articles and Sections to Correspond with the Code : also, an
Appendix, Containing the Private Acts and the Resolutions of the Extra
Sessions of 1861, and the Regular Session of 1862, in Alphabetical and
Numerical Order (Baltimore: J. Murphy & Co., 1862). v.1 |
Volume 381 |
Maryland. Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts of
the General Assembly Passed at the Session of 1864, Divided into Public
General and Public Local Laws, and Arranged in Articles and Sections to
Correspond with the Code : also, an Appendix, Containing Lists of Private
Acts and the Resolutions of the Session of 1864, in Alphabetical and Numerical
Order.(Baltimore: J. Murphy & Co., 1865). v.2 |
Volume 382 |
Maryland. Supplement to the Maryland code, containing the acts of the General
assembly passed at the session of 1865, divided into public general and
public local laws and arranged in articles and sections to correspond with
the Code : also, an appendix, containing lists of private acts and the
resolutions of the session of 1865, in alphabetical and numerical order
(Baltimore: J. Murphy & Co., 1865). v.3 |
Volume 383 |
Lewis Mayer. Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts
of the General Assembly, Passed at the Sessions of 1861, 1861-62, 1864,
1865, 1866, and 1867 : Arranged in Articles and Sections to Correspond
with the Code. (Baltimore: J. Murphy & Co., 1868). |
Volume 384 |
Lewis Mayer. Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts
of the General Assembly, Passed at the Session of 1868 : Arranged in Articles
and Sections to Correspond with the Code. (Baltimore: J. Murphy &
Co., 1868) |
Volume 385 |
J.I. Cohen and Thomas Rowland. Supplement to the Maryland Code,
Containing the Acts of the General Assembly, Passed at the Session of 1870
: Arranged in Articles and Sections to Correspond with the Code (Baltimore:
J. Murphy & Co., 1870) |
Volume 386 |
Julian J. Alexander. A Collection of the British Statutes in Force
in Maryland according to the report thereof made to the General Assembly
by the late Chancellor Kilty : with notes and references to the acts of
assembly and the Code, and to the principal English and Maryland cases.
(Baltimore:Cushings & Bailey, 1870). |
See Volume 194 for the 1912 edition |
Joseph A Thomas. A Digest of the Maryland Statutes. (Baltimore:
Innes, 1875). |
Volume 387 |
Lewis Mayer, Louis C. Fischer, and E.J.D. Cross, compilers. Revised
Code of the Public General Laws of the State of Maryland : with the Constitution
of the State. (Baltimore: John Murphy & Co., 1879). |
Volume 388 |
John Prentiss Poe. The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws : Adopted by the General Assembly of Maryland, March 14, 1888, Including also the Public Local Acts of the Session of 1888 Incorporated Therein. (Baltimore: King Bros., 1888) 2v.
Volume 390 |
John Prentiss Poe. The Maryland Code, Public General Laws : Adopted by the General Assembly of Maryland, March 14, 1888 : including also the acts of the session of 1888 incorporated therein. (Baltimore: King Bros., 1888) 2v.
Volume 389 |
John Prentiss Poe. Supplement to the Code of public general laws of Maryland : containing the public general laws passed at the sessions of the General Assembly of 1890, 1892, 1894, 1896, 1898. (Baltimore: King Bros., 1898). |
Volume 391 |
John Prentiss Poe. Supplement to the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland : containing the public general laws passed at the session of the General Assembly of 1900. (Baltimore: King Bros., 1900). |
Volume 392 |
St. George Leakin Sioussat. The English Statutes in Maryland. (Baltimore: John Hopkins Press, 1903). |
Volume 195 |
John Prentiss Poe. The Maryland Code, Public General Laws : prefaced by the Constitution of the United States, the Charter of Maryland and the Constitution of Maryland; with an appendix gving references to public local laws enacted since 1888, relating to subjects covered by the code. (Baltimore:
King Bros., 1903). 2v |
(Nearly all copies destroyed by fire in 1904) |
John Prentiss Poe. The Maryland Code, Public General Laws : prefaced by the Constitution of the United States, the Charter of Maryland and the Constitution of Maryland; with an appendix gving references to public local laws enacted since 1888, relating to subjects covered by the code. (Baltimore:
King Bros., 1904). 2v. |
Volume 393 |
John Prentiss Poe. Supplement to the Maryland code of 1904, containing the public general laws enacted at the General Assembly of 1906 : codified and arranged in appropriate articles and sections corresponding with the articles and sections of the code, with an appendix .... (Baltimore: J. Murphy & Co., 1906). |
Volume 394 |
George P. Bagby, editor. The Annotated Code of the Public Civil
Laws of Maryland: Comprising all the Public General Civil Laws of the
State, down to and inclusive of the Acts of Assembly of 1900. (Baltimore:
King Brothers, 1911). v. 1-2 |
Volume 372 |
Julian J. Alexander. British statutes in force in Maryland according
to the report thereof made to the General assembly by the late Chancellor
Kilty; with notes and references to the acts of assembly and the Code,
and to the principal English and Maryland cases. 2d ed., rev. and annotated
to date by Ward Baldwin Coe.(Baltimore: M. Curlander, 1912). 2v. |
Volume 194 |
George P. Bagby, editor. The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of
Maryland. (Baltimore: King Brothers, 1914). v. 3 |
Volume 373 |
George P. Bagby, editor. The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of
Maryland. (Baltimore: King Brothers, 1918). v. 4. |
Volume 374 |
George P. Bagby, editor. The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of
Maryland. (Baltimore: Lord Baltimore Press, 1924). 2 v. |
Volume 375 |
George P. Bagby. 1929 Supplement to the Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland. (Baltimore: King Bros., 1929). |
Volume 376 |
Horace E. Flack. Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland.(Baltimore:King Bros., 1930). 2v.
Volume 377 |
Horace E. Flack, editor. 1935 Cumulative Supplement to the Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland. (Baltimore: King Bros., 1935) |
Volume 378 |
Horace E. Flack. The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland. (Baltimore: Lord Baltimore Press, 1939). 2v. |
Volume 379 |