Archives of Maryland
(Biographical Series)

George A. Frederick (1842-1924)
MSA SC 3520-13813


U.S. CENSUS BUREAU (1850 Census Record, MD) Baltimore City, Ward 11, Sheet 129, Line 8

U.S. CENSUS BUREAU (1860 Census Record, MD) Baltimore City, Ward 11, Sheet 180, Line 13

U.S. CENSUS BUREAU (1870 Census Record, MD) Baltimore City, Ward 11, Sheet 227, Line 1

U.S. CENSUS BUREAU (1880 Census Record, MD) Baltimore City, Ward 11, ED 103 Sheet 37, Line 46

U.S. CENSUS BUREAU (1900 Census Record, MD) Baltimore, City, Ward 13, ED 172,  Sheet 2, Line 79

U.S. CENSUS BUREAU (1910 Census Record, MD) Baltimore City, Ward 11, ED 162 Sheet 13A, Line 15

U.S. CENSUS BUREAU (1920 Census Record, MD) Baltimore City, Ward 11,ED 166 Sheet 93, Line 97

Maryland State Archives BALTIMORE CITY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS (Marriage Licenses) 1865, January 10, George A. Frederick and Mary E. Everist [MSA CM 204, CR 10,277]

GENERAL ASSEMBLY (Laws) 1874, Chapter 233: An Act to establish the Maryland House of Correction

GENERAL ASSEMBLY (Laws) 1876 Chapter 194: An Act to appropriate a sum of  money for the repair and improvement of the State House

GENERAL ASSEMBLY (Laws) 1882 Chapter 174: An Act to provide for the improvement of the State House grounds and paving the circle around the same

GENERAL ASSEMBLY (Public Documents) 1878 Governor's Message and Letter from George A. Frederick

GENERAL ASSEMBLY (Public Documents) 1878 Document O: Report of the Select Committee appointed by the House of Delegates, January 9th, to Investigate the Repairs upon the State House 1878.  Annapolis:  George Colton, Printer to the General Assembly, 1878.

GENERAL ASSEMBLY (Public Documents) 1878 Testimony of the Board of Public Works in the Investigation into the State House Repairs by the Select Committee Appointed by the House of Delegates, 1878.

GENERAL ASSEMBLY (Public Documents) 1880 Testimony of Witnesses in the Investigation into the State House Repairs by the Select Committee Appointed by the House of Delegates, 1880.

GENERAL ASSEMBLY (Proceedings of the House of Delegates) 1886 Session [MSA SC 5287-5-10]

GENERAL ASSEMBLY (Proceedings of the Senate) 1888 Session [MSA SC 5287-5-12]

Maryland State Archives BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS (Minutes) 1865-1883, MDHR 12,683-2 [MSA S33-1, 1/9/2/2]

Maryland State Archives COMPTROLLER OF THE TREASURY (Paying Warrants) Nov. 1874- June 1875, Book No. 5 [MSA S703-38, 2/65/12/2]

Maryland State Archives COMPTROLLER OF THE TREASURY (Paying Warrants) June 1875 – January 1876, Book No. 6 [MSA S703-39, 2/65/12/3]

Maryland State Archives COMPTROLLER OF THE TREASURY (Paying Warrants) January 1876– June 1876, Book No. 7 [MSA S703-39, 2/65/12/4]

Maryland State Archives COMPTROLLER OF THE TREASURY (Annual Report) 1876, pg. p17-18 [MSA T3333]

Maryland State Archives COMPTROLLER OF THE TREASURY (Annual Report) 1877, pg. p38, 10 [MSA T3333]

Maryland State Archives COMPTROLLER OF THE TREASURY (Annual Report) 1878, pg. 12 [MSA T3333]

Maryland State Archives ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT (Land Records, Electronic) 1874, SH 9, pgs. 64-68, K-Tap CD 30018 [MSA T3520-4, 3/50/11/18]

Maryland State Archives BALTIMORE CITY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS (Cases Instituted Index) Compton vs. Fulton, Groome vs. Fulton, and Woolford vs. Fulton, 1875, pg 382-383 [MSA T511-22, 3/2/10/22]

Maryland State Archives BALTIMORE CITY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS (Court Papers) Compton vs. Fulton, 1876, no. 73 [MSA T508-58, 3/1/6/33]

Maryland State Archives BALTIMORE CITY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS (Court Papers) Woolford vs. Fulton, 1876, no. 74 [MSA T508-61, 3/1/6/36]

Maryland State Archives BALTIMORE CITY SUPERIOR COURT (Cases Instituted) Sudsburg v. Frederick, 1887, no. 74, p. 187, MDHR 50,336-36 [MSA C1497-37, 2/16/11/22]

Maryland State Archives BALTIMORE CITY SUPERIOR COURT (Civil Court Papers) Sudsburg v. Frederick, 1887, Box 291, Box no. 772, no. 74 [MSA T591-244, 2/19/14/37]

Maryland State Archives BALTIMORE CITY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (Death Record) Mary Elinor Frederick, 24 February 1923, D72975 [MSA CM1132-150, CR 48,19]

Maryland State Archives BALTIMORE CITY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (Death Record) George Aloysius Frederick, 18 August 1924, D89545 [MSA CM1133, CR 48,199]

Maryland State Archives CO-CATHEDRAL-MINOR BASIILCA OF THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY COLLECTION (Record of Internment) George A. Frederick, 17 August 1924 [MSA SC2707, M1522]

"Recollections of George A. Frederick." Written in 1912, pays tributes to the numerous Baltimore City architects; page 12 refers to work on the State House. Courtesy of the Maryland Historical Society, PAM 11,212. [MSA SC 5458-51-1623]

Newspaper Records-

"The New City Hall.  Laying the Cornerstone." The Sun,  19 October, 1867.

“Jobbery in the House of Correction.” Letters from the People. Baltimore American and Daily Commercial Advertiser, 26 June 1875.

“House of Correction.” Baltimore American and Daily Commercial Advertiser, 28 June 1875.

“Suits for Damage.” Local News. The Sun,  17 July 1875.

“Libel Suits.” The Hagerstown Mail,  23 July 1875.

"The City Hall of Baltimore Impsing Dedicatory Ceremonies." The Sun,  26 October 1875.

“Court of Common Pleas-Judge Garey.” Proceedings of Court.  The Sun,  18 February 1876.

“House of Correction.” Affairs at the State Capital.  The Sun,  18 February 1876.

"The Maryland State House." Notes and Clippings. The American Architect and Building News, 16 June 1877.

"Old Maryland State House, The Repairs Made in 1877-Changes in The Senate Chamber-The Architect's Explanation," The Sun, 23 December 1903.

"Frederick." Deaths.  The Baltimore Sun, 25 February, 1923.

"Frederick."  Deaths. The Baltimore Sun, 18 August 1924.

"George A. Frederick." The Baltimore Sun,  19 August 1924.

"George A. Frederick." Obituary. The Baltimore Sun, 19 August 1924.

"George A. Frederick, F.A.I.A.." Obituary. The Journal of the American Institute of Architects. Vol. 12. no. 11. November 1924. p 494.

Secondary Sources-

Chalkley, Tom. "Built to Last." Charmed Life. City Paper, Baltimore, 10 November 1999.

Dorsey, John and James D. Dilts. A Guide to Baltimore Architects. 3rd Edition. Centreville, MD: Tidewater Publishers, 1997.

"Frederick, George Aloysius." The National Cyclopaedia of American Biography being the History of the United States. Vol. IX.  New York: James T. White & Company, 1899. p. 334.

"George A. Frederick." Baltimore Architecture Foundation. 18 Oct. 2007 <>.

"George Aloysius Frederick." Baltimore Architects. The Sun, Baltimore, 22 September 1954.

Giza, Joanne and Catharine F. Black. "Cylburn." Great Baltimore Houses: An Architectural and Social History. Baltimore: Maclay & Associates, 1982. p. 79-81.

Hayward, Mary Ellen and Frank R. Shivers, Jr. The Architecture of Baltimore: An Illustrated History. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004.

Jones, Carleton. Lost Baltimore Landmarks: A Portfolio of Vanished Buildings. Baltimore, MD: Maclay & Associates, Inc., 1982.

Perlman, Bennard B. “The City Hall, Baltimore.” Maryland Historical Magazine. Maryland Historical Society. Vol. XLVII. no. 1. March 1952. p. 40-54.

"Poe's Grave." The Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore. 2 January 2001.

"The Cator Prints: City Hall, Now & Then." Enoch Pratt Free Library.

Withey, Henry F. and Elsie Rathburn Withey. Biographical Dictionary of American Architects (Deceased). Los Angeles: Hennessey & Ingalls, Inc., 1970. p. 220-221.

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