transported ; and for passengers, not exceeding the
rate of five cents per mile or proportionate part of a
mile for each passenger; and it is hereby further
Refusal or ne-
provided, that in event of the refusal or neglect of
glect to comply
the Baltimore and Potomac Rail Road Company to
comply with the provisions of this act, either as to
the rate of the charges or making up of the time-
tables for the passage of trains of the Western Mary-
land Railroad, or other roads, who have the right
to use the tunnel, then, and in that case, the party
or road so aggrieved, shall have the right to recover
from the said Baltimore and Potomac Rail Road
Company, by action in any court of law in this State
of competent jurisdiction, a sum of not leas thau five
hundred nor more than one thousand dollars, for
each day of such refusal or neglect.
In force
SEC 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from and after the date of its passage.
Approved, April 6th, 1874.
AN ACT to establish the Maryland House of Cor-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
house of cor-
Maryland, That there shall be established at some
accessible point, near the City of Baltimore, or at
such point as the Board of Public Works and Attor-
ney General may select, an institution to be called
the Maryland House of Correction, which shall be
under the control of the Board of Managers herein-
after provided for.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Board of
Board of Man-
Managers, of whom the Governor, Comptroller, At-
torney General, and Treasurer of the State, for the
time being, shall always be ex-officio members shall
consist of the following persons, viz : James I.
Hurley, John W. Davis, Goldsborough S. Griffith,
and A. H. Greenfield, who shall serve for the term