[photo, World Trade Center, at Inner Harbor, 401 East Pratt St, Baltimore, Maryland] In October 2015, the former Department of Business and Economic Development first was renamed the Department of Economic Competitiveness and Commerce by the General Assembly (Chapter 141, Acts of 2015), and then also in October 2015, the Governor renamed it as the Department of Commerce (Executive Order 01.01.2015.22). At that time, the Maryland Economic Development Commission became responsible for overseeing the Department's operations (Code Economic Development Article, sec. 2.5-202). Thereafter, in July 2016, the General Assembly renamed it as the Department of Commerce by statute (Chapter 338, Acts of 2016).

To stimulate the economy and generate jobs in Maryland, the Department of Commerce promotes biotechnology, attracts new businesses, encourages the expansion and retention of existing facilities, and provides financial assistance and training. Maryland's attributes are publicized by the Department, which markets local products at home and abroad to stimulate economic development, international trade, and tourism. The Department also invests in the arts and promotes film production in Maryland.

World Trade Center, at Inner Harbor, 401 East Pratt St., Baltimore, Maryland, Sepember 2010. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

In January 2009, the Department moved from Redwood Tower, 217 East Redwood St., to the World Trade Center, at 401 East Pratt St., Baltimore.

Until November 2019, the Department's objectives were carried out by six divisions: Administration and Technology; Business and Industry Sector Development; International Investment and Trade; Marketing and Communications; Military Affairs; and Tourism, Film, and the Arts. A 2019 reorganization assigned work to three divisions: Administration and Technology; Business and Industry Sector Development; and Marketing, Tourism, and the Arts. A further reorganization in January 2025 defined three main divisions for the Department: Administration and Technology; Business Attraction and Special Projects; and Innovation and Growth.


World Trade Center, 9th floor, 401 East Pratt St., Baltimore, MD 21202

As the chief executive officer of the Department, the Secretary of Commerce sets policy, promulgates rules and regulations, and determines the strategies necessary to fulfill the Department's mandate. Appointed by the Governor with Senate advice and consent, the Secretary is responsible for the budget of the Department, its boards, commissions, and offices. The Secretary is assisted by the Deputy Secretary who is appointed by the Secretary with the approval of the Governor.

The Secretary of Commerce serves on the Governor's Executive Council, the Governor's Artificial Intelligence Subcabinet; the Governor's Subcabinet for International Affairs, the Sustainable Growth Subcabinet, and the Governor's Warrior to Worker Council. Moreover, the Secretary chairs the Commerce Subcabinet; the Maryland Military Installation Council; and co-chairs the Employment Advancement Right Now (EARN) Stakeholder Work Group and the Maryland Outdoor Recreation Economic Commission.

As a member, the Secretary serves on the Executive Board, Regional Advanced Manufacturing Partnership of Maryland; the Maryland Advanced Air Mobility Council; the Board of Directors, Maryland Agricultural and Resource-Based Industry Development Corporation; the Maryland Agricultural Education and Rural Development Assistance Board; the Animal Waste Technology Fund Advisory Committee; and the Bainbridge Development Corporation. The Secretary is a member of the Governor's Intergovernmental Commission for Agriculture; the Maryland Aviation Commission; the Critical Area Commission for the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays; the Coast Smart Council; the Board of Directors, Maryland Community Investment Corporation; the Correctional Education Council; the Maryland Cybersecurity Coordinating Council; the Maryland Cybersecurity Council; the Interagency Disabilities Board; the Maryland Economic Development Assistance Authority; the Maryland Economic Development Commission; the Maryland Zero Emission Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Council; the Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative Fund Authority; the Maryland Entertainment Industry Council; the Commission on Environmental Justice and Sustainable Communities; the Equitech Growth Commission; the Government Efficiency Commission; the Maryland Green Purchasing Committee; the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority; the State Highway Access Valuation Board; the Governor's Commission on Hispanic Affairs; the Maryland Industrial Development Financing Authority; the Maryland Life Sciences Advisory Board; the Maryland Manufacturing Advisory Board; the Council on Open Data; the Maryland Opportunity Zone Leadership Task Force; the P-20 Leadership Council of Maryland; the Maryland Port Commission; the Rural Maryland Council; the Interdepartmental Advisory Committee on Small, Minority, and Women Business Affairs; the Maryland Small Business Development Financing Authority; the State Center Executive Committee; the Board of Directors of the Maryland Technology Development Corporation; the Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland; the Board of Regents, University System of Maryland; Governor's Workforce Development Board; and the Youth Apprenticeship Advisory Committee.

Reporting to the Secretary are three offices: Equal Employment Opportunity and Fair Practices; Internal Audits; and Policy, Research, and Government Affairs.

Within the Office of Secretary, the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity and Fair Practices began as the Office of Fair Practices and Procurement, which formed in September 2003 from the merger of the Office of Equal Opportunity and the Contracts and Procurement Unit. It reorganized in 2004 as Fair Practices, in 2009 as Equal Employment Opportunity and Fair Practices, and in 2011 as Equal Opportunity and Fair Practices. In July 2012, it reformed as the Office of Fair Practices, and again in March 2016 under its present name.

The Minority Business Enterprise Program is administered by the Office to ensure that the Department complies with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (P.L. 110-325). Guidance to managers and employees regarding equal employment opportunity and fair practices also is provided by the Office.

World Trade Center, 9th floor, 401 East Pratt St., Baltimore, MD 21202

The Office of Policy, Research, and Government Affairs began as Economic Development Policy in 1995. At that time, the Assistant Secretary for Economic Development Policy served as the Governor's Ombudsman. In 1998, Economic Development Policy was renamed the Office of Economic Policy and Legislation, and in October 2003, it reorganized as the Division of Economic Policy, Research, and Legislative Affairs. In September 2008, the Division's legislative function transferred to the Office of Business Relations, and the Division reformed as the Office of Policy and Research. In March 2009, it reorganized as the Office of Policy, Planning, and Research, and in May 2009 as the Office of Policy and Government Affairs. In July 2011, the Office transferred to the Division of Marketing and Communications, and in July 2012 it was placed under the Chief Operating Officer. The Office was renamed the Office of Policy and Research and transferred to the Deputy Secretary in October 2015. It moved under the Office of Secretary and adopted its present name in 2019.

Progressive economic development policies for the State are developed, evaluated, and advocated by the Office. The Office advises the Secretary of Commerce on how changes in State and federal regulations effect Maryland's economy, and on the effectiveness of economic development policies and programs. To the Governor, the General Assembly, and the private technology sector, the Office serves as a liaison.

The Office oversees Policy and Government Affairs, and Research and Information Services.


The Maryland Economic Development Commission was formed first by the Governor and then by statute of the General Assembly in 1995 (Executive Order 01.01.1995.04; Chapter 120, Acts of 1995). Economic development policy is established by the Commission, which, since October 2015, oversees the operations of the Department of Commerce, including its efforts to attract and retain businesses and jobs in Maryland (Chapter 141, Acts of 2015).

A strategic plan for economic development in the State was completed by the Commission in December 1995. The plan, titled Strategic Directions for Increasing Maryland's Competitiveness, recommended to the Governor program and spending priorities to attract business to Maryland. A second plan, Strategic Directions for Increasing Competitiveness of Maryland's Growth Industry Sectors, was submitted to the Governor in May 1997. Inactive since 2006, the Commission was revived in August 2009.

In October 2015, the Commission was reconstituted, both in its composition and the scope of its duties (Chapter 141, Acts of 2015). Its first responsibility now is to create a strategic economic development plan to attract, retain, and grow business and jobs in Maryland. This plan, Best is the Standard, was submitted in February 2016. The Commission also advises the Secretary of Commerce on economic development policy in Maryland.

The Commission has up to twenty-five voting members. Twenty-one voting members are appointed by the Governor with Senate advice and consent to three-year terms; and the Senate President and the House Speaker each appoint two voting members, and each appoints one nonvoting member. Four ex officio nonvoting members also serve on the Commission. The Governor names the Chair (Code Economic Development Article, secs. 2.5-201 through 2.5-207.


World Trade Center, 10th floor, 401 East Pratt St., Baltimore, MD 21202

In 1987, the Division of Administration and Technology originated as the Division of Administration. It became the Division of Administration and Information Technology in July 1999, and was renamed the Office of Administrative Services in July 2000. In December 2003, it reorganized as the Office of Support Services, and in 2005 resumed its earlier name as Office of Administrative Services. With the addition of Information and Technology Management in July 2007, it reformed as the Division of Administration and Technology, as the Office of Administration and Technology in September 2008, and as the Division of Administration and Technology in October 2015. The Division was placed under the Deputy Secretary in November 2019.

The Division develops departmental budget proposals and projections, and advises Department agencies and senior program directors on fund accounts, personnel, and purchasing. Requests for proposals and contract awards are reviewed by the Division for compliance with State purchasing regulations. The Division also provides mailroom services, monitors the use of departmental motor vehicles, and maintains liaison with building management.

Since January 2025, the Division oversees five main offices: Arts; Communications; Marketing; Rural Economic Development and Strategy; and Tourist Development and Film. The Division is responsible as well for six units: Budget and Finance; Contracts and Procurement; General Services; Human Resources; Information and Technology Management; and Records Management.

Functions of Information and Technology Management were organized in 1987 as the Division of Administration and became the Division of Administration and Information Technology in July 1999. The Division reformed in July 2000 as two offices, one of which became the Office of Information Technology. In December 2003, the Office of Information Technology reorganized as the Office of Information and Technology Management, and moved under the Office of Support Services. In 2005, it reformed as a separate office under the Deputy Secretary. In July 2007, it moved to the Division of Administration and Technology.

Information and Technology Management provides systems development, data processing, and microcomputer support and services to the Department, and manages the Department's major information technology projects. Information technology policies and standards also are developed by Information and Technology Management.

Since October 1, 2017, the Department of Commerce has had a program for the continual, economical and efficient management of its records. The Department's Records Officer develops and oversees the program, and serves as liaison to the Records Management Division of the Department of General Services, and to the State Archives (Chapter 539, Acts of 2017; Code State Government Article, secs. 10-608 through 10-611).


World Trade Center, 14th floor, 401 East Pratt St., Baltimore, MD 21202

In January 2025, the Office of the Arts was created within the Division of Administration and Technology.

Under the Office is the Maryland State Arts Council.


Under the Division of Marketing and Communications, the Office of Communications originally was called the Office of Public Affairs. It later reformed as the Office of Communications and Brand Management, and became the Office of Communications and Marketing in December 2003, and assumed its present name in January 2007. It was made part of the Division of Marketing, Tourism, and the Arts in November 2019, and transferred to the Division of Administration and Technology in January 2025.

The Office is responsible for Business News.


Functions of the Office of Marketing were found in the Office of Communications and Marketing by December 2003. The Office reformed under its present name in January 2007.

To promote Maryland's primary industries, the Office of Marketing conducts advertising campaigns, coordinates promotional events, plans displays for trade shows and conferences, and produces brochures.

The Office oversees Creative Services, and Digital Marketing.

Under the Office of Marketing, Digital Marketing began as Digital Engagement, and adopted its present name in 2015.

This unit develops and operates an interactive marketing program that includes websites and social media.

Digital Marketing oversees Digital Content.


In July 2024, Rural Economic Development and Strategy organized under the Office of Regional Growth and Retention. Reformed as the Office of Rural Development and Strategy, it transferred to the Division of Administration and Information Technology in January 2025.

[photo, Hooper Strait Lighthouse at Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, St. Michaels, Maryland]


World Trade Center, 14th floor, 401 East Pratt St., Baltimore, MD 21202

The Office of Tourism and Film began in 1948 as the Department of Information under the Hall of Records Commission. The Department became an independent agency in 1949. It reorganized in 1959 as the Tourist Development and Publicity Division within the Department of Economic Development. When the Department of Economic and Community Development formed, the Division was renamed the Tourism Division in 1970, the Division of Tourist Development by 1973, and the Tourist Development Office by 1981. The Office reorganized by 1989 as part of the Division of Tourism and Promotion. In July 1996, the Division was renamed by the General Assembly as the Division of Tourism, Film, and the Arts (Chapter 321, Acts of 1996; Code Economic Development Article, secs. 4-102). In November 2019, it reorganized as the Office of Tourism and Film within the Division of Tourism, Film, and the Arts. In January 2025, the Office transferred to the Division of Administration and Information Technology.

Hooper Strait Lighthouse at Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, St. Michaels (Talbot County), Maryland, August 2016. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

Maryland as a destination for domestic and international travelers is promoted by the Office. The Office also supports the performing, visual and creative arts, and promotes Maryland as a location for film and television production.

Under the Office are three units: the Maryland Film Office [Office of Film & Digital Media]; the Office of Strategic Partnerships; and the Office of Tourism Development. The Office is aided by the Advisory Commission on Maryland Alcohol Manufacturing.

[photo, Grapes in basket and grapepress, Dunkirk, Calvert County, Maryland]

The Advisory Commission on Maryland Alcohol Manufacturing is the successor of the Advisory Commission on Maryland Wine and Grape Growing, and was created within the Department of Commerce by the General Assembly in July 2022 (Chapter 462, Acts of 2022). It moved from the Division of Business and Industry Sector Development to the Office of Tourism and Film on July 1, 2022.

Grapes in basket & grapepress, Dunkirk (Calvert County), Maryland. September 2005. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.


World Trade Center, 401 East Pratt St., Baltimore, MD 21202

The Maryland Film Office was created in 1980 as the Motion Picture and Television Development Office (Chapter 5, Acts of 1980). It joined the Department of Economic and Employment Development in 1987 (Chapter 311, Acts of 1987). After being placed under the Maryland State Arts Council in 1992, the Office reformed as a separate entity in 1994 and became part of the Department of Business and Economic Development in 1995. It was renamed the Maryland Film Office in 1997 (Chapter 49, Acts of 1997; Code Economic Development Article, secs. 4-301 through 4-305). Since 2010, it has been called the Office of Film and Digital Media.

For film and video production, the Office promotes Maryland's diverse locations. For feature films, and television programs and commercials, it works to provide facilities throughout the State. The Office helps with location scouting, permits, casting, film crew housing, catering, and equipment rental. It also prepares and distributes materials highlighting desirable film locations in the State. To bring more movie business to Maryland, the Office maintained a satellite office in Los Angeles from July 2000 to July 2007.

The Office has assisted in the production of many Maryland films.

The Office of Tourism Development had formed as the Tourist Development Office by 1981 and reorganized within the Division of Tourism, Film, and the Arts under its present name in 1996 (Code Economic Development Article, sec. 4-201). It was placed under the Office of Tourism and Film in November 2019.

Tourism is Maryland's fourth largest industry, and has an economic impact on Maryland by creating jobs, generating tax revenue, and increasing business income. In 2016, some 42 million visitors came to Maryland, four percent more than in 2015. These visitors spent an estimated $17.3 billion, and generated about 146,000 jobs and $2.35 billion in State and local tax revenue.

To increase tourism, the Office of Tourism Development showcases Maryland's unique recreational, historical and cultural attractions. The Office promotes Maryland as a travel destination for domestic and international tourists. It publicizes major events and advises travel agents, tour operators, writers, and the Maryland travel industry about attractions, services, and facilities. The Office's matching funds and cooperative marketing programs strengthen and support county and regional travel promotion councils as well.

Ten highway welcome centers are run by the Office. All welcome centers are open daily, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Four centers are on I-95, two on I-70, and one on Highway 15 near Emmitsburg. The Youghiogheny Overlook Welcome Center is located on I-68 near Friendsville, and the Bay Country Welcome Center is near Centreville on U.S. 301. Reopened in October 2015, the Sideling Hill Center serves as a gateway to Western Maryland.

Free publications describing Maryland tourist attractions, accommodations, historic sites, State parks, camping facilities, and recreational opportunities are updated annually. These publications include Destination Maryland (travel & outdoor guide), Maryland Calendar of Events, and an official Maryland State highway map. Further, the Office publishes two newsletters: This Month in Maryland (monthly) and MARYLAND Insights (bi-weekly). The Office also works with travel and outdoor writers to provide tours of Maryland, research and information, and promotional photographs, and answers e-mail, mail and phone inquiries.

The Office is aided by the Maryland Entertainment Industry Board, and the Maryland Tourism Development Board.


[photo, World Trade Center, 401 East Pratt St, Baltimore, Maryland] World Trade Center, 17th floor, 401 East Pratt St., Baltimore, MD 21202

The Division of Business Attraction and Special Projects originated in 1959 when the Department of Economic Development was created to encourage businesses to locate in Maryland and to retain and expand existing enterprises (Chapter 185, Acts of 1959). These functions later devolved on the Division of Business Development. In 1995, the Division was renamed Division of Marketing and resumed its former name as the Division of Business Development in 1999. The Division reorganized in December 2003 into three regional components: Business Development-Baltimore Region; Business Development-Capital Region; and Business Development-Rural Region. In February 2007, Business Development-Rural Region was discontinued. In September 2008, Regional Development reformed as the Division of Economic Development, and in July 2009 as the Division of Business and Enterprise Development. In July 2015, it was renamed Division of Business and Industry Sector Development, and in January 2025 it reformed under its present name.

World Trade Center, 401 East Pratt St., Baltimore, Maryland, July 2008. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

By attracting new and expanding businesses, the Division of Business Attraction and Special Projects helps create jobs and improve the State's economy. It assists domestic and international firms in finding attractive locations in Maryland, produces market data and economic studies, and promotes international trade opportunities to Maryland firms.

The Division oversees four offices: the Governor's Office of Business Advancement; Business Recruitment and Relocation Services; Finance Programs and Incentives; and Regional Growth and Retention.


Within the Department of Commerce, the Governor formed the Governor's Office of Business Advancement in December 2024 (Executive Order 01.01.2024.39). It was made part of the Division of Business Attraction and Special Projects in January 2025.

The Governor's Office of Business Advancement provides wraparound concierge service and support to businesses and corporations seeking to locate or expand in Maryland. Major businesses, employers, and developers are helped by the Office to navigate State and local permitting and licensing and, when necessary, resolve disputes between business customers and State and local government agencies. Businesses also are helped to find and secure financial incentives through available State programs, for which they are eligible.

To attract, negotiate, and close deals on major development projects, the Secretary of Commerce is aided by the Office. These projects include, but are not limited to, large-scale commercial, residential, mixed-use, manufacturing, infrastructure, and attraction or entertainment projects.

To aid major businesses and employers with talent and workforce needs, the Office connects them with State programs and nongovernment resources.

To set performance metrics on the effectiveness of State financial incentive programs and other economic and workforce development programs, the Office collaborates with the Chief Performance Officer.

A centralized database of resources is maintained by the Office for businesses seeking to locate, expand, or remain in Maryland.


The Office of Business Recruitment and Relocation Services started in July 2009 as the Office of Business Development under the Division of Business and Enterprise Development, which reformed in July 2015 as the Division of Business and Industry Sector Development. By July 2017, the Office had been renamed the Office of Business Recruitment and Location Services within the Division of Business and Industry Sector Development. The Division reorganized as the Office of Business Development and Business Services in 2019. Later, in July 2019, it split into two offices: Business Recruitment and Location Services, and Regional Growth and Retention. In January 2025, as the Office of Business Recruitment and Relocation Services, it was made part of the Division of Business Attraction and Special Projects.

Leading Maryland’s efforts to recruit major new businesses, the Office also seeks to expand and retain major business establishments for significant new job creation and retention, and capital investment.


World Trade Center, 401 East Pratt St., Baltimore, MD 21202

In 1987, the Office of Finance Programs and Incentives began as Financing Programs under the Department of Economic and Employment Development. It reformed as the Division of Financing Programs in 1995 under the Department of Business and Economic Development. In September 2008, it restructured as the Finance Team under the Office of Economic Development, and, in July 2009, was renamed the Office of Finance Programs under the Division of Business and Enterprise Development. In January 2025, the Office became the Office of Finance Programs and Incentives under the Division of Business Attraction and Special Projects.

The Office of Finance Programs and Incentives is responsible for Maryland Economic Development Assistance Authority, the Maryland Industrial Development Financing Authority, and the Maryland Small Business Development Financing Authority. The Office also directs and supervises certain State funds used as incentives or seed money for businesses in Maryland. These funds include the Economic Development Opportunities Program (Sunny Day) Fund; the Enterprise Fund (includes Challenge Investment Program); the Maryland Competitive Advantage Financing Fund; the Maryland Economic Adjustment Fund; and the Maryland Economic Development Assistance Fund. They enable the State to retain businesses and attract new ones; foster economic growth; create new jobs; support commercial and industrial redevelopment; and help small, minority and high technology businesses.

From the Maryland Economic Adjustment Fund, loans originally were made to companies in communities adversely affected by reductions in the budget of the U.S. Department of Defense. Beginning in July 2010, the Fund began to authorize loans to companies with fifty or fewer employees. These loans enable Maryland companies to modernize manufacturing operations, develop commercial applications for technology, or enter and compete in new economic markets (Code Economic Development Article, secs. 5-203 through 5-209).

Under Financing Programs (now Office of Finance Programs & Incentives), the Maryland Economic Development Assistance Authority was authorized in 1999 (Chapter 301, Acts of 1999). In January 2025, the Authority was placed under the Office of Regional Growth and Retention.

After Departmental review, the Authority evaluates requests for loans from the Maryland Economic Development Assistance Fund, determines which to approve, and sets the terms and conditions for loans. From the Fund, loans may be used only to finance costs incurred for acquisition or construction of a building or real estate; acquisition, construction, or installation of machinery, equipment, furnishings, fixtures, leasehold improvements, site improvements; or working capital. Loans are intended for projects with a strong potential for expanding or retaining employment in the State.

The Authority's financing is through loans and grants (including conditional loans and grants), and investments (only in conjunction with a loan or grant). These go to specific growth-industry sector businesses which locate or expand in a Priority Funding Area, or to a local jurisdiction on behalf of such a business. Priority Funding Areas include municipalities, land within the Washington, DC or Baltimore Beltways, areas already designated as enterprise zones, neighborhood revitalization areas, heritage areas, industrial land, or other areas where local government wants to encourage development and which meet other criteria.

The Authority consists of the nine members who also serve on the Maryland Industrial Development Financing Authority. Seven are appointed to three-year terms by the Governor, and two serve ex officio (Code Economic Development Article, secs. 5-305 through 5-307).

In 1965, the Maryland Industrial Development Financing Authority was created (Chapter 714, Acts of 1965). Through consolidation in 2000, the Maryland Industrial Development Fund replaced the Day Care Loan Facilities Loan Guarantee Fund, the Maryland Enterprise Incentive Deposit Fund, and its own Authorized Purpose Fund and Bond Insurance Fund (Chapter 305, Acts of 2000). In January 2025, the Authority was placed under the Office of Regional Growth and Retention.

The Authority insures conventional loans made by financial institutions. It also may insure a loan or other obligation, or pay or insure the payment of premiums or fees for insurance, guarantees, or other credit support from a third party. The Authority insures up to the lesser of either 80 percent (or 90 percent in the case of export financing) of the obligation, or $2.5 million.

To participate in programs of the Maryland Industrial Development Financing Authority, a company must qualify generally in each of three basic categories: legal eligibility, economic impact, and creditworthiness (Federal Internal Revenue Code, sec. 146). A company also must be in a Priority Funding Area.

The Authority appoints the Executive Director who serves as its Secretary.

Nine members constitute the Maryland Industrial Development Financing Authority. Formerly seven were named to five-year terms by the Secretary with the Governor's approval. Since 2005, those seven members have been appointed by the Governor (Chapter 360, Acts of 2005). The Secretary of Commerce, and either the State Treasurer or Comptroller of Maryland (as designated by Governor) serve ex officio. The Authority's nine members also serve on the Maryland Economic Development Assistance Authority (Code Economic Development Article, secs. 5-401 through 5-420).

The Maryland Small Business Development Financing Authority began in 1978 (Chapter 879, Acts of 1978). In January 2025, the Authority was placed under the Office of Regional Growth and Retention.

Initially providing financial assistance to socially and economically disadvantaged persons who own small businesses within the State, the Authority's eligibility criteria was extended in 2001 to all small business owners who are unable to obtain adequate financing on reasonable terms through traditional financing methods.

Programs of the Maryland Small Business Development Financing Authority are unique. A major criterion for approval of Authority guarantees and loans is the economic impact resulting from the use of available funds. This impact is measured according to the projected number of jobs retained and created, and the projected amount of tax revenue generated from the use of these funds.

In 1992, the U.S. Congress allowed states to use public funds to establish specialized small business investment companies to serve disadvantaged business owners (P.L. 102-366). Two years later, the Maryland Small Business Development Financing Administration was authorized to organize itself into a private Maryland corporation that would be such a company (Chapter 691, Acts of 1994). Since 1994, funds under the Authority have been managed privately. The Department contracted with that privatized organization to administer programs for a period of three years and has had an option to renew the contract every two years.

The Authority has nine members. Seven are appointed to five-year terms by the Governor. The Secretary of Commerce and either the State Treasurer or Comptroller (as designated by the Governor) serve ex officio (Code Economic Development Article, secs. 5-501 through 5-514).

Under the Authority are four programs: Contract Financing; Equity Participation Investment; Long-Term Guaranty; and Surety Bonding.

Contract Financing Program. For eligible firms with government or public utility contracts, the Authority may guarantee a loan from a financial institution; it also may provide a direct loan for working capital and equipment. These guarantees or loans may be offered only to fulfill contracts on projects financed by federal, State or local government, or by a utility regulated by the Public Service Commission.

Equity Participation Investment Program. To encourage and assist the start up, development, and retention of Maryland-based franchises and technology businesses, owned and operated by persons socially or economically disadvantaged, this program was created in 1985. For all eligible firms, the Authority may invest up to 45 percent or $100,000 (whichever is less) of funds to start a franchise operation. The Authority also may invest up to 25 percent or $500,000 (whichever is less) of funds to acquire a profitable business. For these options, the Authority requires the initial investment to be recovered within seven years. The Authority also may invest up to $500,000 in technology-based businesses to be repaid in ten years.

Long-Term Guaranty Program. For all eligible firms, the Authority may guarantee and/or pay an interest rate subsidy on a long-term loan made by a financial institution. The loan may be used for working capital, acquisition and related installation of machinery and equipment, or needed improvements to real property owned by the applicant.

Surety Bonding Program. Since 1985, the Surety Bonding Program has helped eligible small businesses obtain bonds they need to fulfill contracts funded primarily by government agencies or public utilities. These may be bid, performance or payment bonds. The Program either guarantees a bond up to 90 percent or $5,000,000 (Code Economic Development Article, secs. 5-561 through 5-575).


Within the Department of Commerce, the Office of Regional Growth and Retention started as the Office of Regional Development under the Division of Business and Industry Sector Development. In January 2025, it reformed as the Office of Regional Growth and Retention under the Division of Business Attraction and Special Projects.

To retain and reinvest resources that will increase economic opportunities, the Office of Regional Growth and Retention partners with community leaders and economic development entities to sustain a business-friendly setting that encourages businesses to stay and expand in Maryland.


In January 2025, the Division of Innovation and Growth was formed within the Department of Commerce.

Under the Division are four main offices: International Investment and Trade; Military and Federal Affairs; Strategic Industries and Entrepreneurship; and Talent and Workforce.


World Trade Center, 10th floor, 401 East Pratt St., Baltimore, MD 21202

In 1988, the Division of International Investment and Trade was begun by the Department as the Office of International Business Development. Reorganized as the Office of Developing Markets in 1992, and as International Trade Development in 1995, it became the Trade Development Program in 1997 and the Trade Development Group in 1999. In December 2001, it restructured as the Office of International Trade, and in 2003 became International Business. Formerly under the Division of Business Development, it joined Technology Strategy and Business Development in December 2003. As International Operations, it reported to the Deputy Secretary until July 2007, when it transferred to Business Development as the Office of International Trade and Investment. In May 2008, the Office moved back under the Deputy Secretary as the Division of International Trade and Investment, and in September 2008, was placed under the Secretary. In March 2009, it reformed as the Office of International Investment and Trade, and in July 2009 moved to the Division of Business and Enterprise Development, now the Division of Business and Industry Sector Development. In October 2015, the Office was restructured as the Division of International Investment and Trade, and in November 2019 as the Office of International Investment and Trade. Formerly under the Division of Business and Industry Sector Development, the Office was placed under the Division of Innovation and Growth in January 2025.

The Office of International Investment and Trade assists Maryland firms in exporting their products and services to international markets. It also helps these businesses effectively initiate or expand their overseas marketing (Code Economic Development Article, secs. 3-301 through 3-309).

To attract foreign businesses to Maryland, the Office maintains ties to trade representatives with offices in twelve countries: Brazil, Canada, China, France, India, Israel, Japan, Korea, Montenegro, South Africa, Sweden, and Taiwan.


World Trade Center, 10th floor, 401 East Pratt St., Baltimore, MD 21202

Certain functions of the Office of Military and Federal Affairs started as the Office of Technology Development in January 1989. That office reformed as the Technology Commercialization Program in 1993, as the Office of Federal Response and Technology Commercialization in 1995, and as the Office of Technology Support in March 1998. It became the Office of Military Affairs and Federal Facilities in 1999. Formerly under the Division of Regional Development, as Military Affairs, it moved to Technology Strategy and Business Development in December 2003. It then transferred to the Office of Secretary in March 2004. In September 2008, it became the Office of Federal and Military Affairs, and in March 2009 reformed as the Office of Military and Federal Affairs. In July 2009, it moved to the Division of Business and Enterprise Development (now Division of Business Attraction & Special Projects). In July 2012, the Office was renamed the Office of Military Affairs. It reformed as the Division of Military and Federal Affairs in October 2015, and as the Office of Military and Federal Affairs in November 2019. Formerly under the Division of Business and Industry Sector Development, the Office was placed under the Division of Innovation and Growth in January 2025.

To support technology businesses, the Office of Military and Federal Affairs coordinates and leverages resources in the public, private and academic sectors. It also serves as liaison to federal government agencies located in Maryland. In addition, it provides financial support and training grants to companies affected by federal budget cuts and relocations.

The Office develops business relationships between U.S. military bases, federal laboratories, and private companies in Maryland to implement strategies for creating and retaining jobs, and redeveloping abandoned military sites. To minimize the adverse impact of closures of military bases or federal facilities, it helps businesses diversify to reduce their dependence on the federal government.


Through reorganization in July 2012, the Office of Strategic Industries and Innovation was established under the Division of Business and Enterprise Development, which became the Division of Business and Industry Sector Development in July 2015. The Office reformed as the Office of Strategic Industries and Entrepreneurship in October 2015, and was placed under the Division of Innovation and Growth in January 2025.

Under the Office are six units: Aerospace; Agricultural Programs; Cybersecurity; Energy; Life Sciences; and Manufacturing.

The Office of Aerospace was initiated as the Office of Cybersecurity and Aerospace under the Division of Business and Industry Sector Development. It transferred to the Office of Strategic Industries and Entrepreneurship in November 2019, and reformed as the Office of Aerospace in January 2025.

The Office is assisted by the Maryland Aerospace and Technology Commission.

Formerly directly under the Division of Business and Industry Sector Development, the Office of Cybersecurity and Aerospace transferred to the Office of Strategic Industries and Entrepreneurship in November 2019. It reformed as the Office of Cybersecurity in January 2025.

The Office of Cybersecurity supports the retention and expansion of businesses within the cybersecurity and aerospace sector through connecting such businesses to customers, investors, and potential partners, and working to ensure that workforce development programs meet their workforce needs. Further, the Office promotes business incubators and research and development at State universities, as well as encouraging technology transfer associated with federal facilities in Maryland.

In October 2015, Energy was created as Energy and Sustainability under the Office of Strategic Industries and Entrepreneurship. In August 2016, Energy and Sustainability reorganized as Energy and Agribusiness and as Energy in December 2016. Energy was renamed Agribusiness and Energy in March 2017, and returned to its former name as Energy in January 2023. It was renamed the Office of Energy in January 2025.

Within the Department of Commerce the Office of Life Sciences formed as the Office of BioHealth Technology in 2015. It reorganized as the Office of BioHealth and Life Sciences in March 2016, and was renamed the Office of Life Sciences in October 2021.

The Office of Manufacturing is assisted by the Maryland Manufacturing Advisory Board.


The Office of Talent and Workforce had started as Education and Innovation by 2019, under the Office of Strategic Industries and Entrepreneurship. In January 2025, the Office adopted its present name, when it was made part of the Division of Innovation and Growth.

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