Chair: Rebecca L. Flora, Secretary of Planning
Vice-Chair: Jacob R. Day, Secretary of Housing & Community Development

Representative of Governor's Office: Shaina A. Hernandez, Deputy Chief of Staff

Ex officio: Kevin M. Atticks, Secretary of Agriculture; Helene T. Grady, Secretary of Budget & Management; Harry Coker, Jr., Secretary of Commerce; Russell J. Strickland, Secretary of Emergency Management; Serena C. McIlwain, Secretary of the Environment; Atif T. Chaudhry, Secretary of General Services; Ryan B. Moran, Dr.P.H., Acting Secretary of Health; Carol Anne Gilbert, Assistant Secretary for Neighborhood Revitalization, Dept. of Housing & Community Development; Portia Y. Wu, Esq., Secretary of Labor; Joshua E. Kurtz, Secretary of Natural Resources; Paul J. Wiedefeld, Secretary of Transportation; Sanjay K. Rai, Ph.D., Secretary of Higher Education; Paul G. Pinsky, Director, Maryland Energy Administration; Kathryn (Kate) Howell, Executive Director, National Center for Smart Growth Research & Education, University of Maryland, College Park.

[photo, 120 East Baltimore St., Baltimore, Maryland] Staff: Charles W. (Chuck) Boyd

c/o Planning Services Division, Department of Planning
120 East Baltimore St., Suite 2000, Baltimore, MD 21202
(410) 767-1401

120 East Baltimore St., Baltimore, Maryland, August 2015. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

Annual Report to Governor & General Assembly (Code State Government Article, sec. 9-1403).
Origins of the Sustainable Growth Subcabinet trace to January 1998, when the Governor formed the Smart Growth and Neighborhood Conservation Subcabinet (Executive Order 01.01.1998.04). In July 2001, it was reformed by the General Assembly as the Smart Growth Subcabinet (Chapter 566, Acts of 2001). In October 2024, the General Assembly reorganized it as the Sustainable Growth Subcabinet (Chapters 91 & 92, Acts of 2024).

The Subcabinet helps implement Sustainable Growth Policy, recommending to the Governor changes in State law, regulations, and procedures needed to support the Policy (Chapter 759, Acts of 1997). Since 2003, the Subcabinet also oversees the Priority Places Strategy (Executive Order 01.01.2003.33). Further, the Subcabinet works to create, enhance, support, and revitalize sustainable communities across Maryland (Chapter 487, Acts of 2010; Code State Government Article, sec. 9-1403).

Defunct Subcabinet & Cabinet Council Units

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