Ex officio: Karl Pothier, designee of Attorney General; Carol A. Beatty, Secretary of Disabilities; Laura Torres, designee of Secretary of Health; Col. Roland L. Butler, Jr., Secretary of State Police; Arabia Davis, designee of the Executive Director, Interagency Commission on School Construction.
Staff: Kate Bryan; Kimberly Buckheit.
c/o State Department of Education
Nancy S. Grasmick State Education Building, 200 West Baltimore St., Baltimore, MD 21201
(410) 281-2335
e-mail: admin.mcss@maryland.gov
web: https://schoolsafety.maryland.gov/Pages/MCSS-Subcabinet.aspx
Nancy S. Grasmick State Education Building, 200 West Baltimore St., Baltimore, Maryland, October 2019. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
In June 2018, the School Safety Subcabinet was established (Chapter 30, Acts of 2018).
The Subcabinet is responsible for the establishment of a safe school information and best practices clearinghouse, and administers the Safe Schools Fund. To provide a comprehensive, coordinated approach to school safety, the Subcabinet collaborates not only with local school systems, but also with law enforcement agencies, State and local government agencies, community organizations, parents, and other interested groups.
To the Maryland Center for School Safety, the Subcabinet provides oversight and direction, and approves its annual budget (Code Education Article, sec. 7-1503).
Vacancy, Chair (chosen by Governor)
Appointed by Governor to 3-year terms: Joseph J. Cormier, 2026.
Thomas E. Alban; Jacquetta Lavon Jacobs; Gina R. James; Carol Ellen Johnson. Terms expire 2027.
Appointed by Senate President: one vacancy
Appointed by House Speaker: Eric D. Ebersole
Appointed by State Superintendent of Schools: Kellie J. Anderson, Ph.D.; Michael Brown Booker, Ed.D.; Tia McKinnon, Ed.D.
Appointed by Secretary of Human Services: Rafael J. Lopez
Appointed by Secretary of Juvenile Services: Vincent N. Schiraldi
Appointed by Center for School Mental Health, University of Maryland, Baltimore: Sharon A. Hoover, Ph.D.
Appointed by Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems: Laurel Anne Moody
Appointed by Maryland State Education Association & Baltimore Teachers Union: Pamela M. Gaddy
Representing Disability Rights Maryland: Megan Berger, Esq.
Representing Maryland Assembly on School-Based Health Care: Leigh Thurmond Weihs
Representing Maryland Association of Boards of Education: Karin M. Bailey
Representing Maryland Association of School Resource Officers: Kevin Britt
Representing Maryland Association of Student Councils: Zaria Naqvi
Representing Maryland Chiefs of Police Association, Inc.: Paul Kiefer
Representing Maryland Sheriff's Association: Matthew Crisafulli
Representing Public School Superintendents' Association of Maryland: Maria V. Navarro, Ed.D.
Ex officio: David A. Engel, Director, Maryland Coordination & Analysis Center
Created in June 2018, the School Safety Subcabinet Advisory Board assists the School Safety Subcabinet in carrying out its duties (Chapter 30, Acts of 2018; Chapter 426, Acts of 2019; Code Education Article, sec. 7-1504).
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