[photo, Brian J. Feldman, Maryland State Senator] BRIAN J. FELDMAN
Democrat, District 15, Montgomery County

Member of the Senate since September 17, 2013. Chair, Education, Energy and the Environment Committee, 2023-. Member, Executive Nominations Committee, 2019-; Legislative Policy Committee, 2019-; Joint Committee on Legislative Ethics, 2019-. Member, Rules Committee, 2023-. Member, Joint Information Technology and Biotechnology Committee, 2014; Joint Committee on Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Biotechnology, 2014-18; Workers Compensation Benefit and Insurance Oversight Committee, 2015-22. Senate Chair, Joint Committee on Federal Relations, 2015-18 (member, 2014-18); Joint Electric Universal Service Program Work Group, 2020-22. Member, Marijuana Legalization Work Group, 2019. Vice-Chair, Finance Committee, 2019-22 (member, 2013-22; property & casualty subcommittee, 2015-17; chair, transportation subcommittee, 2015-16; chair, health subcommittee, 2017-18; chair, energy & public utilities subcommittee, 2019-22; member, health & long-term care subcommittee, 2019-22). Member, Maryland Legislative Jewish Caucus, 2024-. Member, National Conference of State Legislatures, 2016- (vice-chair, communications, financial services & interstate commerce standing committee, 2017-23; member, executive committee task force on state & local taxation, 2018-; natural resources & infrastructure, 2023-; co-chair, energy supply task force, 2025-, vice-chair, 2023-24, member, 2019-). Member, Eastern Regional Conference Council of State Governments, 2019- (energy & environment committee, 2019-; health policy committee, 2019-).

Member, Maryland Offshore Wind Business Development Advisory Committee, 2013-14; Maryland Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Council, 2013-17. Board of Directors, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, 2014- (human services & public safety policy committee, 2017-). Member, Transit Task Force, Montgomery County, 2015; Task Force on the Maryland Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Program, 2015-16; Task Force to Study Maternal Mental Health, 2015-16; Maryland Economic Development Commission, 2015-. Co-Chair, Task Force to Study Family and Medical Leave Insurance, 2016-18. Co-Chair, Maryland Health Insurance Coverage Protection Commission, 2017-23. Member, Southern States Energy Board, 2019-; State Transparency and Accountability Reform Commission, 2021, Commission on Climate Change, 2023-; Task Force on Responsible Use of Natural Psychedelic Substances, 2024-.

Member of House of Delegates, representing District 15, Montgomery County, January 8, 2003 to September 17, 2013. Parliamentarian, 2011-13. Member, Economic Matters Committee, 2003-13 (business regulation subcommittee, 2003-10; corporations work group, 2003-06; property & casualty insurance subcommittee, 2003-13; consumer protection & commercial law subcommittee, 2007-10; chair, banking, economic development, science & technology subcommittee, 2007-13); Medical Malpractice Insurance Work Group, 2004; Joint Committee on Access to Mental Health Services, 2005-11. House Chair, Joint Technology Oversight Committee, 2007-09. Member, Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive and Legislative Review, 2007-13. House Chair, Joint Information Technology and Biotechnology Committee, 2009-13. Member, Rules and Executive Nominations Committee, 2011-13; Regional Revitalization Work Group, 2013-. House Chair, Montgomery County Delegation, 2007-12 (transportation committee, 2003-07; county affairs committee, 2011-13). Member, Maryland Veterans Caucus, 2005-. Member, National Conference of State Legislatures (financial services committee, 2005-07; vice-chair, communications, financial services & interstate commerce committee, 2016-, member, 2007-).

Member, Task Force on Assistance to Disabled Veterans Establishing Small Businesses, 2005.

Trial attorney, Tax Division, U.S. Department of Justice, 1988-2001.

Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, February 4, 1961. Attended Taylor Allderdice High School, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania State University, B.S. (accounting), 1983; University of Pittsburgh School of Law, J.D., 1986; The Johns Hopkins University, M.A. (government), 2000. Admitted to Pennsylvania Bar, 1986; District of Columbia Bar, 1990; U.S. Supreme Court Bar, 1998; Maryland Bar, 2001. Attorney and certified public accountant, Price Waterhouse, Washington, DC, 1986-88. Of Counsel, Kozusko, Harris, Vetter, Wareh, LLP, 2011-. Senior Counsel, Kundra & Associates, PC, 2012-19. Member, Maryland State Bar Association; Montgomery County Bar Association; American Association of Attorney-CPAs. President, District 15 Democratic Club, 2000-02. Board of Directors, Jewish Community Center of Greater Washington, 2003-13. Board of Directors, The Dwelling Place, 2004-. Adjunct Professor, The Johns Hopkins University, 2006-; University of Maryland, College Park, 2019-. Delegate, Democratic Party National Convention, 2008. Board of Directors, Montgomery Hospice, 2014-19. Outstanding Attorney Award, U.S. Department of Justice, 1991, 1993, 1997. Legislator of the Year Award, Semmes, Bowen & Semmes, 2004. Chair Award, Maryland Association of Certified Public Accountants, 2004. Legislator of the Year, Biotechnology Industry Organization, 2005. Public Service Award, League of Korean Americans of Maryland, 2005. Charles L. Binstead Industry Achievement Award, Washington, Maryland, Delaware Service Station Dealers and Automotive Repair Association, 2006. Leadership Award, University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute, 2007. Alumni Service Award, The Johns Hopkins University, 2007. Outstanding Leadership Award, Apartment and Office Building Association of Metro Washington, 2007. Legislator of the Year, Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce, 2008. Champion of Small Business Award, National Coalition for Capital, 2008. Advocate of the Year, Technology Council of Maryland, 2009. Senate Legislative Champion Award, Maryland Clean Energy Center, 2014. Legislative Leadership Award, Maryland Association of Community Services, 2015. Outstanding Legislative Leadership Award, The Arc of Maryland, 2015, 2016. Max Teichmann Award, Maryland Association of Certified Public Accountants, 2016. Leadership Award, Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility, 2016. Climate Champion Award, Chesapeake Climate Action Network, 2016. Legislative Award, Maryland State Medical Society, 2017. Michaeline R. Fedder Legislator of the Year Award, Maryland Public Health Association, 2017. Legislative Champion Award, Women Legislators of Maryland, 2018. Legislator of the Year, Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce, 2018. Special Regional Impact Award, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, 2018. Climate Champion Award, Maryland League of Conservation Voters, 2019. Honorary member, Delta Omega Gamma Zeta Chapter, University of Maryland School of Public Health, 2020. Legislative All Star Award, Maryland Retailers Association, 2020. "Wag of the Tail" Award, Warrior Canine Connection for Disabled Veterans, 2021. Legislator of the Year Award, Local no. 602, Steamfitters United Association, 2021, 2022. Special Recognition for Leadership, Maryland Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives, 2022. Community Solar Champion Award, Coalition for Community Solar Access, 2022. Maryland Rural Health Legislator of the Year, Maryland Rural Health Association, 2022. Randy Schools Big Train Outstanding Service Award, Bethesda Big Train Summer Collegiate Baseball, 2023. Legislative Partner Award, WeAchieve, 2024. Married; two children.

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