Appointed by Governor: Laura D'Amato Barrett; Ben L. Bregman, M.D.; Timothy M. Hamilton; Matthew W. Johnson, Ph.D.; S. E. Lewis; Shane M. Norte; Candace Oglesby-Adepoju; John M. Plaster; David Jun Selleh; Mark A. White; three vacancies.
Appointed by Senate President: Brian J. Feldman
Appointed by House Speaker: one vacancy
Ex officio: Carol A. Beatty, Secretary of Disabilities; Ryan B. Moran, Dr.P.H., Acting Secretary of Health; Anthony C. Woods, Secretary of Veterans & Military Families; Tabatha Robinson, Acting Director, Maryland Cannabis Administration.
Staff: Andrew C. Garrison
c/o Office of Policy & Government Affairs
Maryland Cannabis Administration
849 International Drive, 1st floor, Linthicum, MD 21090
(410) 487-8100
e-mail: (cannabis laws & regulations)
In July 2024, the Task Force on Responsible Use of Natural Psychedelic Substances was authorized by the General Assembly (Chapters 792 & 793, Acts of 2024).
The Task Force is to study: existing laws, policies, and practices relating to the use of natural psychedelic substances; the best available science and data on public benefits of responsible access to and use of natural psychedelic substances; and opportunities to maximize public benefits of responsible access to and use of natural psychedelic substances. Also to be evaluated are the best available data on potential risks of access to and use of natural psychedelic substances; opportunities to mitigate potential risks of access to and use of natural psychedelic substances; and barriers health care practitioners and facilitators may encounter relating to natural psychedelic substances, including barriers relating to insurance, restrictions by licensing and credentialing entities, zoning, advertising, and financial services.
Recommendations by the Task Force will cover any changes to State law, policy, and practices needed to create a Maryland Natural Psychedelic Substance Access Program that enables broad, equitable and affordable access to psychedelic substances. uch changes may involve permitting requirements for education and safety; access to treatment and regulated support; and production of natural psychedelic substances. Additional rcomendations may relate to a transition from criminal conduct with natural psychedelic substances, including punishment with civil penalties for nonviolent infractions to plant, cultivate, purchase, transport, distribute, or possess or otherwise engagem with natural psychedelic substances. They also may extend to expungment of records of Marylanders with convictions for nonviolent criminal offenses relating to these substances; and release of Marylanders incarcerated for nonviolent criminal offenses relating to them.
The Task Force consists of nineteen members. Of these, thirteen are appointed by the Governor, and the Senate President and House Speaker each appoint one member. Four members serve ex officio. The Governor names the Chair.
Authorization for the Task Force ends December 31, 2026.
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