Exhibits: Online
A Baltimore Watchman: Drawings by Alfred Jacob Miller from the
Walters Art Gallery
Exhibition in Government House from January - July 1996
A Character of the Province of Maryland by George Alsop
1902 reprint of original 1666 edition. Also features the map, "A
Land-Skip of the Province of Maryland or the Lord Baltimors
Plantation neere Virginia."
A Record of Heroism: The Maryland State Fair for U.S. Soldier Relief April 19, 1864 -April 30, 1864
A Taste for the Fine Arts: George Peabody's Gift to Maryland
An exhibit in Government House, July - December, 1998
African American History at the Maryland State Archives
An exhibit in honor of Black History Month, February 1998
Annapolis & the War of 1812 "The Enemy Nearly All 'Round
In June 1812, the United States went to war after years of simmering
tensions with Great Britain. The war gave Americans a generation of
military heroes and stunning victories like the Battle of New
Orleans. Most famously, the nation gained an anthem, inspired by the
defense of Baltimore’s Fort McHenry.
Baltimore Benevolence: A Record of Nineteenth Century
Philanthropy & Humane Giving
A presentation derived from the exhibition at Clifton Mansion,
Baltimore, Maryland (September 10, 2000 - August 13, 2002)
Book Binding in Early Maryland: Highlights from Willman Spawn
Prominent Philadelphia bookbinder and historian, first came to the
Maryland State Archives as a private researcher in 1963. His work
helped to further the knowledge of early Maryland bookbinders, as
well as those from Pennsylvania, Virginia, Delaware, and England.
The collection of bindings and related materials was named in honor
of the extensive research Mr. Spawn did with the records.
Charting the Chesapeake: 1590-1990
A presentation derived from the permanent exhibition at the Maryland
State Archives.
Clara Barton and missing Civil War soldiers of Maryland
Correspondence with the adjutant general of Maryland, 1865.
Documenting a Legacy: Governor Thomas Sim Lee, 1745-1819
Exhibit of Governors' Portraits in the Governor's Reception Room
George Washington's Farewell Address
This special edition of George Washington's Farewell Address is
imaged from the 1796 Session Laws of Maryland in the State Law
Lady of the House: First Ladies and Official Hostesses of
Maryland, 1777-2000
An exhibit in Government House, March - May, 2000
LYING IN WAIT: Mining the Permanent Collection
The recent cooperative exhibit of the Maryland State Archives with
the Maryland Historical Society and Maryland's National Treasures.
The Maryland Federalist: Replica of 1788 Baltimore parade ship
Maryland In Focus: A Virtual Exhibit of the Maryland State Archives
Maryland Women's Hall of Fame
An exhibit co-sponsored by the Maryland State Archives and the
Maryland Commission for Women.
Portraits of First Ladies & Official Hostesses of Maryland
from the State Collection
Exhibition in Government House from March 1995 - January 1996. A
number of these portraits are still on display there.
One Man's Civil War: A Letter from Bull Run, July 26, 1861: Transcribed Letter
Straddling Secession: Thomas Holliday Hicks and the Civil War in Maryland
The Baltimore City Circuit Court & Baltimore Bar Library Art Collection
The Bush River Declaration
Documents and resources relating to The Bush River Declaration,
March 22,1775
The Eye of the Beholder
Photographs by Marion E. Warren, 1940-1988. The electronic version
of an exhibit assembled in 1987 by Marion E. Warren and his daughter
Mame Warren.
The Use and Implications of Photographs for Mental Health Care
The Maryland State Lunacy Commission State Care Campaign, 1908-1910.
Women's History at the Maryland State Archives
An exhibit in honor of Women's History Month, March 1998
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