Straddling Secession: Thomas Holliday Hicks and the Beginning of the Civil War in Maryland
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Thomas Holliday Hicks James Kimball Harley Oil on canvas, 1867 MSA SC 1545-1175
Thomas Holliday Hicks (1798-1865) was governor of Maryland from 1858 to 1862. As governor during the outbreak of the Civil War, Hicks played a central role in preventing Maryland from joining the Confederacy. Although a slave-owner and Southerner, Hicks was strongly Unionist and rejected secession.
Hicks held a variety of political offices in his native Dorchester County and served two terms in the House of Delegates in the 1830s. He was elected governor in 1858 as a member of the fiercely nativist American, or Know-Nothing, Party. After his term ended, he served in the U. S. Senate from 1863 until his death in 1865.
Online Exhibit first created in 2009
Produced by: Jennifer Hafner, Owen Lourie, Edward C.
Papenfuse, Rob Schoeberlein, Emily Oland Squires
Imaging and printing by: Terri Fedorco, Michael
Kissel, Corey Lewis, Zachery Shea
Special thanks to: Mimi Calver, Jennifer Cruickshank,
Vicki Lee
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