Digital Resources

These resources include digital publications, special collections, and image collections from the holdings of the Maryland State Archives.

The Maryland State Archives is committed to ensuring that our digitization efforts reflect the records of interest to patrons. The Maryland State Archives' (MSA) systematic approach to digitization has been guided by the collective input of patrons, government agencies, and Archives' staff. While not every record can be made openly accessible online, systematic digitization aids in the preservation of originals by limiting the circulation of physical records.

Recently, the MSA collected feedback from the public, in the form of a survey, asking what records our patrons would like to see digitized. The results showed that vital records (marriages and deaths), land records, probate records, and cemetery records were of the highest priority to the public. This was followed closely by newspapers, church records, and naturalizations. Other types of records that were suggested included pre-1776 court records, military records (revolutionary and Civil War), censorship board records, divorce records, business records, manumission records, and Orphan Court records.

We share with you the Maryland State Archives Digitization Priorities for 2024 - 2028. The digitization of these targeted series will enhance the reach of Maryland's records and support our mission, to not only preserve records but make them accessible.

Over 110 series were identified for the Maryland State Archives 2021- 2023 Digitization Priorities which included birth records, death records, Estate Docket, Indexes, Wills, Inventories, and Administration Accounts. Of these series over 80 have been digitized and are currently publicly accessible. This 3-year effort resulted in over 10 million images being produced.

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