October, 2001 National Disability Awareness Month
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In this issue...
Condolences for September 11th tragedy. Hearing the Funk: Deaf Dance Troupe Performance at the Inner Harbor. Technology Day at the LBPH. Disaster Preparedness for People with Disabilities. Introduction of new Editor of "Tapping Technology". Regular Features: Announcements Maryland Advisory Council for Individuals with Disabilities (MACID) and Governor's Office for Individuals with Disabilities hold Public Forum in Hagerstown. Maryland Accessible Telecommunications (MAT) provides free equipment. DVS TV and Movie listings for October and November. Events ATIA 2002 Conference. Delmarva Disabilities Awareness Conference. Sibshops: Workshops for Siblings of disabled children. Achieving New Heights with Assistive Technology. CSUN Conference. Sign-A-Thon. Power Up 2002. University of Colorado Conference: Assistive Technology in Higher Institutions. The Capper Foundation's Professional and Family Training Workshops. Assistive Technology Expo Job Club at BISM. Deaf Teens weekly meeting. Self Advocacy Conference. 5th Annual Caregivers Conference. Senior Expo 2001. Senior Encounter. Respite Awareness. Disability Awareness Month. Diversity Day in Montgomery County. Sharpening the Focus Conference. United Ski Tour. Washington D.C Disability Events. Maryland Technology Showcase. Book Reviews When the Road Turns Computer and Web Resources for People with Disabilities Autism Through a Sister's Eyes Products Kurzweil 3000. The Cooper Car. iCommunicator. Internet Corner Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. National Council on Disability. Disability Resources comprehensive website. Ability Forum: Community Access through Technology. Bookshare. Events Around Maryland October Events. November Events. December Events. October Training Calendar
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