MD TAP 2001 (October, November, & December) Training Calendar.
October 4, 2001: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Lunch provided)
When people who are visually impaired attend seminars, training's or cultural events such as plays, movies, or the opera, their experience can be significantly enhanced by having someone describe the graphics, charts, actions of the presenters or actors, and other visual components of the experience. Find out the what, when and how to of audio description. Learn how to provide this service, the equipment necessary, and where you may be able to access this service and equipment.
TRAINER: Ralph Welsh, Audio Describer for Maryland Arts Access, Inc.
Presented by the main office of MD TAP. The room number for this training will be in your confirmation letter.
October 17, 2001 10 a.m. - noon
Tour the Universal Workplace and the Interactive Technology Suite at the Maryland Rehabilitation Center and hear about the great variety of technologies available to help people with all kinds of disabilities. TRAINERS: Patrick McCurdy, Information and Referral Specialist and/or Susan Levi, Technology Demonstration Specialist.
Presented by the main office of MD TAP. The room number for this training will be in your confirmation letter.
November 14, 2001 1 p.m. - 3 p.m.
Tour the Universal Workplace and the Interactive Technology Suite at the Maryland Rehabilitation Center and hear about the great variety of technologies available to help people with all kinds of disabilities. TRAINERS: Patrick McCurdy, Information and Referral Specialist and/or Susan Levi, Technology Demonstration Specialist.
Presented by the main office of MD TAP. The room number for this training will be in your confirmation letter.
November 29, 2001: 1 p.m. - 3 p.m.
There are alternatives, other than voice recognition, to standard keyboards and mice that can help people who don't have hand use, have difficulty with hand use or pain with using standard keyboards and mice. Come and join us to see some of these devices and software programs.
TRAINER: Taylor McConnaughhay, Rehabilitation Technologist.
Presented by the main office of MD TAP. The room number for this training will be in your confirmation letter.
December 18, 2001: 10a.m. - Noon
Lots of senior citizens and people with disabilities have difficulty using a standard phone because of hearing, speech, physical or cognitive problems. The good news is that there are lots of phones out there adapted for their use. Learn about their availability and how consumers might be able to get them for free.
Presented by the main office of MD TAP. The room number for this training will be in your confirmation letter.
Holly Foundation's Upcoming Events & Training's.
October 22 - Respite Conference: All day conference in Linthicum, MD. Call for details.
October 25-26 - IntelliTools Professional Development Workshop: A two-day training for educators, parents and professionals to explore alternate computer keyboard access with IntelliKeys. This Workshop will be conducted by a national IntelliTools Trainer on the specialized software. Location: Wor-Wic Community College. Fee.
November 3 - Christmas Bazaar: A great way to do your Christmas shopping early. A fun filled day of crafts, crafts and more crafts. Held from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on the grounds of the Holly Center, 926 Snow Hill Road, Salisbury. Refreshments available throughout the day.
November 10 - Parent Training: Parent's Basic Rights in Special Education, 9 a.m. to noon. Joint effort of Holly Foundation and Parents' Place of Maryland. Location: Queen Anne's County Library, 121 S. Commerce St., Centreville, MD. Donation accepted.
November 14 - Demo Lab Tour: An overview of Demo Center Lab which includes resources and equipment for all disabilities. Advanced registration required to attend. Location: Holly Foundation office, 1303 Old Ocean City Road (old Lowe's Building), Salisbury from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. No fee.
November 17 - Basket Bingo: Play BINGO? Like BASKETS? Then, you'll love this event. Location: Salisbury Moose Lodge #654, 833 Snow Hill Road, Salisbury. Doors will open at 5:00 p.m. and games begin at 7:00 p.m. Refreshments will be available. Tickets $20 in advance and $25 at the door.
December 7 - Christmas Dance: A free community event held for individuals with developmental disabilities throughout the Eastern Shore. Location: Dorchester American Legion Post #91, Route 50, Cambridge.
December (date TBA) - Christmas Gift Giving: Volunteers needed to help Santa make his deliveries to each resident at the Holly Center, 926 Snow Hill Road, Salisbury. Join us for a joyous evening of gift-giving and caroling.
For more information or to register for any of the events, please contact Lee Lewis at 410-572-6206 or email at