Maryland Flag
October, 2001

Tapping Technology

Internet Corner

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Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

The Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing is one of the world's largest membership organizations and information centers on hearing loss and the auditory approach. AG Bell focuses specifically on children with hearing loss, providing ongoing support and advocacy for parents, professionals and other interested parties.
Founded in 1890 by Alexander Graham Bell, the association offers a wide range of services to its members, as well as providing general information to visitors and friends. AG Bell publishes books and brochures related to hearing loss and also publishes a magazine, Volta Voices, and a scholarly journal as well.
AG Bell provides financial aid for mainstreamed, auditory-based education to qualifying applicants at pre-school, school-age and university levels regional conferences and biennial conventions are held to educate both members and non-members on issues relating to hearing loss. Finally, AG Bell provides governmental and education advocacy services through its state chapters, children's rights coordinators and international affiliates.
Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
3417 Volta Place NW
Washington DC 20007-2778
(202) 337-5220 Voice and TTY
(202) 337-8314 Fax

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National Council on Disability.

The National Council on Disability (NCD) is an independent federal agency making recommendations to the President and Congress on issues affecting 54 million Americans with disabilities. NCD is composed of 15 members appointed by the President and confirmed by the U.S. Senate. In its 1986 report Toward Independence, NCD first proposed that Congress should enact a civil rights law for people with disabilities. In 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law.

NCD's overall purpose is to promote policies, programs, practices, and procedures that guarantee equal opportunity for all individuals with disabilities, regardless of the nature or severity of the disability; and to empower individuals with disabilities to achieve economic self-sufficiency, independent living, and inclusion and integration into all aspects of society.

NCD is currently coordinating a multi-year study on the implementation and enforcement of the Americans with Disabilities Act and other civil rights laws.

1331 F St., NW, Suite 850 --- Washington, DC 20004

Voice: (202) 272-2004 --- FAX: (202) 272-2022 --- TTY: (202) 272-2074


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Disability Resources comprehensive website.

A "wonderfully well-organized site ... for cutting through the morass of disability-related material on the Web" -- Encyclopedia Britannica Internet Guide

What We Are...

Disability Resources, inc. is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization established to promote and improve awareness, availability and accessibility of information that can help people with disabilities live, learn, love, work and play independently.

Who We Serve...

We serve thousands of individuals with disabilities through a multidisciplinary network of service providers and consumers. In order to reach as many people with disabilities as cost effectively as possible, we target our services and publications to libraries, disability organizations, independent living centers, rehabilitation facilities, educational institutions, and health and social service providers.

What We Do...

We disseminate information about books, pamphlets, magazines, newsletters, videos, databases, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, telephone hotlines and on-line services that provide free, inexpensive or hard-to-find information to help people with disabilities live independently.

Thousands of the best disability resources on the Internet, personally selected and annotated by the staff of Disability Resources Monthly and alphabetically arranged by subject for easy access.

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Ability Forum: Community Access through Technology.

Ability Forum's mission is to build a complete on-line community resource center where people with disabilities overcome barriers through the power of technology. Discover where your abilities can take you!

Includes a wide array of information: Jobs center including a Jobs Database, a Resume Database, and an Interview room; Resource Center with links to Assistive Technologies and Educational programs; and a Town Square with up-to-date news and events information, theater information, and much, much more.
3312 W. Hawthorne Rd. - Tampa, FL 33611
Phone: 813-835-5970 FAX: 813-831-5124

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Bookshare. is an online community that enables people with visual and other print disabilities to legally share scanned books. takes advantage of a special exemption in the U.S. copyright law that permits the reproduction of publications into specialized formats for the disabled. is expected to be fully functional by late 2001. welcomes your questions and comments. Hearing from you is the best way for us to learn more about your needs and your ideas so that we can work to continually improve the online community.

Contact Us:

General Information
For general information, to ask questions about, or to share suggestions or new ideas, please email us at
The Benetech Initiative
Building 23
P.O. Box 215
Moffett Field, California 94035-0215

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