Volume 703, Page 643 View pdf image |
643 Charles County fs.t On the 17.th of August 1765 came before us the Subscribers Mess.rs John Barnes and Thomas How Ridgate the two Subscribing Witnesses to the Above And within Instrument of Writing and made Oath on the holy Evangels of Almighty God that they saw Mary Holmes Sign Seal and deliver the Within Deed or Instrument of Writing sworn the day and year Afores.d before Jo H Harrison Recorded 18.th September 1765 Tho.s Contee 18 sides This Indenture made the eighteenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and sixty five Between James Hollyday of Queen Anns County in the province of Maryland Gent of the one part and Philip Davis of Kent County and Province af.d Mariner of the other Part Whereas the said James Hollyday did at the Provincial Court held at Annapolis on the Second Tuesday of this present month of September upon a Writ of Entry sur Disseisin en le post before the Justices of the same Court recover by common Recovery against the said Philip Davis a Moiety of all that Tract of Plantable Land lying at the Head of Sassafrass River called Davis's Triangle containing One Hundred and forty Acres with the Appurtenances in Kent County af.d in which Recovery the said Philip Davis did vouch to Warranty the common Vouchee Whereby a good and prefect common Recovery with single voucher of the said Premisses with the Appurtenances according to the usual Form of Common Recoveries was had against the said Philip Davis and his Heirs as by the Record thereof remaining in the said provincial court it doth more at Large Appear Now This Indenture Witnesseth and it is hereby declared that the True Intent and Meaning of all the Parties to the said Recovery and yet it is that the said Recovery and the Execution thereof should and Shall be and enure and be construed judged and taken to be and enure that the said Recoveror and his Heirs should and shall stand and be seised of the said Premisses with the Appurtenances and of ever Part and parcell thereof to the uses Intents and Purpose herein after set down expressed and declared and to no other use intent or purpose whatsoever that is to say to the use of the said Philip Davis and his Heirs forever In Witness whereof the Parties af.d have to these Presents set their Hands and seals interchangeably the Day and year first above Written Sealed & Delivered In presence of Ja Hollyday seal Jn.o Brice Philip Davis seal Tho.s Ringgold On the Back of the aforegoing Deed was thus written viz Be it remembered that on the eighteenth Day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty five personally appeared before |
Volume 703, Page 643 View pdf image |
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